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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. At least they got the same voice actor for the Prince. I'm interested, but I probably won't buy unless the ridiculous DRM is repealed for Ubi games.
  2. Along with Awakenings, also playing God of War 3. Awesome scale. I found myself open mouthed at some of the boss battles. There really hasn't been any evolution in terms of gameplay, but everything is presented in such a lavish manner, and the core gameplay was good already, so I'm greatly enjoying myself. One weak part of the game, storywise, is why Kratos is going out of his way to get his hands on the Macguffin that will give him the power to kill a god, when he seems to have no trouble at all doing so without it. I guess it was necessary to drive the game forward, but surely they could have created a more plausible reason. It doesn't make sense when Kratos is going through the Greek pantheon at the pace at he is. Oh well, still great fun.
  3. I just send Mordin back with the crew. He seems like the best choice for it. Doctor and former spy, inflitrator, knows how to get things done unobtrusively, which I guess includes sneaking. My current playthrough is with an adept, so I'll be taking Miranda and Thane for their warp ability to the front line. I guess my hold the line team is safe.
  4. I'm playing through awakenings ATM, on nightmare difficulty, and I'm finding the game far too easy. My PC is a human noble warrior with half and half in two weapon fighting and sword and shield. I just basically start any fight with the two weapon talents that cause damage to multiple foes and then switch to sword and shield for the long run and to avoid getting knocked down. Oghren stays to the side and uses the VERY useful new two handed weapon skills. I especially like the one where he moves in a straight line swinging his weapon like crazy. I find that he rarely dies. I also gave him lots of constitution boosting items so he has a lot of HP. With some good armor it seems to take forever for enemies to whittle him down to a danger zone, at which time the battle is almost over anyway. Is there a mod out there that increases enemy AI? I keep finding that the enemy AI works against them. For example, the enemy mages usually lock up my main tank with a crushing prison. I just usually wait until enemies surround the main tank, then have my mage cast forcefield on the crushing prison. This spell combo explodes and stuns all the enemies around the fighter, who is then unaffected and free from the prison. It would be better if the enemies targeted the mage with spells. My party is two fighters, a mage and an archer. They pretty much kill everything no problem. Still I am enjoying the game. It's more of Dragon Age, which is good in my book.
  5. I really wanted Beyond Good & Evil 2, but I flat out refuse to fund this sort of trash. There are many other good games out there, and trustworthy and loyal developers (Valve, Blizzard, even Bioware) such that I lose nothing by completely avoiding Ubisoft products. Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that one. Hopefully Ubi repeals their current DRM scheme into something more palatable.
  6. Really, who didn't see this coming? Too bad. I really wanted to play Splinter Cell Conviction and the new Prince of Persia game.
  7. You should try equipping two party members with the semi-auto sniper rifle. They never miss, never run out of ammo and the amount of damage they both do on one target is staggering, even on insanity.
  8. I am playing through insanity with an adept character, after an insanity run with a soldier. I like the playing as the adept. The enemies have either armor, shields or barriers, but you only need to bring one down the defenses of one baddie to use the singularity + warp combo to cause big damage to everyone else. The soldier is a great versatile class with all the ammo abilities and slo-mo, but the adept is a lot more fun to play for me so far. Considering all the combat options Bioware had to design for the various abilities for each playable class, I think they did a pretty good job.
  9. I gave up on the 3rd or 4th book, I can't remember which. Just from what I remember vaguely, I think a detailed Blademaster combat system would be interesting if they include special moves with the names from the books. One moveset would be strong against other moves and weak against others, and knowing when to use what move would be the basis of the strategy. I think one character was proficient with the staff and the other an axe (or spear, can't remember) so special movesets for different weapons would be cool. I seem to remember that only women could channel magic without going totally insane (The Dark one tainted the source of power or something) so that might be interesting to the setting and possibly gameplay as a whole. Just give us Alpha Protocal and Fallout New Vegas soon damnit!
  10. I played a soldier first time around, and found the Revenant really useful. Powerful lots of ammo and I found that if you tap the mouse button, instead of holding it down, the accuracy is greatly improved. I used it to kill pretty much anything. I really like the soldier, but will try an adept next time around.
  11. I bought it since I had the Bioware points. It doesn't really add anything except a few new weapons and armor and some revelations into what Cailan was thinking. It could shed some light on why Loghain did what he did I think. I was able to breeze through it in about 30 minutes with a high level party on the highest difficulty. I probably won't get anymore DLC if its as short as RTO.
  12. I was disappointed at first. I was expecting something along the lines of a more classic wuxia novel and not the more mystical/magical setting of JE. But it definitely grew on me. The combat was really easy, but mixing things up with the martial, chi and transformation styles made it more entertaining. Characters were likable overall and all had their moments. And of course the music was great.
