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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Breitbart reports on a lot that the mainstream media doesn't, but anyone who thinks they are unbiased is a moron. I mean hell, I even heard of people who despised Gamergate who subscribed to KotakuInAction on reddit because they posted a lot of news that wasn't seen elsewhere.
  2. Image searching for "liberal cuck" returned this: I figure that explains previous comments much better than an in-depth discussion of his politics ever would. edit: I didn't even enter his name Yeah, the closest thing to a source I could find on that quote was Gavin McInnes, so likely not true, but he did loudly object to honor killings and female genital mutilation being described as barbaric.
  3. Knock me over with a feather! For whatever reason, Ive never once considered that NA's would also be in Canada. Obviously things didn't go well in the US but whats the relationship with the Canadian government? Are there reservations in Canada too? It was a less hostile relationship for a long time, rather than running them off their land we signed treaties that limited them to their reserves. In the early 20th century though there was an effort to assimilate the native population. The children were put into schools where they attempted to strip them of their culture and make them "canadian" there was rampant physical and sexual abuse in these schools. Also, now many of the treaties have expired, resulting in ongoing negotiations for new treaties, as the lands that would need to be returned are kinda populated now or have privately owned resource developments.
  4. I like multiculturalism, I believe it makes for a stronger society and a society where we can be different races, religions, cultures but we share common values.....we have to accept the values of the country we want to live in and if you cant accept those values then you need to immigrate somewhere else . And that does not mean we now have no immigration control or force countries to accept all refugees , like the EU and the refugee crisis But end of the day multiculturalism is a good thing that will make us better people overall http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/ Oerwinde what do you attribute the Trump victory to? Do you feel worried or are you supportive of some of what Trump stands for. You have always been honest about your views so I could guess what you think but I would rather let you tell me I have learnt a lot about this election, its going to be an interesting and exciting 4 years I think there were a lot of people who weren't a fan of Obama, the campaign was basically about how Hillary was going to continue his legacy. People didn't think creating 3 part time retail jobs at the cost of a full time $20/hr job was a net gain of 2 jobs. People see riots across the country, a dem candidate shown to be everything everyone hates about politicians. And they saw their health insurance go up by double. So they voted for the guy who claimed he could bring back good jobs, toss the illegals keeping wages down, keep terrorists out, and make America stronger. I personally liked his foreign policy and immigration stance and would have voted for him over Hillary were I American.
  5. Well, this one follows the royal family, so we'll get some recognizable characters like Black Bolt and Karnak.
  6. I like multiculturalism, I believe it makes for a stronger society and a society where we can be different races, religions, cultures but we share common values.....we have to accept the values of the country we want to live in and if you cant accept those values then you need to immigrate somewhere else . And that does not mean we now have no immigration control or force countries to accept all refugees , like the EU and the refugee crisis But end of the day multiculturalism is a good thing that will make us better people overall http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/
  7. It advocates for bloody revolution to steal the property of others to enforce poverty.What do you think is the link between equity and poverty? People respond to incentives. If you penalize hard work, ambition, and innovation by redistributing the wealth generated by such, and incentivize those who aren't hard working, ambitious, or innovative by giving him the fruits of the others work, you eventually get people who see no point in working. If the society isn't productive and the wealth at the top redistributed to the bottom, you get poverty across the board. So the only options are to enforce work through force, or allow free capitalism.
  8. It advocates for bloody revolution to steal the property of others to enforce poverty.
  9. Makes me wonder if the Internet was worth it. The ability to order food without talking to people and have access to free porn is definitely worth it. I see Cultural-Marxism not as a plot to destroy Capitalism, but rather to destroy culture, directly and indirectly as it forces unity from the top through inclusivety. The Alt-Right is just another lazy attempt to categorize anyone outside the mainstream rightwing as i see very little in common between catholic monarchists and american neo-nazis. One point Stefan Molyneux made that I liked was how when he was younger he believed culture was bad, and by removing culture as a barrier, it would lead people to philosophy and reason, but as he gets older he sees the far left trying to wipe out culture and instead of leading people to reason and philosophy it instead leads to groupthink and hostility. His best stuff comes out of his discussions with guests and his call in show. He's at his best when he is speaking from the heart and being a philosopher rather than doing his presentations.
  10. The interesting thing with Fascism, is it is basically socialism without the obsession with equality. You're kidding, right? Both advocate for the breakdown of the traditional family in favor of the state. Both have state controlled business, though under socialism this is much more overt. Both require a strong centralized government. Really the major differences between the two is Fascism is nationalist with an emphasis on excluding those not of that nation, and socialism is internationalist with an emphasis on uniting everyone under it.
  11. An extremely successful term followed by his death?
  12. Must be targeted ads, its literally the only ad I am seeing anywhere, I doubt Paradox has that kind of budget.
  13. If all the safe states go as predicted and the swing states stay with the leads they have, trump wins 278 to 259
  14. New York Times giving Trump a 58% chance of winning at last count.
  15. Had to deliver the frozen baked goods stuff the wife sold. The local PAC loves her because she sells more than all the other parents combined. 15 cases worth of frozen cookie dough and pies. Cold sweat the whole time. At least this should be my major illness for the year.
  16. SJWs are Authoritarian left. Libertarian Left tends to mean leave people alone but I'm ok with single payer health care and breaking up monopolies. Well depends on who is calling others SJW, I see a lot of times where the factor is "thinks racial slurs is bad". True, in its original form it described the Authoritarian Left. Now it is interchangeable with PC Police
  17. The extreme right wants nothing to change because if it ain't broke don't fix it, even if its broke for people not in the majority, and the extreme left wants to tear everything down in the hopes that a society based on ideas that have never worked in practice and are rather horrifying even in theory will work better than systems that have more or less worked for centuries with slight tweaks here and there.
  18. The interesting thing with Fascism, is it is basically socialism without the obsession with equality.
  19. SJWs are Authoritarian left. Libertarian Left tends to mean leave people alone but I'm ok with single payer health care and breaking up monopolies.Those are two good things... Breaking up monopolies to ensure innovation and stop firms from getting to powerful and single payer health care helps those who poor to afford health care. So what is bad about those two? I don't have a problem with the Libertarian Left. I think that there are points where regulations go too far, and you start getting into a nanny state. If you are passing laws to prevent people from hurting themselves, that goes too far, but I don't think single payer health care is a bad thing, as long as there are private options. If people have the money to spend 100 thousand dollars for surgery now, rather than wait 8 months in the public system, I think its morally wrong to prevent that person from doing so. There was an interesting discussion about the Authoritarian Right and Left by Jordan Peterson and one of his students. Their findings were that essentially both want homogeneity, but the right wants it through exclusion, and the left through inclusion. So the right wants to push out everyone who isn't like them, and the left wants to force everyone to be like them. That sounds about right.
  20. Its incredibly offensive. Also, my understanding was the original dutch settlers largely purchased the land from the original inhabitants. It wasn't until the British administration and the migration of Bantu people to South Africa where it really got nasty.
  21. SJWs are Authoritarian left. Libertarian Left tends to mean leave people alone but I'm ok with single payer health care and breaking up monopolies.
  22. Economic Left/Right: 0.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.97 Pretty close to centre
  23. You will find quite a few people will disagree with you on that. Governments should fear their people, people shouldn't fear their governments.
  24. Thanks. She hasn't been well for a while so I don't think it was a huge surprise for anyone, and we went over for Canadian Thanksgiving™ so we got to see her while she was still lucid. And yeah, one sick day per year, we used to get 3 but management felt it was being abused.
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