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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Never count out a character named "Fenix" After all, there has to be new units, right? He's already come back once. I don't think they'll be doing it again Maybe they'll bring back Tassadar or something. Who knows? That'd be pretty weird actually... Nah, Tassadar shouldn't come back. There is nothing to come back. Entaro Tassadar!
  2. This is sad news I remember reading The Black Cauldron years ago. Despite the cartoony cover, it wasn't the story I was expecting as a kid. There was death and betrayal and all that good stuff and I loved every moment of it. I think it was one of the first fantasy books I ever read. Rest in Peace.
  3. I liked the Transformers trailer. Starscream looks a lot better actually moving and Megatron looks menacing swinging that mace around. Optimus Prime looks like he'll be a lot smaller than Megatron though.
  4. Bingo That and I have waited a damn decade to see Raynor kick some ass, to see Kerrigan's fate, to know what the hell was with Duran, to see if Fenix is really dead this time (I miss Duke already), and to check in with Artanis. I'm owed. F it, time to play through the campaign That is exactly what I am looking forward to. Plus some crazy multiplayer. But I will play through the entire campaign first, no doubt, then proceed to get my ass kicked on B-net. Man, I will be so crushed if its not Starcraft 2.
  5. World of Blizzardcraft
  6. If it is Starcraft 2, I will be getting calls from my buddies in Korea in the most ungodly hours of the day/night telling me to get on Battle.net I mean they still do that sometimes for the original Starcraft. I can't wait.
  7. I believe it is some kind of cybertronian jet judging from the pictures of toys I've seen.
  8. Azure79


    Spam and Tofu together are pretty good.
  9. Azure79


    Why, I'm too Sexy of course
  10. I thought he looked really thin. His face was kinda chubby though.
  11. Archaeologist. Then Paleontologist. I used to dig big holes in the back yard, flip over big rocks to see the cool bugs underneath, go mucking around the woods to find cool looking rocks and fossils and beg my parents to go to the Natural History museum. Then I hit age 10 and my skin didn't like me crawling around in the dirt too much. My asthma getting worse didn't help much either. Suffered through atopic skin conditions throughout teenage years but better now. I decided early on (15 or so) that I wanted to become a doctor, or in my case, a pediatrician. It didn't seem fair that I couldn't do things that I dreamed of because of illness and I wanted to help kids become healthier and do whatever they wanted in life. Got a little side-tracked when my family moved back to Korea, but now I'm back in the States working in a accounting firm for the time being. I start some required Pre-med courses early next year. So I'm slowly working towards my goals. Hmm...my life story right there.
  12. I thought the new Spiderman was ok. I do agree it was too convoluted for its own good. Cutting out of Sandman or Venom would have been better. I would have preferred if Sandman hadn't come out at all. He wasn't very essential to the plot and he kept moaning, "Its because of my daughter!". But I still liked it overall. I wasn't expecting something totally revolutionary.
  13. Playing Final Fantasy 12. I am enjoying myself immensely. No random battles are good! The one thing I don't get is the quickenings. (12's version of limit breaks) I mean I understand the mechanics of it, but they don't seem to make sense. In previous FF games I've played, the uber moves were somehow related to the character. The sword using guy did thousands of slashes, the martial arts guy/gal did crazy kicks and punches, gun guy blasted away. In FF12 I thought Vaan would be doing something weapon related, instead he throws tornadoes and stuff, which I thought weird since many male protagonists in FF seemed to wield swords. I guess they made it that way since you can unlock whatever abilities you want to on the license board. Can't wait to leave the damn office and get back to my game. Working on a saturday...
  14. I'm looking forward to the Witcher. I hope its good as the teaser trailer. http://www.eurogamer.net/tv_video.php?play...id=2766&s=l
  15. Haha. That was one plot twist even I failed to miss.
  16. First PG-13 horror, and now PG-13 action. Suckage. Yeah, I want Die-Hard 1 gore!
  17. That's a challenge you unlocked. Beat all the red dinos and you'll get a prize. (Dragon sword most effective). Do the XYXXX combo, but be careful of the bite. The camera does have its issues, but it does have some impact on the gameplay. Certain enemies behave differently when on and off screen. Personally I think the camera did a great job with all the action going on. It only gave me when Ryu is near a wall fighting an enemy and it would sometimes go crazy.
  18. I think we would jump in bed with the first fine woman who gave us the chance, regardless of hair colour. I know I definitely would. We're not animals! meh...who am I kidding?
  19. What, no raven black hair option? Though curly haired brunettes are good.
  21. I'm getting the Izuna Drop itch again. I really should go back and finish Master Ninja Mode. FF 12 is really eating up my game time though. No random battles is awesome and dragged me back into FF again.
  22. Also a cool possibility
  23. I hope it is Starcraft 2. I want to see what happens to Zeratul and Raynor and Kerrigan. New playable race....Xel'Naga.
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