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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Yes but trying to fix all the issues would take months. A simple BAB table change makes a good enough diference so people take Guardian over Sentinel, trying to fix the whole system its downright impossible ... it come broken from BioWare in the first place.
  2. You will better off asking here: http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=324 There are some tuturials saying what places you need to modify. I can say were you can alter the feats, its the feats.2da and what you are looking is for the collum with -1 since -1 means the feat is never automatic awarded at any level, if you see a 1 it means its awarded at level 1 of that class and if you see a 6 it means its awarded at level 6 of that class (you be seeing a lot of -1 anyway). If you set a feat from 1 to -1 you are pretty much removing it from being awarded at start.
  3. Alright Volourn, it being hyped but so far most people appear to not care much about Jade Empire.
  4. I belive Atton is a romance option. However dont expect a BioWare romance in this game.
  5. Check this. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Correct timeline except on a ninor thing they overlooked. The Sith were found 1000 years before the Great Hyperspace War so around -4,000 the Jedi discover the Dark Side, fight over it and the dark side are exiled/flee, find the Sith Race and start the Sith Empire.
  6. My impression of seeing GameFAQs forums (that are console inclined) is that there are not many people looking for it, the GameFAQs JE forum area only have 2 pages as Fable (that been released at some time) have 15 pages and a social board. Also my impression of JE BioWare forums is they are not many people there (they remind me of KotOR PC forums before release) and there is not much going on. Yes Fable was hyped as hell but by Lionhead and not Microsoft Perhaps I am wrong but I think BioWare screwed up in some of the hyping, take saying its more Shenmue that Morrowind for example that I dont think many RPG or even action RPG fans would like Shenmue combat and anoying "press button" action sequences ... I played Shenmue II and I grown bored with its repeating dialogue (its worst that Morrowind) and slow pacing ... it have a lot of good ideas but there is a reason why we dont have Shenmue III (and not only because it had Dreamcast graphics) ... To say the true I dont think JE will do much well, I belived MS planed to use that game to boost sales in JPN area (remenber were it was anounced) but drop the idea and now concentrate their efforts in the Xbox II ... I also it was smart of then since JE will be as "inspired" in chinese mytology as FF XII will be inspired by Turkish culture.
  7. BioWare better start hyping JE fast because from what I seen in GameFAQs forums there is really not that many people looking for it. That is the problem with having MS as publisher, they dont hype their games much.
  8. God I hope not. IWD is a dungeon crawl, Chris would end up doing "PS:T 2 " that is not IWD is.
  9. True, if its KotOR III its LucasArts and if its IWD III it will be Atari. I rather see IWD III that BG III to be honest, people will simply expect things from BG III that can no longer be done.
  10. It fixes the PDF manual and no, its not the anounced patch.
  11. Microsoft in their somewhat finite wisdom does not allow Xbox Live to patch games, knowing full well that if they did then Xbox titles would suffer the curse "release it now, patch it later" that plages the PC gaming. You will never see a Xbox game to be patched, not at least without hidding it in some extra content.
  12. Likely, my guess it was "Sun Rider" because of Luke "Sky Walker" that was almost "Star Killer".
  13. As said some legal conflic reguarding the word Sunrider. Oddly enough when I googled it show up this: http://www.ncahf.org/articles/s-z/sunrider.html
  14. Actually I would not worry too much, new consoles tend to have weak launch games because of the time it takes to release the console in all regions. If the Xbox 2 is released in end 2005 it means its only going to be released in NA in end 2005, mid 2006 in PAL and end 2006 in JPN. It usually takes about a year to start seeing the good games comming out so it can be sold in all the world. Mind that does not mean there are not good launch games but they are few and usually the publisher is the same that makes the consoles, Halo 3 is more likely to be a Xbox 2 Launch game that KotOR III. Besides nothing stops then from supporting the older console, GBA games did not stop because DS was to be released.
  15. You mean "rant about it and then get it on release day" Volourn? Since that is what Visc does ...
  16. Actually it is, its part of continuity. In George's Star Wars universe (that is the only one that is canon) Boba Fett is dead, beaten by a blind man with a stick.
  17. There are diferences ... Lets look at "X-Wing", its not Luke Skywalker that goes into the Trench Run, someone else blows up the Death Star. Sames goes with Rookie One destroying the Death Star in "Rebel Assault". The movies are canon, nothing can change that (and no, nobody is going to make Star Wars movies besides George Lucas). Then we have the EU with have its own continuity, many things are NOT part of such continuity and are labeled "Infinities", Star Wars games will fall into Infinities since most of then are based on the movies events. KotOR series is not continuity because it contradicts it, LucasArts is not overall concerned about continuity since they had published many games that go against both continuity and canon (I like to see anyone argue that "Ep. I" game is canon, even that movie novel is more EU that that game is) but LucasArts is concerned over Star Wars mark, they maintain certain Star Wars elements (like the Teen rating) in all their Star Wars games.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zion
  19. I can say that I am not exactly a fan of then and I do think they look a bit stupid. However if you just name it something else we would not have such arguments, like it or not someone made the Basilisk War Droid look that way and its set in stone. Now I can say I am not overall a fan of the "Star Destroyer wannabe with what looks like battle damaga", some ship designs of the comics is wierd but I find the Ship Battleship design quite nice. http://www.wizards.com/starwars/images/darksideart/Ships.jpg
  20. Its not a flaw. The Jedi Code can be interpetraded that way with leads to the problems we see. Nothing in the code says to strip away emotions, it simply says "there is no emotion, there is peace" with means to try not make decisions in the heat of the moment. The Sith Code was made up by BioWare, the Sith appears to belive in the basic law the strong have the right to rule over the weak, problem with that is that its not much of a good law. They are being more human that Jedi, they show all the human flaws and none of the Jedi strenghts.
  21. Well I have "The Sims 2" and installed it find and when trying to run it prety much said "sorry, I detect a virtual drive and cannot run" ... had to remove all CD burning software I had on my computer before it would run. I am sure that if I reinstall CloneCD it would give that message back, the lanch scans the registry for such entries and if it founds it ...
  22. BioWare did the Holograms first, you see then just before the attack on the Star Forge and during that unlock chest in Taris we he have to turn on the holograms in a certain order. Also some catinas have hologram for musicians. Its just a small trick when making the model mesh and having the textures with transparency. I think BioWare just did not made much importance out of that NPC to make him a special model and texture.
  23. KotOR I and II mirrors the prequels Jedi Order a little too well (with is incorrect in relation to the Order shown in the TotJ comics but lets not go over there) and that is why you can see why the Jedi Hunt (in the movies) started in the first place. The Jedi became arrogant and over confident in their teachings, even if it does not put then into the dark side they are weaken by that. I remenber in KotOR I that either Reven or Carth said if the Jedi Order would had gone along with Revan its possible that he would not had fallen to the Dark Side, in many ways Revan falling into the Dark Side was caused by the Order refusal to fight the Mandalorians.
  24. My guess its a broken script, the model would be removed after the scene is displayed. Still it just pisses me off why BioWare did not used that type of model for that Sith Lord force ghost in Korriban ... it would look great instead of that "force field" cheap trick they used over a standart Sith model ...
  25. They dont pay for the licenses, Star Wars license never leaves LucasArts (LucasBooks and LucasMovies) as D&D electromic license is now in the hands of Atari. BioWare is giving up money in exchange of independence, doing KotOR II means they would have to follow LucasArts directions and the same NwN would mean they would have to follow Atari and WotC directions. In doing their own IP they are their own boss, they are going to make their games with as little infuence from the publisher as possible (I belive JE and DA are self funded) allowing then to make the games as they want.
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