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Everything posted by Grand_Commander13

  1. Yeah, pretty much. Except since all characters can change their alignment, it may be a bit tough to have their voices when they talk change (unless they just get totally different dialouge options). But it would be nice to have their selection notices change, at least. It's always the small things you never notice but enjoy so much.
  2. 1) Better story. 2) More/better animations in combat. 3) Better inventory management. 4) More freedom of choice. 5) Better customization of items. 6) More useful skills. 7) Consequences for your choices (goes hand in hand with freedom of choice) More feats, powers, and classes to customize your character with. Of those eight things, only the last is something that a typical expansion pack will include. Everything else is above and beyond the call of duty. KOTOR 2 is a true sequel.
  3. You know how when you select a character in your party, they say something (like "Yes?" or "I'm here.")? Well, I want the PC's (well... all characters, really) voice to reflect their alignment.
  4. I hope there are several people (or one dude who can change his voice really well) to do the main character's voice (he DOES say stuff when you select him), depending on his light or dark tendencies. Aside from that... I don't care about anyone specific, so long as they do a good job. But I'd like Obsidian to know that I'm always available! B)
  5. You want a good manual? *points to the Fallout manuals* Normally when they package the manuals as something being semi-from the game world, they sound stupid. But the Fallout manuals did a good job pulling it off. But that's not important. They had info on what all the feats did (in-depth info; you could read the manual to find the numbers on a feat, rather than having to load up the game), and covered tons of stuff. And they were bound quite nicely too! :D I want a better manual than KOTOR's. It doesn't have to be in color, but that would be nice. Usually, bigger manuals are better, because they cram more stuff into 'em. And please, for the love of all things sacred, tell us the story in the manual this time. It was kinda nice having something to read during the load screens, but I'd rather save that for tips and tricks, as opposed to the background of the story I'm in the middle of.
  6. Yeah, KOTOR 1 had weird weapon effects for various combat feats. Which is kinda weird, because you can't say it's the user's force energy or whatever; not all people using Power Attack can use the Force, but all people using Power Attack have the weird glowy thingie. Maybe we could have those odd effects be something we can turn off in the options. Shouldn't be too hard to code in. Do I have to e-mail this suggestion to somebody, or what?
  7. Well, I figured we could get Gilbert Godfrey to do the Sith Lord's voice, and go "SON of a *****!!!" when the PC said he wanted to become the Sith leader, but I wasn't sure if he'd be better as the Sith lord, or as the first Republic soldier you tell that you're there to finish the Republic off. B)
  8. Yes, the concept of the Jedi strugging with the dark side is a fun one, but a concept that KOTOR just doesn't let you do. The options were way too polarized. You need more ways to vent hatred, but still deny a reward. Such as speaking of how the Mandalorian raiders on Dantooine got what they deserved for all the bad things they did, and that bringing justice to them was its own reward. (Note that lightsiders aren't supposed to believe in killing.)
  9. I hope we get to fight the Sith for control from within if we go dark side. It's only logical, and would kick so much rear. "And so you, the last Jedi, have finally joined us. Now, we are invincible!" "Not quite." "What?" *activates lightsaber* "When I said I would become a Sith, I was thinking of becoming their leader." "Oh, poopie..."
  10. I never said that I thought ledbians were okay. I just said that guys (like myself) tended to be less touchy about the whole lesbian issue, because lesbians are a lot less likely to go putting things where they don't belong. And also, lesbians, by their very nature, will never ever have any interest in a guy (yet ANOTHER reason why guys care less). And Leford: Well, it's just that this whole issue seems to put people on edge. SO, I assumed you were talking to me. Kitty-girlies... Yay! Why can't they be real?!?!?
  11. You mean homosexual, right? There's a difference. Hateful homophobic remarks? Well, pardon me for giving gay people a chance to change how I think of them by changing their actions, rather than just automatically hating them for them being something they can't change. As for the topic of lesbians: I am a guy. When gay guys make love, things happen that just shouldn't. Knowing what this is, you can understand why most straight guys are more touchy about gay guys than they are about lesbians. Also, Juhani is a cat-girl. Cat-girls can do no wrong.
