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Everything posted by steelfiredragon

  1. so i take it we will se the black hound then?
  2. trinity blood erueka seven are decent and they are on cartoon network currently
  3. has no idea
  4. http://ww2.wizards.com/Books/Wizards/Produ...x?doc=959167400
  5. i feal your pain. the first two transformersi ever got were mirage and bumblebee, so i had t ogo and buy them. also have a blurr somewhere around, the roiginal blurr somewhere around, the optimus prime from one of the series RC is laying in my desk, and that other female transformer whos name i forget. but i want grimlock
  6. and so passes one of this contry's many former presidents. RIP
  7. and so goes the god father of soul. rest in peace. but once a legend you never die and his music will live on after we are dust
  8. i thought the game was removed, i thought the same had happened to UO. well as to if its worth it, play the free trial, you have nothing to loose save the time. if you think its worth it then you'll likely buy it and have a subscription to it. but some of us hate mmorpgs becuase of that very reason, refuse to pay to play. a few of the mmorpgs are worth it, but not many as i work nioghts and i dont think id have time ehough to warrant any price on it.
  9. you and me both. while i dont discreminate i think its a load of BS both the fact that he wanted the quran, and the fact just how bad the media has taken it.( though he being muslim, i can see why he did the quran.) waht is the correct spelling of it anyway.
  10. remember seeing a modul titled spires of ravenloft or something off to work
  11. umm pardon me but im not reading all this, places to go things to do. anyway for those who played jedit academy, remember what kyle was saying about the force is that none of the powers are inherently good or evil, but merely how they were used and why that deterimned the outcome. killing for the sake of killing is DS material killing 5 to save 5000 is a grey area, while still evil, you end up breaking even healing the child of his wounds is an unselfish thing. and the ends justify the means is a darkside statement and its wrong. its actually the means justify the ends or you get out of it of what you put into it.
  12. that may be, the joke though isnt funny as somebody dies jokes tend to rather bad and faking it is just as. otherwise there is no inoppropriate time for a joke thats true, there are however inoppropriate jokes.
  13. it would have yes, the issue is that from what i hear is that IE was a pain ithe arse to code so.... it would make a great one for nwn2 though.
  14. http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mi/20061221a are these a few friends of yours????
  15. joke or not, some people wont and dont find that kind of thing funny. and its not funny
  16. okay : 1: the takhisis is dead, so unless she had an escape plan A and b and pullled off a Bane thing she will stay dead. 2:yes and no all the dnd campaigns are in a way connected, they connect only via means of the planes that they share, greyhawk, FR and DL share the astral plane, while GW,FR and Eberron share a plane of shadows or shadow plane, two versions and both are true. as for the other settings, like dark sun, well you'll have to ask someone else
  17. links would so be nice
  18. road of the patriarch
  19. can we just lock this thread??
  20. so is it 10 pages or 11 to lock it ?
  21. linear is not that good. and i got 1 reason to why your 50 reasons dont matter to anyone other than yourself. 1: matter of oppinion
  22. there is a complete champion now. there is also a book of the many magical items, a greyhawk book, a new cormyr adventure. a new shadowdale adventure and a great deal of novels and eberron junk.
  23. that it would. in ancase when dealing with a multclass deal whether or not if its one or more base classes or with one or more prcs, what you have to look at is what does warlock gain to loose in the mc deal, with enlightend mind you loose pretteymuch all of your invocation choices, while gaining being immune to fear and be able to look menacing to your opponents, you gain a select few invocation with this build, but you can fly with it. the eldritch disciple, what you stand to loose 3 lcls of warlock, 3 lost invocations what you stand to gain: being able to heal yourself turn undead, more invocations, more invocations gift of divine boss( takeable multiple times) the eldritch thuerge what you stand to loose: weak familiar, one arcane spell lvl, EB damage, what you gain +1 to arcane caster lvl at lvl 2 up, more invocations at lvl 1 up wacky comobo warmage 5.warlock 5. ET 10 with battlecaster you can use both the invocations and arcane spells in medium armor a 2o warlock looses nothing and gains nothing , but can use just about anything. since your evil tiefling warlock is rancidly rotton, im going to share with you some knowledge of feats: fiendish heritage feats will aid a tiefling and basically turn it into a half-fiend with those feats, and there is about 4 of them and along with the fey heritage feats they will stack with the abilities granted by the warlock and the tiefling
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