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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Woke up at 11am. Drank a cup of Rice milk and ate a muffin. It was nice and sunny so I opened all the windows and doors. Cleaned my apartment. Took a nap in the sun for another two hours. Woke up and went grocery shopping. Made myself some curry with seafood and veggies. Ate with rice. Watched some TV and tried to come up with excuses as to why I couldn't report to work the next day. Realized I had too much to do and gave up. It was a nice lazy day. Looking forward to sleeping again. I can be a lazy bastard when I let myself.
  2. That settles that then. I'm getting the Samsung Syncmaster 305T.
  3. I remember you having a 30in. monitor Bok. I am thinking of picking up a 30in. myself when I purchase the parts for a new computer. How is gaming on a 30in monitor? Is it worth it or is it overkill? Is anything overkill with you Bok?
  4. I want three displays now! A Jungle setting would be awesome.
  5. I'm not much of a drinker and really don't care for beer. It just fills me up too fast and I feel bloated the rest of the night. I like hard liquor types more.
  6. That's a shame. I really enjoyed Titan Quest and Immortal Throne.
  7. Wow, this is so over my head I'm just good at memorizing stuff.
  8. For PC games I usually go to gogamer.com whenever they have their 48 hour specials where they sell games for discounted prices. I recently got Jade Empire SE for 12 bucks including shipping. Second choice I usually go to Bestbuy or Walmart. They sometimes have specials at good prices. For my PS2 and Xbox, I go to Gamestop or EB Games. I can usually find worthwhile games for good prices in the used games section. I like perusing the entire sections looking for gems.
  9. Woohoo! Can't wait!
  10. Someone should make a reality TV show called Battle of the Religions. You would take various people from various world religions and have them compete for a cash donation to their religion. Lets throw in a team of atheists and a few cults to make things interesting. They would have to compete in events where they must learn about the religions of the other contestants. Bonus points if one team manages to convert another team member. I would watch it.
  11. If true, something to look forward to. I was hoping Obsidian would be given the opportunity to develop it. Their style of storytelling has really grown on me.
  12. Can I just buy your old computer when you build your new monster powerhouse machine Bok?
  13. Yay! I knew ME would come out on PC eventually, but not this quickly. Still have to get a 360 for Ninja Gaiden 2.
  14. When is the optimal time to buy a computer this year? So my budget is nearing its completion but I keep hearing and reading about these new things coming up. ARGH! I'm just gonna bite the bullet and get one come end of March.
  15. How about a big nasty looking dog or two or three.
  16. Nice Gluteus Maximus
  17. Did one panelist actually say Mass Effect was the equivalent of Luke Skywalker meets Debbie in Dallas? I'll be the first to admit that I'm ignorant on a lot of things, but I try and to not talk about things I have limited experience with. Do you think the continuous bashing of video games as the ultimate evil will continue? Or do you see it gradually disappearing as more and more kids grow up playing video games?
  18. Its good to learn to drive stick shift. Once you get the timing and rhythm down its actually quite enjoyable. Like others have said, if you find yourself living in a city and/or don't like driving in general down the road, you'll have no trouble transitioning to automatic.
  19. I'm playing Thief: The Dark Project. Its really good so far.
  20. Wow, this is totally unexpected. I really liked him as an actor. I am really looking forward to his performance as the Joker. Rest in peace.
  21. I also have bad experiences with Norton. Never tried McAfee. Norton was a hindrance to uninstall, slowed down my computer and took up too much room. I use a program called V3, developed by Ahnlabs. Its pretty unobtrusive with regular updates for the latest malignant computer intruders. Found it works best for me.
  22. I got my copies of Thief and Thief 2 tonight. I'll be playing those when I have time. If they're good I will pick up Thief, Deadly Shadows. Who needs next gen gaming!
  23. That's some deep thinking there Tigranes.
  24. Religion endowed moral righteousness at its finest.
  25. I used to go to Catholic mass every Sunday. My mother also made me go to Catholic school a few times every night AFTER regular school. I hated it. I think mostly because I can't stand having people ordering me around, even if it might be the best for me in the long run. I have a natural stubborn streak which rears its sometimes ugly head every time someone assumes an authoritative stance with me. While I was in middle school, I was thinking of any excuse to not go to church on Sunday. Mostly because I'd rather sleep in and then watch TV. I finally came up with, "Well the Greeks and Romans believed in Zeus and Mount Olympus thousands of years ago and the Egyptians believed in Ra and Set. Now, we look at those beliefs and say they were myths and legends and study them in a cultural and historical context. I'm thinking the same thing will happen to the God catholics believe in now. Whose to say our descendants won't look at the Bible and shake their heads at our beliefs all the while worshiping a giant statue of a robot?" Yeah, hardly original or well thought out, but I was proud of it at the time. Anyways, I guess my mom got tired of arguing with me every Sunday morning and I was getting to big to be threatened physically so I haven't been to church since that day. If everyone was as lazy as me we wouldn't have these problems. We'd also be still be living in mud-huts too.
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