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Everything posted by Grand_Commander13

  1. Look at his poll options: He's just making these threads to annoy people. I think an IP ban is in order.
  2. Straw man or irrelevant? I posted the examples in the second and third paragraphs so no idiots would come up and try to tell me that I had no idea what I was talking about. As for the fourth paragraph, it was essentially a summary of how the two games made me feel. An extension of my main point, basically. Bottom line is... So some people are arguing that they like KOTOR because of its beautiful story and hate Fallout because of its lack of a clear direction, and other people are saying they love Fallout for its freedom of choice and hate KOTOR because of its massive restrictions on player action? Is that it?
  3. There's a way (at least on the XBox) to cheat so you can change your character's classes. This goes for your NPCs, and probably you as well. Anyway, it's a stupid way of cheating. I hate cheaters. But my Counter-Strike addiction may have something to do with that mentality. Anyway, as much as I think Canderous, Carth, and HK-47 are cooler than the Jedi, the Jedi are so much better...
  4. That's like telling me to ignore the "what episode/character is your favorite" threads on the Invader Zim forums. Their very existence offends me, so I must go in and insult the moron who made the thread.
  5. Screw YOU, Eddo36! This has been brought up so many times. Ffs, just let it die. If it's in, then yay, it's in. If not, boo hoo.
  6. I was gonna go back and edit that. But since you brought my messed up quote to attention, read it like this now: Uh... I'm pretty sure the part they're annoyed with is the fact that they must RP a Jedi in a CRPG, not the fact that they can't not be a Jedi in an FPS. Change the can't to the must, and it all makes more sense.
  7. I think the real issue here (alright, I don't care what the issue is here; the issue with ME) is not that your little decisions don't affect the huge plot; I can take that. My problem is that my little decisions don't affect the game world. In Fallout 2, if I side with the Mordinos, the game turns out the same. However, I've done different quests to do this (while in KOTOR, I wander off to one different fight), and the game world reflects my choice (both by the other families hostiling me on sight, and by the ending narration). Everywhere you go, your character has a lot of choice to do different things (kill Metzger, or join him?; help the Slags, or kill them?; Fix Gecko's plant, or shut it down?; fix the mine, or shut it down?). Some of these choices are reflected in the game world (like which gang you side with in The Den, or whether you choose to be a good guy and help the Slags out); others aren't (well, in a significant manner anyway; many people still say different things depending on your choices). The point of Fallout 2 isn't that you can make the story vary wildly; it's that you feel as if you really are a guy wandering the wasteland, affecting the world around him. KOTOR made me feel like I was a guy on tracks taking potshots at buffalo as they passed by on the plains...
  8. In a fight? Probably a true Sith, because we'd be talking about the perfect most ruthless warrior, versus the perfect peaceful philospher. Yeah, this nice philospher dude would be incredibly skilled with his saber, but the Jedi ideal is much less combat focused than the Sith ideal, so an ideal Sith would win in straight up combat. However, the Sith are prone to tearing themselves apart. This is why the Sith, as a whole, always lose.
  9. Ionized energy? Uh... Ion = Atom with an electric charge. And energy does not contain atoms...
  10. Definitely Scout. The best free feats, good skills, and a good amount of VP. Soldier is vastly overrated. They have no personality; they're just musclebound brutes who get a couple extra feats. Scouts are where it's at. Implants, Flurry, Repair > j00.
  11. Well I got to write my Malak quote, one way or annother. That makes me happy. Sorry, but your post made no sense if you're already aware of that. Because I, too, had said that he didn't know you were alive. I'm kind of in the habit of assuming that if you quote someone, you're refuting what they say unless you say something along the lines of "that's right." Oh yeah, and I also come from forums where we don't quote entire freaking posts just to addess one part of it. This ENTIRE FORUM does that...
