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Everything posted by steelfiredragon

  1. you know the kids could always file charges bullying is just a form of harrasment
  2. a bit of both. some sc-fi crpgs have been fairly enopjyable
  3. 342 Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Flatulence on the otherhand, this along with the permanant spell feat and the wall of force spell you could make a dinger of a stink trap
  4. 342 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha twisted
  5. wasnt paying attention to his chest, and wasnt paying attention to her chest all that much either, i was paying too much attention to the morotorcycle
  6. as far as ghost rider, different strokes for different folks, i enjoyed it, well atleast much more than elecktra and dare devil
  7. ghost rider was the last i watched
  8. no-comment
  9. no-thnx have all those games, dont need a collection of this nad that for more clutter
  10. the dark seductress returns after a long absence......... sounds like fun...... but boethiah would ahve been more fun. and i better see mad skooma addicts... ( theres a party at mothers)
  11. well what ever he gets, he well lets just say that prosoners dont tend to really like 3 things and well i think hhe might have follen into one of them, he'll likely get death one way or the other.
  12. shakes head in disbelief, my my what will people do these days for a mere 10 seconds of fame.
  13. yeah it be a mess, a bloody mess if you hit it, but it wouldnt be a good idea even morale either. junk it is, junk it will be, if you want to screw around with an intruder than might a suggest you get a rail gun....
  14. science can not and will never be able to explain everything.
  15. im going to wait until march but yes i plan on getting it.
  16. monkey island??? thats the game that you went dualing by using insults right???? if so it was a dumb game, and a guild off of it will be equally dumb. yeah i can bet that the fans of the game will poke fun at it amongst other dealings.... i however am not one of them, nor do i like WoW
  17. he doesnt understand christianity and i dont understand people. each of the oldest faiths in the wrold all have one thing in common and mankind as a whole does it, they all say basically NOT to go out killing others, so how come we as a race are still killing eachother off.....
  18. if i hear duke nukem one more time im going to stick my size 13 boot up some evil scum sucking babe kidnaping alien's backside. i hate Duke Nukem. the MC could waste him
  19. its sick either way but who am i to judge, so no comment
  20. not quite a good move, if its made for the xbox 360 then it will end up being as bad as fobos was, it will fail and the franchise of fallout will pass on into the trash bin.
  21. i wish they had the complete domains instead of nwn partial. better they had been left out of the game itself until the time needed to spend on it correctly was allowed. and dont post here telling me they are a part of 3.5 rules and to get used to it, i know that, im not against domains, im only against partial ones.( ie domains only give 2 spells when taken + domain power, they are suppose to give 9 spells 1 each lvl + domain power. i got cheated out of holy smite in nwn and nwn2.
  22. well not all games can have "smart AI" like Cortana can they???
  23. raising the cap, why?? you have players in nwn2 that say the cap is to high, you have some wanting epic lvls, you have some wanting this and that. i enjoy each game and module made for what not game for what they are worth and the enjoyment i got out of it. tbh will be no different, ill play it and enjoy it for what its worth, epsicially since its not on the sword coast, ive seen enough of that area for a while, so much that even the cities i wanted to see i saw next to none of it, namely waterdeep. the dalelands will be a welcome change, even more so if we can go to cormyr or myth drannor after tbh ends in its sequal.... but that would be dreaming wouldnt it?
  24. not surprised. the playstation too will be weaded out and go the way sega did. down to making games only, and still losing buisness, im not planing on buying another console
  25. i want nano machines so i can be like able nightroads... well i dont want any really, dont see the point.
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