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Everything posted by Grand_Commander13

  1. Bah. KOTOR's storyline sucked. You were railroaded through the lightside story, whether you were lightside or not. Even after the temple with the dark side choice, it was the same thing, but with different NPCs, better cutscenes (MUCH better), and three n00Bz to waste instead of Bastila. It's already been said that your choices will change things, as this quote below says. I'm just hoping it's in a more significant way, rather than KOTOR 1's lame attempt at making you think you're in control.
  2. I noted that the hands on the wallpaper were rather large for a woman. Still, the head reminds me of chinese women.
  3. Hey hey hey! Guess who just got a new wallpaper! But yeah, it's who I thought it was. And honestly, my first reaction when I saw the character was "Sweet, a Sith chick." And by "Sweet, a Sith chick.", I was referring to a Sith chick with a sense of style. Not the brutish hos you met on Korriban. Someone like Yuthura, but with a mask. Anyway, whoever they are, they look cool, even if they look like a girl to me.
  4. This "masked Sith guy" that everybody talks about... Is that the person on the Sith Lords page (this guy)? Because if so, that looks more like a female to me. Has the chinese-woman hair thing going on, ya know?
  5. Yeah, but strategy guides suck compared to the free guides you find at GameFAQs. Why should I pay extra money for inferior bull? And it's a STRATEGY GUIDE, not an extra manual. Strategy guides are for people too stupid to figure out how to beat the game, not for people who want to learn how to play it.
  6. Yes. Not only did he quote the only post, but he also quoted the whole thing when he was only responding to a small part. That drives me nuts.
  7. That's entirely possible. I was hoping she'd be all mentorish (kinda like Bastila warning you against the darkside, but not in such an annoying way). And when I said party regular, I meant person who will be in my party a lot. Where are you getting all this info from? The ask the devs and weekend programmer threads?
  8. Meh. I didn't find it tedious... Anyway... Why put stuff in the containers, unless you're trying to trick your NPCs into thinking you don't have enough of a certain item (like Computer Spikes)? Basically, the containers are there to look pretty; they have no real use. WHATever. At least KOTOR 2 is going to be better than KOTOR 1 in allowing me to actually choose some stuff to do (rather than follow on the little tracks KOTOR 1 laid out for me).
  9. 1) Do you really need all those Blaster Rifles? How much are you going to sell them for? Not much. 2) You've never played Fallout or Diablo, have you? Fallout is a perfect example, and Diablo is alright too (though it does space rather than weight), except they give you such limited storage, it's a bit annoying.
  10. Ah. So the awesome old chick has a name? She looks cool; she seems like she may be a party regular, Jedi or not. So long as she's a nice old lady (well, nice to good guys, anyway; I wanna see her trash-talk the Sith) and not a bitter old bat, she seems to rule. And Bastila used a double-ended vibroblade at one point too, remember? Anyway, maybe they decided to un-Jedi her, and instead make her a normal character. Very feasible, methinks.
  11. Is it extractable though? Can I play the music when I'm not playing the game?
  12. Oh please. With all the storage on the Ebon Hawk, and the ability to carry around the weight of three people's capacity (and carry on in Fallout's tradition of having the lighter healing supplies be 0 weight), I wouldn't be limited at all, let alone heavily limited.
  13. Whatever. I guess it's just something that some enjoy and others revile. What can I say? KOTOR annoyed me by letting me pick up fifty double-ended vibro-blades, three-hundred medpacs, and seventy-eight blaster rifles, and letting all my characters have instant access to all of them at all times. Ammunition is also an issue... But in KOTOR, ranged weapons were bad enough WITHOUT ammo.
  14. Ceremonial use? Anyway, I'd be able to stomach its sucking if only it looked cool. However, it didn't. So no stomaching for it!
  15. Well, it worked well for both Fallout games. And then, you had to *gasp*, allocate weight throughout the party! Basically what it does is give you a reason to use all the storage lying around. I doubt weight will make its way into KOTOR 2, but I'd welcome it.
  16. Just this weekend, Akari said that you couldn't play through the game without encountering game-stopping bugs. Bug hunting/killing takes a lot of effort; you gotta give 'em time to do this stuff, or it'll be KOTOR 1 all over again.
