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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. Monaco looks pretty cool, thanks for pointing it out
  2. shun the non-believer!
  3. but but but... New Vegas?
  4. maybe the writer meant this guy?
  5. oooh, boy, I remember Dark Sun, thinking about those games still gives me shivers
  6. accidentally came across this piece: http://youtu.be/mXBugKoo7L0 the third movement (begins at 20:00) is unbelievably beautiful. last time I heard something as powerful was the 1st movement in Mendelssohn's 2nd violin concerto.
  7. went ahead and bought this thing (Xenium W6500): looked good on paper for the price (250$), so I figured it was probably the best offer I'd see in a while. so far I've been fully satisfied with its performance. will have to dive deeper into this whole Android thing eventually to uncover its full potential...
  8. such a ****ty setting for this kind of game though IMO I'd like a turn-based game in a modern setting (or a setting with extensive use of firearms). melee turn based without magic is just a yawn fest
  9. do you mean for free? I'd be glad to take one copy of NS2 off your hands, if the offer still stands
  10. wow, that footage from inside their spacecraft...
  11. if Payday 1 is any indication, I'd say don't bother unless it's 75% off. first game got very repetitive very fast and the only good missions were the ones they added much later with an expansion it's basically Left 4 Dead only with humans instead of zombies, and with a lot less missions to play through. speaking of L4D, got the second game, and it's great fun in co-op ^doing just this *Internet-high-fives Monte*
  12. jeebuz, such fidelity...
  13. Origin doesn't accept my card, Steam does. I guess EA doesn't want my money. does that make their portal better?
  14. having some fun with the F-18 mod for Arma 3 dropping bombs on unsuspecting farmers Arma's modding community is one of the best in the industry for sure.
  15. I really hope both Far Cry 3 titles end up with 80% off, really want to try them both but just don't have the dough to even buy them at half price
  16. well, I don't think this site claims to be affiliated with Valve. just wondering if someone here knew about it. but yeah looks fishy
  17. does anyone know if this thing: http://steam-free-games.com/index.php?id=607585 is for real or a scam?
  18. oh wow, Oldboy the remake currently holds a 30% rating on Rotten Tomatoes "It isn't just Spike Lee's worst movie, it's practically his Wicker Man."
  19. but... why give a ****? so it won't feel like Planescape. how is that a bad thing? I didn't like Torment for Planescape, D&D, and most certainly not for combat. I liked it for its characters and plot
  20. all his talk about Asian movies reminded me: you all should watch The Yellow Sea, it's fantastic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTCwY79GQ1o oh, and The Chaser, if you like thrillers
  21. that would be the best possible way to handle combat in Torment
  22. in my experience it's always been too easy to cheese my way through any encounter in a RTWP game (if all else fails, kite the enemies and kill them one by one). in turn-based games that's a bit (a lot?) harder to do.
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