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Everything posted by Grand_Commander13

  1. Aw come on. Even if there isn't a way to NORMALLY play through as a non-Jedi, can they at LEAST program into the cheats a way to change your class? That way, I could make all my levels Scout, and be happy about PWNING! But... Joining the Sith...? SWEEEEEEET! I'm a happy child. Last questions for the weekend: 1) When will you be able to elaborate more about the skills? 2) Will the game be tougher, or at least have optional tough areas? 3) Will the game have and ending for each world you visit, a'la Fallout?
  2. Meh. Call me crazy, but don't you think her becoming "utterly yours" and your "lover and apprentice" is rather romantic? Basically, the LS and DS romances both end different, but are both there.
  3. Go all the way? "Didn't have to get the holocron," is that what you mean? Because that was the only really different thing from romancing her lightside. And by really different, I mean different at all before the Unknown World (and after that, both sides branch off to totally different paths).
  4. No, you can romance her as an evil person too. You still get your kiss, and the ever so nice "lover and apprentice" and "utterly yours" lines on top of the temple.
  5. Shee-oot Craftsman, edit button? Anyway Akari, I'm glad you answered my questions, and like any appreciative kiddie, I have more! :D 1) I did a search, but did not find info. So here I am. When upgrading items, is it... Cooler than in KOTOR? I mean, I love being able to upgrade, but I think it'd be great to have like... Five categories you can upgrade, but you can only upgrade three. Anything like that, or is it still possible to max out each item's upgrades? 2) Are there any more skills? Even if there aren't, that's cool, since it seems that the skills are more useful now. So there will actually be a point to playing Scoundrel/Sentinel? 3) What will your alignment change about the game? You mentioned areas being different. Does this mean that the environment is affected by your alignment, or does this just mean that certain people will like you and others will hate you? A FINAL NOTE: Please ask very nicely for me for it to be coded in that if you put in your name as "GC13" (without the quotes, obviously) that your character starts out as a Scout and can't take any other levels. Or Buffy. That works too. Easter egg!
  6. I don't know if the first two are answerable, but I feel the need to ask them all the same: 1) Is there any way to play the game through without any Jedi classes? (I always wanted to finish the game as a Scout; I figured your reward for the added difficulty could be a special ending.) 2) Will the game allow you more freedom of choice? As in, if our hearts are black as coal, will we have the option of hating and wanting to destroy the Republic? BEFORE the very end, mind you. 3) Sorry if this has been asked before, but... Customizable saber hilts: Will we have them?
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