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Everything posted by Grand_Commander13

  1. And besides, they can always patch that stuff in later. And if LA doesn't let them, I'm going to freeze their ball sacks in carbonite.
  2. Hey, dude. Edit. Don't make a second post. EDIT. Anyway, KOTOR 2's story is looking to be a lot better than KOTOR 1's "story." I mean, what did KOTOR 1 have? "Ooooh, you BRAVELY escape the Sith (toting the person they're manhunting RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM without them noticing), become a Jedi (WITH MAGICAL SPEED!) then run around on four planets. But ooooooh, you're Revan! Whoooooo... Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you capture or destroy the Star Forge after that." ^KOTOR 1's masterful story. The worst thing about KOTOR 1's story was how it was lightsided, and even if your heart was black as coal, it didn't change. Until you confront Bastila on the temple, you are a loyal servant of the Republic. And after that, it's the same level, but with three newbie apprentices instead of one newbie brit ho.
  4. Because PC > Console. And before you start: I have an XBox and a PC. Well, I HAVE a PC, and I have access to an XBox. But I'd rather not battle for control of the Box of X. Especially when I <3 my computer more anyway.
  5. Yeah, but we're the PC... We should be able to r0x0R everybody's s0x0Rz. And what better way than by picking one free unique force-related feat at the start of the game? Even if there were just three, if they were different and cool enough, it could lend a touch more replay value to the game. And replay value is good.
  6. If you look down in the forums (may be a page or two back, depending on your settings), you'll see a poll about saber whips. I think the three sabers we have now is enough. Though I don't know if there's any visual difference between a short saber and a normal saber... Also, since we're getting new colors, that means there are more ways to customize your saber; now all we need are more MEANINGFUL crystals (they don't ALL have to be uber, but I'd at least like to use my lower-end crystals for awhile before I get the better ones).
  7. A: You don't need to quote my whole post; you can just say "In reply to original post..." B: If it's in the game, and useful, I am GOING to use it (unless I'm playing some sort of "hardcore self-limiting kind" where I go solo, play on the difficult setting, use a single blaster but get the 2wf fighting feat anyway, and only use normal medpacs [read: What it takes to make KOTOR 1 hard]). C: Yeah, the munchkins love it. These are the same people screaming "PLZ HELP ME W/ D BANDON!!!". If they're going to leave it in, then they better make there be many fewer times when you can just pop to/from the Hawk. Really, I can do it in the middle of clearing the sewers; why would I EVER want to use my medpacs? The insta-heal doesn't add to the game, it just takes away. And I like to be able to enjoy the game by playing it with all the features it was given; not being forced to ignore some of them to have a good time.
  8. They should make KOTOR games as long as they can keep thinking of good ideas. Simple as that. Though if you wanted to stop it shortly, I think a trilogy would be neat, and keep with Star Wars' theme nicely.
  9. Okay, so Juhani may be off limits to male characters... She has to have a sister, right? A twin sister perhaps? Meowwwwwwww... I see possiblities here... Someone, fetch me the catnip! On another note: As far as my not-very-Star Warsy brain can think of, all master-padawan pairings have been the same gender. Juhani/Quatra is the only grouping of girls I can think of... Any male/female master/apprentice groups?
  10. I don't know where/when I heard this, but somebody mentioned datapads opening automatically when you get them. I REALLY hope this gets put in. That way, I won't have to constantly post "RTFDPs" (Read Those Fabulous Data Pads ) to all the people wondering "How do I beat the rancor?" "How do I get past the obelisk?" "How do I light up the tiles?" and stupid stuff like that.
  11. And I always just toted Bastila, Juhani, or Jolee (usually two of the three) with me.
  12. Well, as far as classification of various psychic powers is concerned, Clairvoyance is the ability to see with your mind (such as beyond doors, and whatnot). Premonition is seeing into the future. I voted for Fury. I mean... It's so boss; why not vote for it?
  13. It's been common knowledge for a long time that there will be dialogue near the very beggining where you'll reveal what happened during KOTOR 1.
  14. By the way: If they ever make a KOTOR movie, I stand by my ridiculous suggestion of switching off a male and female actor/actress for the PC. They'd alternate scenes, and flirt with the person appropriate for their gender. And to top it all off, none of the people on-screen would seem to notice this gender-bending character. And while the non-KOTOR playing public scratched their heads, I'd be splitting my sides.
  15. Meh. If you look at the numbers in KOTOR, your attack bonus meant nothing. On the Star Forge, a dual-wielders offhand attack would hit everybody (other than Malak) on anything except a 1. The defense bonus from Dueling actually plays a part, but really, Dueling just wasn't as good as dual-wielding.
  16. Aw, I'm pretty sure Palpy was quite the duelist back in his day. Anyway, the game heavily implies that Revan was a male. Combine that with how lame the Carth romance was, the history of male Sith lords, and the majority of the players being male, I think it would be safe to say that if they had to write a book or make a movie about the events in KOTOR, then Revan would be male.
  17. Why couldn't they? Who would it hurt if they informed the people who have the bigger boxes?
  18. Because, they'd have to spend the force powers to purchase Heal and Cure, then they'd cost an extreme amount of force points to cast as dark siders. Yeah, there are always those medpacs, but why use them if you have free, quick, easy healing just by transporting to the Ebon Hawk and back? Did you even read the first post?
  19. I want more info on Kreia, the masked Sith, and the new classes. But yes. Obsidian, ya gotta pass that stuff down the row.
  20. Whoosat? Sorry, I'm an "in passing" Star Wars fan. Star Wars is good, has good movies (the originals are better though...), and has some good games (and some not good games). But as far as the EU is concerned, I'm going to be pretty much baffled.
  21. Revan didn't want to kill people and burn things; he wanted power. Killing people and burning things just so happened to be very effective. The game heavily implies that Revan brought in the cold, calculating Sith ways (Master vs Apprentice battle; executing a commander who shows weakness; survival of the strongest), but it was Malak who had the bloodlust ("Everyone knows it was Malak who ordered the destruction of your planet."). And anyway, I just like the thought of Revan as a male. The Sith are ALL male in the movies (Palpatine, Vader, Dooku, Maul), and Tavion and Alora are the only two female darkside force users from the games I can think of...
  22. I like the insta-heal being there, but I just think it should be toned down... And in TSL, you may not always have easy access to Heal. Dark siders won't have any effective way to heal outside of combat (well, some lightsiders may stick around with an evil char, but it doesn't sound like it).
  23. Yeah, but the game is coming out on PC too. If they want me to, I'll help write some of the PC manual. I could probably think of some good stuff to toss in...
  24. The prestige class gives bonuses of its own, correct? So why would you require an ADDITIONAL mastery bonus? You're already more powerful because of the class itself.
  25. Light side: Guardian: +3 str Sentinel: +3 con Consular: +3 cha Dark side: Guardian: +1d8 damage Sentinel: Immunity to Poison Consular: +50 force points And as for what they'll be for the prestige classes, they may just use your base class to determine the bonus (ignoring whatever prestige class you took).
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