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Everything posted by Chaospread

  1. I can't add any other trick or suggestion about tactics, people before me say just all. Instead I want point about melee ranger plus pet and chanter as tanks. Chanter are ok, good defence, good abilities (CC and mlaus chants) in frontline and can do other actions while tanking... but ranger is almost "meh" as tanks, ok in normal he can goes, but pet often dies and you suffer penalties from that... he can be better as off tank maybe, by the way, I prefer him as ranged damage dealer by the way, with pet as a "bodyguard". I think paladin are good tanks if you don't want fighters, very sturdy, they can tank dragon also, better of any class with their very high defence score.
  2. Yes Druid main disavantadge is low accuracy that I remedy usually with rest, items (gauntlet of precision i.e.) and if you want consumables (bat how much do you gain? 2 or 3 points? almost irrevelant...). I don't like too consumable but in solo you have to concern about that, +2/3 point for every stats can do the difference, in the end you have the same list of food to take and you buy/create the same food and do the same action all the times, it is a matter of "training" after all Druid area also bad with melee and range weapon, but you don't care thanks to spiritshift. One thing i don't like is the imbalance about elemental spells: many for fire, very good and in the end essential those of shock, only two for corrode, apart from that, very playable, complete, versatile and fun class. By the way you can beat the game also with a perception 10 Druid, but maxing it could be better indeed, mandatory if you scale level areas, else you can't hit Dragons i.e.
  3. Thank you Boeroer! I've lurked your posts in the last 2 years and I learned so much from you! There is another player who posted video of a Solo Druid against bosses before me, from whom I took inspiration for some battles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHz0pI8cxRg But, after that, I tried to do the fights without figurines and any useful scrolls (confusion and paralysis i.e.). Another Druid build (I go crazy for Druids ) that maybe a day I will run is a "Berath" Druid, Death Godlike, corrode damage by wildstrike and weapons, touch of rot from items and appropriate talents Thank you again, have a nice day
  4. Hello, it can depend on many factor (difficulty, average party level, etc.) but Paladins (and Pallegina too) are good tank, you have already tank, off tank and in many situations a barbarian, a priest or a wizard can assume the 2nd off-tank role, so you could swap Pallegin for another kind of character. GM (and Cypher usually) are good CC and damage dealer, so can be ok as ranged damage dealer but if you wanna a dedicated ranged damage dealer I'd go for Sagani with its bow or/and Persistence. My humble opinion, of course
  5. Hi, this is my first post in this forum. I'm an italian CPRG gamer since Ultima, Eye Of The Beholder, Baldur's Gate and so on. I've been playing POE1 since 2020 and now I wanna share a build that I had fun with. I hope you enjoy it Fire Godlike Druid - The "Human Torch" "It is no important what to burn, the important is to burn something." (Lavaric motto) Name: Lavaric PoTD: YES (ver. 3.07-1318 LATEST) SOLO: YES (ver. 3.07-1318 LATEST) - All TCS achievements (bounties, dragons and so on, base game AND White March 1 and 2 expansions AND Radiant Spore). ULTIMATE: discouraged with "full fire offense" configuration (see below), possibly with alternative "defensive" talent choice configuration (see below) and maybe 1 or 2 retrains. Race: Godlike (+1 Dex, +1 Int) Subrace: Fire (Battle-Forged) Class: Druid (+1 Lore, +2 Survival) Culture: Deadfire Arcipelago (+1 Dex) Background: Explorer (1 Lore, 1 Survival) Spiritshift: Stag (+7 all defenses, stag carnage) --- Attributes Mig: 17 (19 with Galawain's Boon and Gift from The Machine) Con: 8 Dex: 18 (20 with Race and Culture bonuses) Per: 9 (10 with Sonf of the Heavens) Int: 17 (18 with Race bonus) Res: 6 (for attributes values choices, se "RPG and various tactic thoughts about this build" section below) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final skills score Stealth: 3 (5 with Blooded Hunter and Dungeon Delver) Athletics: 2 (3 with Galawain's Boon) Lore: 6 (8 with Druid and Explorer bonus) Mechanics: 9 (10 with Dungeon Delver) Survival: 5 (8 with Druid and Explorer bonus) Stealth can be higher if you wanna go stealth in the beginning, sacrifice Survival for that, then respec. Athletics could be higher only for script interactions, then respec. Lore 8 is for Confusion and Paralysis scroll, with a +2 bonus you can have Maelstrom, for Lagufaeths add another +2 bonus from rest and you have