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Everything posted by Grand_Commander13

  1. Ah. So it seems they get unique force powers? That's very helpful in the "making them neat" area. Marauder... *drool* /me really wants his Consular/Marauder character, who will be so much cooler than the envisioned Soldier/Consular.
  2. Thank you for this, Mr.I Can't Look A Few Threads Down.
  3. He was addicted to stimulants, not adrenal stimulants. The latter are performance enhancing; the former doesn't necessarily improve your physical abilities. I get this from nit-picking at the way things are stated, not at any knowledge of the drugs of the Star Wars universe.
  4. Even if the dimensions were twice as large (four times the area), they'd still be too small for speeders (well, speeders that go at speeder speed). They'd be too large for walking though. But still too small for speeders.
  5. Yeah, and we're probably not getting it either. I'd be all for it, but I'd want it to be just for aesthetics (not appeal).
  6. That's not what he's asking. He wants to know if we can start as a Guardian, but take a level of Consular when we level up to level two. Etc... I don't think it would be worthwhile.
  7. Do you just have to misspell weight? It's at least as aggravating to me as carry WEIGHT seems to be to you. I just don't get these people who want RPGs to bend over for them. It's one thing to not be tedius, but it's another thing to encourage EXTREME packratism.
  8. Fallout 2 is actually replayable. Fallout 2 makes your decisions impact the game world. Fallout 2 has CARRY WEIGHT (BANNER!). Fallout 1 would be a lot more fun if your NPCs wore armor, you had the trade interface with them, and your inventory sucked less. Fallout 2 catches more of the "your actions affect the gameworld thing" that I love so much though, so it'd still be better. KOTOR 1: Not replayable. Your decisions don't impact the game world. Your party all have the strength of Olympian athletes (not olympic, think Zeus if he actually felt like working out). Now, KOTOR 2 will be just fine with KOTOR 1's aggravating "I packed the kitchen sink!" inventory, but it will NOT be fine if your decisions don't affect the game world (I've been told they will; or at the very least things will be different if you're dark or light).
  9. You know, I played through all of KOTOR knowing that I was Darth Revan. And I'm rather sure I knew that Bastila was going to be captured by Malak. Both of the things that make people go "See? KOTOR 1 has a good story." Yet the game was still enjoyable. Though it has little to no replay value, which is why I only beat it once good, once dark, then tried going Consular (and darkside is the ONLY way to go Consular). I'll stop now before this turns into another "This is why Fallout 2 is better than KOTOR 1" post.
  10. DFS. It's just an artificial method of making people wait to go out and level up. Whereas carry weight (*pulls out his war banner*) is a very organic method of forcing the player to decide what he wants to keep the most. That and to convince him to sell or store stuff every once in awhile.
  11. I love the trailer. Because it implies that there will be full of choices, but let the storyline take more of a back seat (you can have a storyline, but when it gets in the way of my ability to make worthwhile choices, I get upset). And the voiceover rules.
  12. They said it would be about as long as KOTOR 1 was. Anyway, the idea of your base class enhancing your prestige class: Doubtful. Going from Soldier to Consular was fine in KOTOR 1. You basically took a class that got more feats and vitality, then went on to the Jedi class that didn't get as much vitality and was force-focused. But in KOTOR 2 with these prestige classes, it's looking to be not so easy going. A Jedi Master who is weak in the force? A Weapons Master who is low on base attack bonus and feats? The WM sounds more forgiving than the JM, that's for sure. Anyone can use a beefing up of their sabering abilities, but for JM, you need force powers to beef up first. As I said before, PrCs seem designed to enhance a specific base class. There's less fun mixing and matching if a Guardian/Jedi Master (or any other offbeat mixture) isn't a very viable character. Maybe if some kind developer would fill us in on the specific statistics of the prestige classes, we could know for sure. *HINT* *HINT* Come on devs: Even if you haven't finished their stats, let us see. All the added feedback would prevent another Sentinel class. *shudder* (Yeah, the Sentinel wasn't that bad, and woulda been pretty cool if the skills were worthwhile, but they weren't.)
  13. ... Is it just me, or are the prestige classes just ls/ds extensions of the basic Jedi classes? I know the Jedi classes were extensions of the normal classes in KOTOR 1, but that was alright; the Jedi classes introduced a whole new element of play, and the classes mixed in unpredictable ways. But lets just assume you start out as a Guardian in KOTOR 2. You're obviously focusing on your feats and vitality here, so you can tear people apart with your lightsaber. What sense would it make to choose Jedi Master as your prestige class, when its abilities are probably force based? Yeah, I know I can't REALLY talk about this sort of stuff without seeing exactly what the classes do. I also realize that going Jedi Master would augment the Guardian's meager force powers (as going Weapons Master would help out a Consular's sabering). But all in all... I dunno. We don't have anything else interesting to talk about, so I figure we may as well argue about the prestige classes (despite not knowing much about them at all) until we get some new video to watch eighty times, or a character profile for somebody (my vote is for Kreia or the masked Sith). So bored... Must argue...
  14. No DUH we want updates. I voted Yes, but it's only half the truth. I only want regular updates if they'll be more frequent than any irregular updates we'll get (assuming all the updates are of similar quality).
  15. Wow, this is actually a good idea. KOTOR 1 was boring as far as the cities went, because there was exactly one city we could go to per HUGE planet. Needless to say, quite a few people would like to either have multiple landing spots, or at least more interesting single cities. Though I doubt you'd have multiple cities, as they could only really be topped off with unique side quests, which would make the game too long (though I'd enjoy a longer game).
  16. It's like in Natural Selection (No, not the HL mod; a MUD with punk admins). If you're a shapeshifter, you can choose Cow as a transformation so you have milk and cheese to eat. Fanatics also have Create Food and Create Water. But they're useless skills, since the clans will accept ANYONE, and all have fountains that sate your hunger and quench your thirst. Dunno why I brought that up; It seemed to make at least as much sense as the food idea did.
  17. Loan sharks in games seem to not work. They either loan too little money to be bothered with, or enough money to make taking it all and running be worthwhile. Plus, I'll bet that if they DID implement this, they wouldn't let me take the hutt's money and kill him.
  18. No to the "mabey certain parts of the quest and/or side quest could only be completed during certian parts of the day" nonsense. This is not Majora's Mask. But the night/day cycle would look pretty. But I'd rather them spend the time they would use implementing it on hunting down bugs instead. Unless it wouldn't take them much time at all. Then it'd look neat.
  19. Your posts are both frequent and annoying. And this Food suggestion, at least, is quite nonsenical. Thus: Spam.
  20. There is good realism (like carry weight) and there is bad realism (like food).
  21. Would Juhani put out if you used catnip, even if you were a guy? ^Topic, or at least a more meaningful one than the original poll.
  22. That'd be using a different rules set than KOTOR uses. I'm just happy they used mana (force points) instead of totally screwing everything over and having force uses per day. Yeah, I know that force points is kinda a SW standard, but you never know... Anyway, that's more Dungeon Siege than DnD. And KOTOR uses DnD rules (for the most part).
  23. Actually, I like the purple sabers. I didn't think purple could look awesome ever, but it is a totally pimp lightsaber color.
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