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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Son of a... damned treacherous English. We were friends, had open borders, she liked my devotion to tech and that I was on the same continent as her, then she flooded my lands with units and declared a surprise attack.
  2. Well, first impressions, disappointed in the lack of white male leaders. The Patriarchy is woefully underrepresented. I went with Frederick Barbarossa of the German Empire in order to maximize whiteness and Patriarchy. Loading screen and.... Sean effing Bean is the narrator?! As much as I liked Leonard Nimoy in Civ 4, this is even better. Ok, first order of business. I go into Graphics settings to try to change it to windowed full screen and all my graphics options are locked. So I exit to main and fix that so I can write this as I play. Load times when starting a new game or loading are awful. But its been that way since CivIV so I can deal with it. Start the game, freaking tundra, screw that heading north. Woah... I can't cross rivers, thats going to make things interesting... ok, now I can cross the river... I'm confused. So I found my capital of Aachen on some wheat after taking the roundabout way, my warriors are off exploring. One thing I miss about the square grid is using the number keys to move. I start building another warrior for defense and research animal husbandry to take advantage of the sheep and cows around my city. Looking at the map now, it appears that there are rocks in rivers indicating where you can cross. I actually like that. Met my first other civ, the English. I got a boost to researching Writing by meeting them. Thats kind of interesting. The civics mechanic is kinda cool too. The idea that it is separate from research is interesting, now I've built my first builder and am grabbing up the surrounding resources. Interesting that the first time you develop a resource you get bonuses to research. Developing my rice gave me a bonus to researching irrigation, and my cows gave a bonus to riding. Hrmm, I don't know if I like this... so improving tiles is instantaneous, but workers can only improve 3 times then they are used up and you have to build another. I am kinda terrible at this. Barbarian cavalry just looted one of my farms and I'm still stuck with warriors. Built the Hanging Gardens though. I like that it shows it being progressively constructed on the map. Its still early in the game and turns are taking forever. This was one of the problems I had with Civ 5 as well. It shouldn't take this long when each civ still only has one city. Vikings declared war on me right after conquering the nearest city state, so I'm moving on that. The river crossing mechanic makes war quite different. I have a chariot moving almost all the way to London to cross the river so he can come up around the back of Jakarta (the city state), since only one unit can get through the mountain pass at a time. Screenshots can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/oerwinde/screenshots/?appid=289070 So far overall I like it more than Civ 5, but I still like Civ 4 better.
  3. I think the weird square one is the one that comes with it. The controller bits on each side come off and clip on to the sides of the screen for portable use, or can be used separately as individual controllers for local multiplayer. The other one is probably an optional peripheral for more hardcore gamers.
  4. We want proper screenshots in the write up that illustrate the points made in the review or the sexist exploitation of women in the genre. Also need to point out the damaging influences of whiteness and patriarchy.
  5. People are thinking he is playing Miles Morales in the new Spider-Man movie, but thats stupid, as Miles Morales is younger than Peter Parker, and Donald Glover is like 20 years too old.
  6. Screw it, trying to write a decent in depth review is a small price to pay for a new Civ game. Sign me up if no one took it yet.
  7. What do you mean? The bottom controller is for TV use, the top connects for portable use, or can be split up for local multiplayer.
  8. It and Flash have the same problem with every second villain just being an evil version of the hero. How many damned archers are out there?
  9. I would be ok with time travel if it was part of an alternate history game.
  10. Tempting, but my reviews tend to be very brief.
  11. I could see this doing well if it can lure 3ds jrpg devs over. Get some decent party games, Nintendo titles, and a couple Squeenix games and it should be golden.
  12. Did you miss the DNC rigging the primary and the video of the DNC staffer talking about busing groups around to vote in multiple polling stations? I'm not saying that its assured that the election will be rigged, but its hardly beyond belief. The DNC has done so much shady crap this election you can't really dismiss anything.
  13. Why ? Soldiers are some sort of superior class ? No, I don't think anyone should be harassed for doing their job. In the examples above though, being harassed for committing crimes is different.
  14. I thought season 4 was some of the best Trek. I believe is was partially fan funded so the creative team made it all hardcore Trek fanservice, dealing with the Augments, the Original Series Klingons having no forehead ridges, Mirror Universe, etc. The Mirror Universe episodes were awesome, opening with the First Contact scene and the theme song dealing with the rise of the Terran Empire.
  15. Sounds like she doesn't like social justice types harassing soldiers for doing their job. I can sympathize.
  16. How is it worrying? Citizenship brings a balance if rights and responsibilities to the nation one has citizenship in, so called citizens of the world often want to break down borders Nd barriers to entry to nations, which are essential to the preservation of that nation. Nationalism was a huge contributing factor to the rise of western civilization, and the left sees it as a horrible thing that needs to be stamped out. Thats much more worrying to me.
  17. stick with it. It gets really good in season 3
  18. I agree "the rich" would be the first to be able to take advantage, because money. But imo, a trickle down effect would be an irresistible force and the general population would improve. What would really be cool is if they somehow eradicated certain defects but delivered it to the population as a vaccination. My idea is; less designer babies, more human genome improvement. There are a lot of things that started out only for rich people, and due to them paying outlandish prices it allowed development of cheaper versions and processes so that it eventually became widely available. If a few decades of the super rich being genetic supermen is the price for making humanity superior, I'm ok with it.
  19. Zoolander 2. Funny, but not as good as the original
  20. In terms of reliability long term, I think the Japanese have that one. Toyota I believe is statistically the most reliable, with the largest million mile club(one million miles on the original engine) Subaru is known for it too.
  21. She just comes off as cute rather than sexy to me.
  22. That was anticlimactic.
  23. Jennifer Lawrence just isn't a very good Mystique in general. She was decent in First Class, but she just can't pull off the seductress/spy thing.
  24. Cool. Agents of SHIELD introduced the Darkhold. Building the supernatural aspects of the MCU before Doctor Strange hits.
  25. Finished Luke Cage. Ended well, Diamondback's costume was a nice homage to his comic book look. Loved the bit with Cage in his classic costume. Overall I think it is my least favorite of the Marvel Netflix shows, but they are all such high quality that doesn't say a lot.
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