Scroll of Prayer Against Imprisonment. Mechanics high for items rescue. Survival 8 is to achieve precision bonus +15 vs creatures (with a simple +2 bonus from item/armor) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Spells Sunbeam (fire and blind, very good) Burst of Summer Flame (good fire damage) Firebrand* Boiling Spray (not the best 4th level spell, but burn damage and good area. Push can help too) * Firebrand is a second level spell like Burst of Summer Flame; since in third level tier spell there are no fire-based spells, I get another fire-based spell from the second tier. Alternative bonus spells You can take another spells instead of Firebrand. For 3rd level spell you can choose "Returning Storm" (good with spiritshift and few foes), Spreading Plague (if you want land a Embrace the Earth-Talon after), Infestation of Maggots (very good for crowd damage), Stag's Horn or Beetle Shell for RPG purpose, Twin Stones (best offense and damaging 3rd level spell) or Nature's Balm (healing in middle game is good). For 4th level spell Boiling Spray could go, if you wanna go sturdy Form of the Delemgan is very good and you can cast it every battle, OR if you wanna go offensive Calling the World's Maw is probably the best 4th level spell from this point of you, Overwhelming Wave is a good alternative and Moonwell can be good if you didn't take Nature's Balm. Sunbeam is good for every Druid build and Burst of Summer Flame has a good base burn damage also in the beginning, I suggest to not replace these two choices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talents Weapon Focus Peasant (for low precision of druid) Two Weapon Style Wildstrike Burn Scion of Flame (increase wildstrike, lash and fire spells damage) Greater Wildstrike Burn Outlander's Frenzy (very good upgrade for melee Stag Spiritshift) Quick Switch (good for change armor and cast more fireballs quicker) Beast Slayer (biggest and heaviest enemies are Dragons, so you can go for it) Alternative talent choices You can drop Quick Switch (not as usefull as other), Beast Slayer (situational) or Outlander's Frenzy (not a game changer) for more usefull ones. You can keep going "offensive" with 4th and 3rd (or 2nd, since 3rd level druid spells is no so good) bonus spells, Two-Handed Style if you wanna have fun with Firebrand, or Vulnerable Attack if you mange to get zero recovery speed. Otherwise you can go more sturdy with defensive talents like Weapon and Shield Style, Body Control and/or Unstoppable, or Bear's Fortitude (fortitude defense in SOLO is very important). Alternative way, pick some utility talents like deep pockets (I don't like it but it is very powerful), Fast Runner (fit weel with our PG) OR Arms Bearer (with quick switch) for a third fire based weapon (es. Curoc's Brand). and even more fireballs. Talent and ability achieved through the run (* talent you can pick up among other alternatives) The Merciless Hand* (more crits damage for spells, fireball and melee spiritshift damage - better than others) Gift from the Machine (Lavaric is not a Good or Evil PG, who cares to take this or not... so I take it) Song of the Heavens (more PER is always good and we don't take care of living beings so much...) Dungeon Delver* (crit bonus, stealth and mechanics, far better than the alternative!) Flick of the Wrist Dozens Luck Galawain's Boon* (RPG choice, the God more close to Magran is Galawain) Blooded Hunter (more stealth) Scale-Breaker For RPG purpose you can drop/switch somenthing or take a Effigy's Resentment bonus if you don't run for SOLO achievement, it doesn't change so much in power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End game equipment NB. I "stuck" to true SOLO achievement and so I don't consider (99% times) equipment achieved with Caed Nua adventures. Weapon set 1: The Flames of Fair Rhîan (Legendary, Durgan-Refined, Burning Lash, Slaying (Beast)) + Aila Braccia (Legendary, Durgan-Reinforced) Weapon set 2: Abydon's Hammer Armor: The Golden Scales (Legendary, Durgan-Reinforced, Pierce-Proofed) Neck: Lost Periapt of the Winding Path (take car of lack of concentration, +2 resolve, ) Hands: Bracers of Spiritual Power (increase damage of our spells) Finger 1: Ring of Searing Flames (fire and fire again!) Finger 2: Iron Circle (for our low Con) Waist: Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer (with fire based PG this is MANDATORY) Feet: Boots of Speed (non fire boots, we go on quick trait of this PG) Pet: Tiny Beetle (think it like a "cardinal beetle", it is red and in Italy we call it "fire beetle" OR you can think it as a "european stag beetle" - we have Spiritshift Stag after all... ) Full fire-offensive alternative equipment Weapon set 1: The Flames of Fair Rhîan (Legendary, Durgan-Refined, Burning