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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. Which recent games improve upon NOLF2?
  2. no. How about a minor character? Please? It's just that it's awesome...
  3. You should make MT to look like your avatar.
  4. I'm guessing playing with the Ass. Prod. on your team can be an advantage, no?
  5. Those are some really, really low scores. How do you manage to miss a goal that has no keeper and a huge open space in front of it? Considering it's a 50 metre long playing field, you should be able to just hoof the ball into the goal from your own half.
  6. Oh... That's not actually football. Who came up with that model? Also, considering that setup, I'm really surprised at the low scorelines. Are the games very short?
  7. Could you explain this better? Where, exactly is the dead zone? And what do you mean by sweeper keeper? Isn't the guy a regular keeper?
  8. Well, with your professional activity that makes sense.
  9. You mean monkeys. Shooting monkeys in sewers is fundamental for good, engaging gameplay.
  10. Is the art on Game Informer's cover reflective of the game's actual style?
  11. I vote for Jools Binglebottom.
  12. Considering this seems to be a real world RPG, how far will you go with the freaky technology, and the realm of magical plot events?
  13. Will unarmed be an option only really available to stealth characters, or will you be able fight "River Tam" style with masses of opponents?
  14. And monkeys. The game must have monkeys.
  15. I'd just like to say that I thought 3E in IWD2 was awesome, and a huge part of why I enjoyed the combat in the game so much. Also, I've rolled up more parties "just for fun", in IWD2 than in any other IE game, and that wouldn't have happened if not for 3E, of course.
  16. You mean at the Codex?
  17. The "breaks flow" bit was a really great "wait, what?" moment.
  18. "Lies make the lord of battles cry."
  19. Of course. Tyte is Sawyer's middle name. J.E. Tyte Sawyer. It has a nice ring to it.
  20. Sounds like the type of game I've been waiting for: real world RPG, with deep combat mechanics. I'd just like to ask Obsidian not to skimp out on the combat. Make it hard and make it deep. Full location based damage would be nice. Edit:Now, when will a board section for Alpha Protocol be created?
  21. I see it, but I still can't understand how anyone can actually support a ban on birth control in this day and age. It's like the Catholic Church thinks it lives in La La land.
  22. The pool scene in the last episode was great.
  23. Isn't Kresselack the same guy who did Sarevok, and that face from the last Matrix? EDIT:And the answer is no. He's actually Tony Jay
  24. I also thought this episode was great. Not as good as the last one, but that's nothing to be ashamed of.
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