  12. Well, considering the lengths Malak went after the Leviathion to keep your identity a secret, he obviously considers Revan a touchy subject; Saul, being smart, considers it touchy as well. So when he decided to reveal your presence in the galaxy to Malak, he wanted to do it in private. Makes sense, doesn't it? Or, Malak could have just made a big announcement to his Sith troops (with odd views on how leadership works): "Hey guys, you know the person who was a better leader than I could ever hope to be? Yeah, the one whose ship I had shot at for me while Jedi attacked it. Hey! You in the back! I have Force Sense, I heard that crack about that making me a puss! Anyway, back on topic: It appears I didn't do my job well enough, and now he's joined the Republic. I would like you all to attack and kill the rightful leader of the Sith (who can and will rip you limb from limb) mmmmmmkay please thank-you buh-bye!" Also note that if Malak didn't tell them it was you, they wouldn't know, because of the mask. By the way: Intrigued Bastila Companions And yes, that quote of Malak's was intensely fun to write. :D
  13. *sigh* ged, when Saul told Malak he'd be interested in what Calo had to say about Bastila's other companions, he was talking about you. Carth and Bastila are both important; Malak knows about them. Until Calo tells Malak about you (after that cutscene), Malak thinks you are dead. Therefore, you can't be the Jedi that he's talking about. And Canderous was never mentioned at all in the dialogue, while they talked a bit about Carth. Carth is reasonably well known, while Canderous is a nobody (he's working for a crime lord on a backwater planet; big deal).
  14. "You" being used in the conversational sense, basically implying that Malak was being unclear (even though he wasn't) and that we have to make up his mind for him. That's what I get for trying to be social... Anyway, it's not possible for the encounter that he survives to contain Carth and Bastila at the same time (heck, it may contain neither, as it has several times for me). So yeah...
  15. Also, it's not "A Jedi and a war hero; crap." It's "A Jedi and a war hero; it's a wonder you escaped the encounter alive." You know, as in alluding to him having said Carth and Bastila were with you at Davik's. Unless you're talking about his heroic stand against you, Carth, and Bastila's (invisible) spirit in the cantina when you first encounter him. It IS amazing that he survived THAT... He auto-kills, and our damage is automatically reduced to zero. Worst. Fight. Ever.
  16. I can't remember the exact quote, but Malak questions Saul as to where he got the information, then Saul says it was an eyewitness. Calo then walks up as if on cue. Now, where would Malak have gotten the idea that Bastila and Carth were there? We know it was an eyewitness. And they imply SO FREAKING HARD that Calo provided them this specific information, it isn't even funny.
  17. I put "glitch" in quotation marks when exolaining, Manbeastly. This is because though it's known as the GGG, it is in fact not a glitch (as has already been established). Anyway, I don't give a dang about screenshots. I want more info on new force powers, feats, and prestige classes.
  18. Uh... I'm pretty sure the part they're annoyed with is the fact that they can't RP a Jedi in a CRPG, not the fact that they can't not be a Jedi in an FPS.
  19. Did they ever say "This is Taris, the first world you go to!"? I doubt it. They were taking shots that looked cool. And by the way, you get Carth very quickly. And Mission/Zaalbar not too long after that, depending on if you take it easy or not.
  20. These are all either screenshots taken in development before things were finalized, or taken using the galaxy droid glitch (a "glitch" where you can go back to places you've already visited).
  21. I'm pretty sure I noticed it my first or second time. Probably the second, because I was too busy obsessing over the storyline the first time (it flows so nicely in the beggining, but it drops off after Dantooine, and doesn't even try to pick up until the Leviathon. Then it drops back off.). Anywho, that's just the kind of thing I notice.
  22. Did you ever note that you HAVE to have Canderous with you. Meaning you can only take Carth OR Bastila (or neither of them). So it wasn't a Jedi and a war hero. It was one or neither. You'd think Bioware would have put some effort into the cutscenes... And yes, I talk about them like this on their forums too. Obsidian: You guys will put more effort into the cutscenes, right? Please?
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