  12. Well, that sounds like how I feel, perfectly. They can BE gay, but they can't ACT gay. There is a difference. Acting gay entails doing... Certain things... But enough of that. Basically, if there is a video game character, and we know he's gay (and I don't mean he just acts a little feminine) from his actions (I'd be alright with a dev saying "for the record, this dude is gay"), I will not like that character. Period. Just the way I am. *pulls out the "I'm intolerant, but you aren't, so respect my beliefs like you tell me to respect yours" card, and sets it down on the table* Now, can we please end this part of the discussion? It never leads anywhere good.
  13. Meh. KOTOR 2 looks like it's shaping up to be everything KOTOR tried to be but wasn't. Like... Um... An RPG, maybe? ^Sorry, I have to bring that up every post I make; it's union regulations. Anyway, when did they say they were re-balancing the weapons? That's good news. Maybe a blaster rifle will do a bit better than 25.5% more damage than a blaster pistol, and maybe ranged weapons will be worth using. The SKILLS will be worth getting, so that's always good news. KOTOR 2's storyline looks so much better than KOTOR 1's. So very much better. I just hope they use it properly, rather than playing the whole "you're being hunted across the galaxy" thing, just to allow you to walk around on Sith-controlled planets and nobody notice/care (like with Bastila on Taris). I'm happy with the way KOTOR 2 is looking. It's no more an expansion to KOTOR 1 than Fallout 2 was to Fallout 1.
  14. I prefer dex a lot. The bonuses to defense are a lot better than the bonuses to damage from strength. But in principle, I think it's easier to kill an enemy before he hurts you than it is to wait him out. KOTOR just doesn't do a good job with this, mechanically speaking.
  15. Anime is quite amusing. But only specific animes are worth watching. They're like good old-fashioned American cartoons in that regard. They're too expensive to buy though, and I never watch TV.
  16. Hey, they have four-thousand years of history to fill. I'm sure they could squeeze out a third and fourth game. And anyway, I see no point in multiplayer for KOTOR. It just seems rather pointless. They could spend time coding other stuff rather than coding in a multiplayer that is only slightly fun.
  17. She doesn't say that she didn't have time to use her battle meditation; she says that if she hadn't been using her battle meditation, you would have died on the Spire.
  18. ... *banishes such disturbing thoughts* Anyway, yes, it was to me that Akari said that customizable hilts were unlikely. And as much as I want customized hilts, I'm not too bothered; As has already been said, they have more important things to worry about.
  19. As I always do: First, play lightsided (though maybe not paragon of light). Second, go darkside. And, most likely, never play lightside again unless I wanna try being a paragon of light.
  20. Well, I hope there are more useful feats. KOTOR 1 was full of quite a few useless pieces of junk. You don't feel like you're giving anything up when chosing feats (unless you REALLY hate having to choose just one attack feat).
  21. What are you trying to get at here...? B) My theory: She "caught" them, and made up the whole "taken prisoner" deal so people wouldn't think she was a... Well... You know...
  22. And it would be intensely lame to be allowed to be dark side, but not allowed to join the Sith. It'd be like Final Fantasy all over again: "Here you are, the intrepid hero. But we get to tell you where to go and what to do." Heck, it'd be like KOTOR, except you can't go with Bastila on top of the temple.
  23. The head is flesh-colored, indicating no mask or hood. Also, the robes look more brown than black. Methinks it's just the PC.
  24. You can't tell me that any self-respecting darkside girl ("give in to your passion blah blah blah") would be averse to a little *cough* *cough* *cough*. Especially when the line was lover and apprentice. Not apprentice. PH34R!!! :ph34r:
  25. I don't know about you, but after KOTOR 1, I'm kinda glad that someone else is at the reigns. KOTOR 1 was terribly glitchy, and played like a movie. In KOTOR 2, we know that you have more freedom of choice. Combine that with the fact that it can't possibly be more glitchy than KOTOR 1, and you can tell that KOTOR 2 will be > KOTOR 1. At any rate, it doesn't really matter whether Revan ended good or bad. The Sith could have come back even from the good ending, as has been said before.
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