  13. How do you get her to do it? I never saw the option... Never saw it either. Mako-man with Thresher Maws sounds really fun
  14. Finished on Veteran. Great overall game. I managed to save all the team and the crew. Probably because I like to do everything possible before going into the final portion of any game. I had The shooter aspect of the game was great. I'm not the greatest fan of shooters, but the various powers and combination of powers, (I liked pull and than slam) made it fun for me. I didn't mind that they streamlined the inventory, items, skills aspect of the game, because it just seemed like they combined redundant things into a more concise system. I wish they had kept some kind of grenade system, so you could force enemies out of cover and vice versa. I think that would have the the shooting elements a bit more frenetic. Characters were pretty good. I especially liked Joker and EDI going back and forth and then liking in each other. (AI romance in ME3!) Legion was a cool character because he added some new depth to the geth. Everyone else was pretty much what I was expecting, except perhaps Thane. I thought he'd be cooler instead of being Carth. Storywise, I guess it was good. One thing I didn't like was the scanning mini-game. Ugh. I spent a good chunk of my play time sitting and scanning planets because of all the hype about your crew dying if you didn't have sufficient resources. Although the occasional side-missions were a great improvement over ME1, but they were all pretty short and far in-between. I wish they had added a market system where you could buy and trade excess elements for cash or other elements. Loyalty missions were some good some bad. Favorites were Grunt's and Jacob's. Again, much better than in ME1. Can't complain. I liked that you could continue to play after you had finished, but was a little disappointed that it didn't have much affect on the world. First thing after the end I did was go back to the citadel to brief Anderson on what had happened, but no option to do so. Of course it was a super secret mission, but still. Don't buy any fish if you're not prepared to go back regularly to feed them.
  15. Nice. Will play as soon as I get home tomorrow. I just use Default Shep too. I seem to have subconsciously matched the voice to the face when ME 1 promos were going on, so it felt weird with a different face to the same voice. I guess I have a horrid imagination.
  16. Same here. Looks better in every way. I pre-ordered mine on steam and am pre-loading now.
  17. I second Tron 2.0 I'm not that great a shooter fan myself, but enjoyed Tron 2.0. One of the most fun games I've played. And if you haven't played the Jedi Knight games, starting from Dark Forces 2 (old but still a lot of fun) I recommend those.
  18. Haha, I remember catching this movie late at night on cable and was thoroughly entertained.
  19. The ballistas from the final battle rotate when you click on them once, usually pointing to the archdemon. After that you can't rotate them anymore and they jam after a set number of shots.
  20. Haven't read through the whole thread, but I like Dexter, Breaking Bad and Leverage. All good shows imho.
  21. I'm replaying ME1 at the moment because I don't have any save games for ME2. I don't think I'll be able to finish. I had fun the first time I played it, but replaying right now, the combat seems really dull. I basically just hide behind something and shoot until everything is dead. I rarely have to switch positions. Grenades don't seem to do anything. I can't bring myself to do any of the side quests. I'm excited about ME2 though. It looks like they really improved everything about the combat and I think I'll switch to a Vanguard or Biotic class for the improved force powers. I think the original had enough RP options, both light and substantial ones. Really all I want from ME2 is improved characterization of the NPC companions, a story that makes sense in that it connects the collectors and the reapers well and varied combat options (smarter AI would be nice too, if you're not gonna let the player control any NPC companions). Hm, guess that's pretty much improving everything.
  22. I've played through it twice and enjoyed it immensely both times. It was a great throwback to the IE days and like Wals mentioned, I pretty much enjoyed everything from the combat to the humor. The only major disappointment I had was that towards the end, everything came to a close rather too quickly. I would have liked a more extended Denerim sequence, with more major quests leading up to the Landsmeet. Kind of like the first BG, exploring the sword coast before you even got to the city took a long enjoyable time, but the moment I entered the city itself, it felt like an entirely new and large portion of the game had just opened up. A longer Landsmeet would have been fun too, like the NWN2 court sequence. But I did like the number of outcomes that are possible by the end. All in all a great game and look forward to awakenings.
  23. Everyone would be immune to the taint. I thought Grey Wardens weren't immune to the taint but rather were special individuals that could withstand and use the taint to some degree. The taint would eventually overcome them driving them insane, hence the self exile of older grey wardens to the Deep Roads.
  24. How does turning everyone into Grey Wardens stop the blight?
  25. I'll do another playthrough when the expansion comes out then. Until then I have to play through all the games I bought off Steam this holiday season. Plus ME2 and hopefully Alpha Protocol.
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