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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. I come from a pretty big family. My mom has 4 sisters and my dad has 3 brothers and a sister. Each of these brothers and sisters are married and have two children meaning I have a lot of cousins. My mom is the eldest of her sisters, my father is the eldest of his brothers and sister. I guess that gave them a sense of responsibility because they take care of them and they take care of my parents in return. We are a pretty close knit bunch. My mom's side of the family usually gets together every Sunday to eat and drink and make merry. My father's side meets around once a month and during any Jae Sah (kind of a ancestor worship ceremony in Korea) to eat, drink and make merry. Both sides joke that if I ever bring a girl home, the girl must be able to pass the drinking test. This basically consists of accepting shots of Korean vodka(soju) from every elder person at the table without passing out/throwing up. Its a lot of fun and I miss going to them, especially now that my older cousins are old enough to drink. I'm the oldest cousin of the bunch. Its good to know that you have a group of people to take the good times and bad times with.
  2. I've discovered that the backlog of old games that I haven't played is currently so large that I can pick up those games relatively cheap and by the time I get through playing those games I can pick up the newer games cheap too. I'll go to Best Buy or CompUSA from time to time and see if they have any good deals. It works well. The only games I'll buy at full retail price are single player CRPGs that I've wanted to play for a long time. KOTOR2, NWN2 and MoTB I purchased right away. Hmm..seems like the only games I've been really looking forward to for the past few years are all OEI games. Well and Starcraft 2.
  3. HAHAHA. Thanks for making me laugh out loud during work.
  4. Watched the Godfather Part 3. Figured I had to see how it all ended. It was a great movie as well with a fitting ending.
  5. This looks really good. Thanks for the link.
  6. Here is what I got: Khelgar - Alive and well. Got lost chasing your abductors. Neeshka - Nimbly skipped out of the way of the destruction and made it to safety. Elanee - Pushed the PC away from the falling debris but got pinned herself. May be either unconscious or dead. Grobnar - Last seen covering the construct from the destruction. Most likely dead. Qara - In my game, she betrayed my PC so dead. I liked Qara too. Sand - Last seen casting a transmutation spell - Good chance that he survived, maybe sheltered other companions if he transformed into an massive golem or elemental. Casavir - Last seen sacrificing himself so others could make it to safety. Good chance that he did not survive. Zhjaeve - Ammon doesn't seem to know what happened. I think she survived, possibly made it back to Limbo. Construct - Helped bash down walls in the escape - Probably deactivated. I didn't feel satisfied with the vague endings for the OC companions. I liked the group a lot and I wish you had been given the chance to teleport to the scene of the final battle to help free your companions and help them find their way out. A nice little reunion followed by another farewell as you're whisked back to Rasheman. Somebody make a mod~
  7. Must resist buying 360. First build awesome PC, then wait for PC special edition.
  8. I didn't look through the entire post, so I hope this hasn't been posted. Indian Nipple Song
  9. I pray that one day my kids will be no where as screwed up as that girl, sad as this incident is.
  10. My level of interest in most console games is low enough that the consoles themselves don't warrant a purchase right away. I usually buy consoles when the next generation of said consoles start to appear. Then I can get everything for cheap and I know exactly what games I will buy. I bought a used X-box to play Ninja Gaiden Black, Crimson Skies. Almost got Jade Empire, but I knew a PC version would come out sooner or later. I got a PS2 to play Final Fantasy, which I discovered I didn't much like, Metal Gear Solid 2,3 ,Soul Calibur and God of War. Of course I discovered a few other gems along the way like the Burnout Series. If I like a game, I will play it sooner or later no matter what hardware it runs on.
  11. The Godfather isn't how the mafia is, anymore than 'Hero' was about how the ancient Chinese were. It's a fantasy talking about what we'd like it to be. EDIT: To be fair we fantasise about lots of stinky things to make them seem better. I don't understand how someone isn't smitten by the romanticized image of mafia. Or rather, I understand how someone might be disgusted with them, but I feel that not watching Godfather because they hate the reality of graft and underworld is a bit like not playing Medieval:Total War because in reality Crusaders butchered every city they came across in the near east. Reality and romanticism are very different things. I don't think the point of the movies was to romanticize the mafia, although that element wasn't completely absent of course. The feeling I got from the movie was how far a man could fall to protect his family. I liked the second movie more because it contrasts the beginnings of the Corleone family to its current ruthless state. You can tell Michael has doubts about his course of action during the conversation he has with his mother, but he maintains his course because he thinks he is the only strong one to protect the family. In the end, he destroys the very thing he's been trying to protect. In the end, as he sits, contemplating his actions while remembering his family, you can't help but feel a certain loathing mixed with pity mixed with respect.
  12. I realized one day that I had never seen The Godfather and The Godfather Part II from start to finish, so I got them from Netflix. I must say, both movies were superb.
  13. I remember my first Atari. I had Pitfall, another game where you controlled tanks or airplanes and tried to shoot each other and Pac-man. I think I had more, but I can't remember. My father and I used to play against each other in Pacman. He used to kick my ass and then laugh in my face. Talk about abuse. I remember screaming in frustration while my mom scolded my dad for laughing. Wow...I can't believe I was around for the Atari console, makes me feel old suddenly.
  14. I think they should continue with the further adventures as well. The shard bearer's personal story might be completed, but he/she is still left with an incredibly powerful sword...which a certain race covets with extreme zealotry. He/She has access to the various planes at the end of the game and has made enemies of the denizens of the Lower Planes. I just want a plane-hopping adventure!
