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Everything posted by steelfiredragon

  1. dont like eberron either, smells like a 50 lb bag of bat guano, or a 50lb bag of manure but Gromnir is right about complete divine. complete champion also has greyhawk material in it, in fact so do complete mage and arcane.
  2. i dunna like ebay anyway. crooks mostly
  3. never bought those two books/ never bought the 3.5 mm either. thats what the srd was for.
  4. so true bucky should of stayed as that winter soldier or whatever he called himself. i wont be catching up with it either. as far as i care, they can go find the scartlet witch but then id also have to wonder if Steve survived and the doctor was paid off.
  5. they brought capt. america back, bucky now is capt. he is no steve.........
  6. might not be buying it myself. I might go off to hackmaster or maybe castlemourne........ all said and done, all wotc will end up doing is sending off the FR's older faqnbase just to get a good deal of the WOW children, and then all they do is break even. the more i read in those articles, the more it pisses me off, then they post something i like.
  7. Crew this is the captain, im activating Cole Protocol: article 11 , all hands abandon ship( this is directed at the FR franchise not at wizards)
  8. incase anyone wants to read it
  9. 100 year time jump confirmed. new article is up, well the 4E realms look good to a point , now it looks way to much like eberron, and eberron stinks. Sembia is shade occupied unther is now called something else, and is ruled by the dragonborn the swordcoast escaped pretty much unscathed cormyr is called imperial cormyr moonshae is screwed up to some extent
  10. bards tale 4 ultima 10( sell it back to RG) fallout 4 and 5 kotor III
  11. I guess, but I rather be the guy who watches the Falcon fly off getting shot at Stormtroopers, and while all that is going on take out one trooper by himself from behind, steal his gear, and sell it to jawas. man that bites, use a grenade take out several storm troopers, steel their stuff and sell it to jawas. or you could just drop that grenade in the torleit in the officer's mess and take them out , steal their stuff. either way ... hope you have a cloakable ship...
  12. in morrowind, that outpost molag bal or something, one of the guards there has glass armor, but your going to have to kill him to get it.
  13. thats true in a way they did have to many,but from what i hear so did Greyhawk. but trying to say that selune and sehanine moonbow are the same is just bad. I can buy Talos and Gruumsh being the same..... to a point. A different way or a compromise....
  14. the axing of many of the higher lvl npcs, this was bad. those npcs though were never to be in user end campaigns. if the pcs fail game over man game over. the number of gods they are combining. the slaying of helm, and mystra. this is just the bad and the tip of the iceberg too, well for me anyway
  15. thats true but what if both reek like a 3 day old diaper from a newborn icu
  16. well it seams that the drizzt image was a placeholder...
  17. I wouldnt even begin to imagine how to put 4e into a game.
  18. you guys can go argue and drink that pint of beer and ill go kick back in Myth Drannor
  19. so is there anything new on this yet?
  20. That sounds like a well informed decision that was made after many hours of careful consideration. and that sounds like a poor attempt at sarcasm. you failed turn in your moderator status. you cant be a moderator and do poor at sarcasm you must succeed at sarcasm and fr4.0 sound bad as they are doing away with all the deities, they are trying to say that sehanine and selune are one in the same. next up will be sune and hanali boycott fr 4.0 wait for FR 5.0 Hello mister stupid, I am here to inform you that: a) Joe Bulock is a developer working at Obsidian rather than a moderator b) By all accounts if we are to judge his post as sarcasm, it was rather witty and well done! But why should we consider it sarcasm? Perhaps it is indeed a compliment for your outstanding show of intellect and wisdom! Regards, Me in fact by name calling you are violating the end users agreement. i read his post quickly and read the tag under his name as moderator. my posts are not and never have been whitty, and his post was poor sarcasm. i have not posted my reasons for stating that $ edition realms smells like a 3day old diaper from a newborn intensive care unit. but i dont feal the need that i have to since everyone else already has. the loss of the stat blocks, killing off gods and goddesses, combining gods and goddesses, having an eberron fan as a development lead or something, poor choice of comments made by $e developmenters. will it end up being sick feces from a newborn intensive care unit, well i plan to boycott it myself if that ends up the case. Ill give wotc the 4e wizard, never liked the spell slots. but i also liked my ranger and paladin being able to cast spells to. and i have yet been able to find anything out about that part.
  21. That sounds like a well informed decision that was made after many hours of careful consideration. and that sounds like a poor attempt at sarcasm. you failed turn in your moderator status. you cant be a moderator and do poor at sarcasm you must succeed at sarcasm and fr4.0 sound bad as they are doing away with all the deities, they are trying to say that sehanine and selune are one in the same. next up will be sune and hanali boycott fr 4.0 wait for FR 5.0
  22. i know someone who works with someone from Iran. he said they were so poor there that people were paid to go out and lie that the US was all wicked and stuff. hadnt talked with the guy for myself, hadnt seen him or met him for that matter...... but that is all a bunch of politics, and in its own right religious too, feed your family and loose your soul in the process. i hate politics. nothing against the Iranians though, they lie just like everyone else. but some cultures just need to grow up and stop making the mistakes other cultures have already made.
  23. so far the realms 4.0 sounds like a dirty diaper from 3 days ago in a newborn icu .
  24. Rest in Peace may we meet in the next life, so that I may get to watch.
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