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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Jackie Chan's City Hunter. Its funny everytime I see it. Especially the whole Street Fighter 2 gag.
  2. Damn, now I want to do that.
  3. I've never played for that long a time. Usually my urge to eat will overpower my urge to play games and then my urge to sleep will overpower everything. Since I'm hungry every 2-3 hours and am constantly sleepy, I've never played video games for more than 3 hours straight. So the trick is be so lazy you don't even want to play games.
  4. I don't think it would be worth the hassle. Why go through so much trouble with such uncertain prospects? Unless this girl of yours is something special. Is She?
  5. Actually looks like a good workout. Bashing each other with weapons is fun! Great stress reliever.
  6. I'm reading a very interesting book on the creation of the Roman Empire. It is by a Japanese author named Shiono Nanami. The book is called, "Res Gestae Populi Romani" and its been translated into Korean, the version I am reading. I've always been interested in Chinese and Asian history, but realized one day I know next to nothing about the Roman history. Seemed like a good place to start.
  7. SOmeone slipping on a banana peel or other such freak accidents.
  8. I liked Drizzt. I thought he was cool when I first read the books. Then he started whining and crying and boo-hooing about everything. I pretty much lost interest after that.
  9. Games I own but haven't finished: Gothic 2 - Probably never will. Morrowind- Probably never will. Oblivion - Virtually Unplayable on my machine. Psychonauts - Will definitely complete. System Shock 2 - Will definitely complete. Space Rangers 2 - Haven't even installed. Planning to though. Beyond Divinity - Enjoyed and completed Divine Divinity but can't get into this one. Titan Quest - Halfway through the last difficulty level. Thats about it. I want a new computer.
  10. That was indeed my favorite part as well. I was very dissapointed that BG2 did not have this aspect. Every map in BG1 had something to discover, from small things to plot driven events and it was always fun to run into them.
  11. I have this exact same fear. I am a pretty good swimmer and have no fear of water. I once got stranded outside the safety area of the beach on a tube because I was trying to catch the biggest wave that I could and some boats had to come get me. But once I jumped into the waters from a rock and just went deep into the water. I opened by eyes and could see only a dark blue nothingness stretching out before and under and everywhere and I freaked out. It was like something was coming to get me only I couldn't see it. A general feeling of helplessness floating in cold darkness. I've never strayed out into deep water again. Except for the swimming pool
  12. But there were also diseased gibberlings!
  13. The new video clip is cool. Time to install K2 again. This time I'll play as the canon female.
  14. I think BG1 is one of most memorable games ever. Of course, when I first heard of it, I had never experienced D&D outside of reading some Dragonlance novels. Come to think of it, BG1 was probably my first RPG experience. But the idea of creating my own character and roaming around the countryside battling monsters sounded too good. The music was great when I started it up and I remember getting my first quest to deliver some arrows. What I liked was the battles. Especially when my party met up with another party of bounty hunters. After my disastrous meeting with another group, I really started to have Khalid or Imoen scouting out the area while my fighters slowly followed after everything was clear. I had Imoen use the boots of speed and backstab mages then run away and hide again while I set up Khalid to deliver a few choice arrows and disrupt spellcasting. Then my fighters would move in buffed with cleric and mage spells and decimate what was left. Ah, so many fond memories.
  15. I was looking forward to Black Hound. I appreciate JE taking time out and working on this. This will be great!
  16. I would be interesting in buying it, if only to have all the games on one tidy DVD instead of spread out across around 15 or so CDs. Too bad its only available in overseas. I don't really want to pay international shipping costs.
  17. Wow, this kid is something. The government should recruit him for SPY training. I once attempted to drive the car at that age. All I accomplished was totally demolishing our garage door. My parents weren't too please with that fiasco.
  18. I used to be a martial art freak back in Highschool and College. I can honestly say I spent more time in the dojo punching, kicking and sparring than I did go to school. I'm kinda flabby now, with work and actually studying, so the only exercise I'm doing is hitting the gym trying to get back in moderate to good shape again.
  19. I'm playing Oblivion. Got it for Christmas along with the downloadable contect pack. So far I've installed the BT mod, Obscuro's mod and various landscape mods. I have yet to start an actual game. Are there any mods out there that have offer pre-generated faces? I can't get mine to look more decent than a fat drunkard.
  20. I have one of the beanbags from Sumo. I sometimes sleep in it with a warm blanket on bottom and top. Its awesome for just dragging from room to room for whatever purpose. Very Comfy.
  21. Don't forgot to eat.
  22. The Wave 2 looks pretty cool. I've already bought all of Wave 1 I just want Grimlock. He was my favorite transformer when I was a kid. I still laugh hysterically at his antics in the Transformers movie. :D
  23. Just curious Wistrik, what is it like having a photographic memory? I've always been pretty curious about that. Do you have to study for tests at all? Is it more like a blessing or a curse? I mean do you remember ever good thing that happened to you in picture perfect detail and do you continuously live through those horribly bad moments as well?
  24. Legos were always my favorite. I used to have big box full of parts too. I want the Millenium Falcon and X wing Lego models! I loved Hot Wheels when I was a kid. I had all these track parts from various sets and I used to take them apart. Then using some scotch tape, various books, chairs, and whatever I can get my hands on, I would build my own tracks and launch my cars through them. It was awesome. )
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