  17. Because of the way I am, I used it. I hoard things, even useless medpacs. Anyway, the cutscene was just an idea (hey, they could have two or three to keep it from getting totally boring). I think having to enter the Hawk and walk to the medical room (and activate the console) would be long enough. What can I say? It's there, it doesn't break the game, so I use it. I'd just like there to be a purpose to the medpacs we haul around. Is that so much to ask?
  18. I, too, REALLY REALLY REALLY want a maximum carry limit (though it can be shared by the entire party rather than put on individual characters). That would make me more likely to sell stuff, and give all the containers on the Ebon Hawk a purpose. Also, it just sucks having access to everything you already picked up, AND being able to collect more loot. What can I say? Fallout's aspect of (hmmmm... I really wanna take this, but then I'd have to ditch this...) really was fun. You could even have the basic medpacs have 0 weight, just like stimpacks.
  19. Dude, do you really have to quote my entire post just to respond to the last line? Anyway, I want to be able to be cruel to the lightsided members of my party. Like, if there's a Missionish character in the party, I want to be able to terrify her into submission to my evil. That would be truly dark.
  20. It's kinda hard to think of ideas for good darksided things to do that aren't thuggish. Among the good ones that come to mind: *Misleading people, convincing them to do evil things (such as telling a kid to run away from their parents by making them think their parents hate them). *Gently blackmailing people. ("Well Mr.Senator, I'd be more than happy to make sure the public never hears of your trying to contract an assassin to kill that Sith mole (NOTE: An upstanding member of the community, but is really working for the Sith.), but first I need a little measure (NOTE: Bad for the Republic.) to pass...") *Taking slaves. *Encouraging bigotry and hatred. *Secretly hurting others so they have to come to you asking for aid (and they don't know it's you harming them, either). Generally things to make all the Sith academy people look like total brutish n00Bz with no imagination or drive for power.
  21. Hey man, I'll drink to the soundtrack idea. I'd pay an extra $10 to get me some of that action going on. Other ideas could be an artbook, action figures, or a mini-CD that patches the game so you can play as a non-Jedi class (I'm sorry, but I gotta plug this every chance I get; can you guys PLEASE at least make me able to cheat for it?). I want the artbook and soundtrack in a collector's edition. That'd own. WC3's CE had an artbook and a DVD with all the cutscenes on it.
  22. First off, this is somewhat a continuation of a discussion here, just in case you're curious. Anyway, I've played KOTOR a few times, and I really fell in love with the "Return to Ebon Hawk", "Transit Back" instant-healing. For instance, inside the Vulkar base, right before the dude guarding the accellerator, I would leave the bay, leave the base, go to the Apartment, Transit Back, go back to the bay, and then go fight him. Basically, whenever I could, I would take advantage of this free healing. This really does take away from the game, since I could have used medpacs to heal (hey, maybe I would have ended up needing to BUY them; what a concept). Here is my suggestion on how to fix this, but not totally nerf it: You know the medical room on the Hawk? Make it so that to be healed, you actually must enter the Hawk, go there, and activate some kind of console. You then get a little cutscene of the character lying down on the chair thingie. Depending on how MUCH you want to nerf it, you can do a few things after that: 1) The auto-heal has been nerfed enough. You had to enter the Hawk, walk to a point, use a console, and view a cutscene. Time to go kill. 2) Nerf it a bit more, by requiring that it use up medpacs (though you save the kits by going here; maybe one pack heals five times as much as the base with one point in Treat Injury per level of the main character). 3) Nerf it a lot more by taking the character out of action for... Like... Ten seconds per HP they need healed. Of course, I don't think this healing will be needed as much, because it seems that characters ALL have natural healing. But still, sometimes you get really hurt in a fight, want to be at 100% before venturing into the enemy base, and want to conserve medpacs. Thoughts? Discussion commence!
  23. Extras such as...? A free copy of Half-Life 2? A Radeon 9800 PRO graphics card? A lifetime supply of dry-roasted peanuts?
  24. I, too, cannot vote. What I want most is the new freedom of choice. The ability for you to make choices that actually impact the game world; it is a beautiful thing. I also look forward to better lightside/darkside choices, the newer darker story, and the nicer robes. The feats and force powers are also nifty, and the ability to upgrade your swoop will be quite fun as well.
  25. You know... You don't have to quote my entire message if that's all you're replying to. :D Really though, what the heck happened to manuals? Manuals are usually dinky little things now that hardly tell you anything? I've gotten so used to reading the manuals really fast, then going online to find out the useful information. And until somebody brought this up, I didn't find it odd at all.
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