  15. Must install game now!
  16. I just finished playing it last night, and it is a great game. I played as a fighter(23) and weapon master(7) and didn't have too much trouble with any major battles. But combat aside, I really enjoyed the choices you could make and the consequences and abilities that followed. I also liked the one reference I found to a BG1/BG2 NPC. It was a small thing, but made me smile. I wish they'd have given you a more concrete ending to the OC companions. I had grown quite fond of them during my second playthrough and was wondering what happened to all of them. You do get to find out, but for most of them, its vague and pretty unsatisfying. The option to magically teleport to the scene of the final battle to help save your former companions would have been nice. I think thats the first thing my goody-good selfless hero character would have done. I didn't grow quite as attached to the XP companions. I wish there had been more banter between them. I don't remember if it was Fallout 2 or Fallout that gave you the option (both maybe) but you could run around the game world after you had beaten the main antagonist. I wish they had given you that option too. I want praise and accolades from the people whose doom I averted! But seriously, this has been the one of the most satisfying game experiences in a long time. I hope Obsidian gets an ok for another expansion pack for NWN2. I loved way the story was told and the choices that were presented to you. Maybe the next expansion could be about the Sword of Gith itself. A huge inter-planar war is about to erupt between the Githyanki and the Githzerai over the teachings of Gith and Zerthimon. The Githyanki are out to get you(again) to reclaim the sword of Gith and use its power to destroy their rivals. You are thrust into a plane-hopping adventure trying to discover the what happened to Gith in the lower planes, because only she has the power and authority to stop the Githyanki. Along they way you can discover the teachings to Zerthimon and Gith and how you applied such teachings would shape the outcome of the story.
  17. Our whole nuclear arsenal needs to be reduced as well. Now if only there was a way to reduce the world's total number of people and nukes at the same time. :lol: I've tried dolphin and whale meat before. It tasted pretty good. Octopus is so good. Especially the mini ones. Chop them up raw into bite sized pieces and dip the still wriggling parts in sesame seed oil with a little salt....mmmm.... I'm not a barbarian!
  18. Oh, my budget isn't 1K, its currently where my computer fund is at after I'd scrimped, saved and bascially been called a cheap bastard for the past three months. I'm saving up for different things at the same time (school tuition and future living expenses is a huge chunk) so its slow going. My overall goal is to reach somewhere between 2500-3000 during the 1st quarter next year, which is why I'm asking about upcoming hardware I want to keep my eye on. I read that the new 8800GT is killer though, performs nearly on par with cards that cost 200 bucks more. I almost went out at ordered it but I must be patient.
  19. I found both greatly enjoyable, although I like the book a shade more. I just finished the last Harry Potter book. It was good ending to the series and I enjoyed all seven books thoroughly. Next up is a Korean book titled 'Sword' which chronicles the exploits of Admiral Yi during the Japanese Invasion of Korea under Hideyoshi. I find this part of Korean-Japanese history fascinating.
  20. I'm looking to buy a new monitor too. What are the display port monitors? Goes off to look them up. Wow, those are some nice looking monitors. Might be out of my price range though, but I'll keep track of them.
  21. Hey everyone, I've got a little over 1K saved up for my new computer so far. I'm planning to have around 2500-3000 by late Jan. or Feb. next year. I'm planning on getting an entirely new system as my current one is a relic from the AGP days and was wondering what upcoming hardware I should be keeping my eye out for. I've heard the rumblings of the new Penryn processors and new DX 10.1 cards on this board. Anything else of interest that is coming up? Of course I might not get the latest and greatest, but this new computer must last me for the next 5 years or so since I'll be poor and destitute. (leaving my current job and going back to school to chase down my dream:) ) So I'm looking for things that will last relatively well for a couple of years. Thanks for the insights
  22. I just started playing the MOTB expansion after replaying through the OC. I think I enjoyed the OC more the second time around. So far the expansion has me intrigued. First of all it seems to run a lot better. I can run it on 1280x1024 with a pretty good framerate even with high level spells going off and I have a P4 2.4ghz CPU and a Radeon X800 video card. Not playing with any shadows since that seems to grind everything to a halt no matter what resolution I'm playing on. I think the camera controls better too. The strategy view usually pulls back to an angle I like and I don't really have any more complaints with the camera. Actually its something I've wanted to see for a long time now. Over the shoulder for exploration, isometric for combat. I'm only in the first city hub looking for allies, but I like the atmosphere and the story so far. I keep hoping I'll run into the Ice Dragon Berserker Lodge and find some mention of Minsc and Boo. I also ordered the Witcher and am picking up the Orange Box later today.
  23. I shall have to buy it when I get home!
  24. Probably the most scary movie I've seen in recent memory is the Japanese movie Ju-on. (The Grudge) Watched it a few years back alone with the lights turned out. The stair scene at the end scared me stiff and I had trouble sleeping that night. I find versions of ghosts with ghostly white skin, long dark hair that covers the face and a generally haunting and menacing presence more scary than the grotesque monster like stuff. I liked the Ring too, but could never really get scared because all the while I wondered what would happen if they recorded an episode of Barney and Friends over the tape. In my imagination the girl would start crawling out of the well then Barney would come dancing and singing along saying, "Will you be my friend?" The girl would shudder in horror and crawl back in. The Shining was scary. I remember reading the book and being scared with the description of the drowned lady clutching at the kid. The twins in the movie unsettled me as well. My father and I watched Evil Dead 2 together one Saturday afternoon. We both laughed hysterically throughout the movie. Good times. Pennywise the Clown haunts me still.
  25. Well, I hope they have something interesting in store. If it is indeed the new MMORPG, I probably won't play it unless they have some kind of single player, story driven aspect.
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