Lash, Slaying (Beast)) + Aila Braccia (Legendary, Durgan-Reinforced) Weapon set 2: Taluntain's Staff (Superb, Durgan-Refined, Burning Lash, Slaying (Kith)) Armor: Sun-Touched Mail of Hyran Rath (3 more Sunbeam) Neck: Necklace of Fireballs (8 Fireballs) Hands: Bracers of Spiritual Power Finger 1: Ring of Searing Flames Finger 2: Ring of Overseeing (increase Fireball and other spells area) Waist: Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer Feet: Sandals of the Forgotten Friar (for blessing) OR something like Animancer's Boots or Echoing Misery for damage Pet: Concelhaut's Skull (the only offensive pet...) Alternative equipment (beginning, fire-proof monsters, situational, ecc.) Weapons: Abydon's Hammer (Vessels/Eyeless), Steadfast (Dragons), Greenstone Staff, Gyrd Háewanes Sténes, Hearth Harvest (or any hatchet in the beginning), Curoc's Brand (another fireball, burn damage and ranged), Durance's Staff (burn damage, you have to kill Durance however). Besides hatchet in the middle game you could try spears (i.e. Cladhalíath) but they aren't so much effective. I "tested" the double flail configruation with Starcaller and Unforgiven (they both have an additional 10% burning lash above the usual +25% burn lash you can put on) and other "fire" weapons such as Vent Pick and the Unlabored Blade, but they don't add much to the build (chances for spell bind to these weapons occurs very rarely) and at the end you'll go in one of this ways: - cast/spell for CC and nuke initially - melee with spiritshift for last two/three foes Weapons is useful for this build only for additional fireball they can cast, "freeing" quick slot for other items. Besides that, Druid in melee (or ranged) lack abilities and/or talents to be effective with usual weapons. You can take those for RPG purpose, paradoxically (or ironically) you can have two legendary torch, but torch itself have a natural +10% burn damage than cannot be improved with the usual +25% lash... what a pity. For RPG purpose or for fun, you can try Silver Flash as alpha strike with Blind and potentialy a Divine Mark (10%) with burn damage. Shields: Little Savior or any small shield in the beginning. In the end I prefer Aila Braccia because with Golden Scales and durgan enchant, you have another counter offensive item with the reflect ability, and looks better Armor: Durance's Robe, Äru-Brekr or Heldrik's Coat (in Act 2), Starlit Garb (versus spells), Sun-Touched Mail of Hyran Rath (if you wanna more fire spells). Blackwarden's Breast is a must choice for Dragon fight. For RPG purpose you can take Autumn Fire (it looks also fine) or Wurmwull (if you do stronghold adventures), another possibility is Elryn's Jacket with eyestrike enchant. If you like red vests, Vengiatta Rugia or Rundl's Finery are fine. Beside that, end game this PG for me looks better (and works) also naked OR with a red/yellow Exceptional Robe (try yourself)... Now I'm thinking I'd have to try a legendary red/yellow Robe Rings: Ring of Overseeing (increase Fireball and other spells area), Bartender's Ring (vs. Vessels and Spirits), Ring of Changing Heart (alternative to Charm Beast), Ring of Deflection/Ring of Protection Neck: Necklace of Fireballs (for plenty of fireballs), Cape of the Master Mystic (+12 deflection, invisibility), Cloak of Protection, Mantle of the Excavator (for low Precision of Druids) Hands: Bracers of Deflection, Gauntlets of Accuracy, Rotfinger Gloves (very powerful in Act 2), Spirit Spiral (alternative to Charm Beast) Waist: Wildstrike Belt, Looped Rope, Belt of Bountiful Healing, or whatever fits till you get Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer Feet: Shod-in-Faith (a must in Act 2 till you become more sturdy), Boots of Stability or Boots of the Long March or Fenwalkers situational or if you have no any better Quick slot items You can go full fire and burn damage with scrolls of fireball, ray of fire, rolling flame, fan of flames, wall of flame and so on (not the best for SOLO though), beside that potions of Major Endurance is always good, like potions of Deleterious Alacrity of Motion and Llengrath's Displaced Image. Some items are situational (Scroll of Prayer Against Fear, Scroll of Prayer Against Treachery), some scrolls are very powerful and almost mandatory for an ultimate run (Scroll of Paralysis, Scroll of Confusion), I like for druid Scroll of Defense (good in spiritshift where we lack shield and protection item) and Scroll of Valor (with high Int they last more than potions and can "cover" our conjurings). I don't like Maelstrom, it is bugged with druid and often (especially with Relentless Storm active it doesn't fire ), by the way we have many and many fireballs and sometimes I find that Scroll of Missile Barrage can be very good with some kind of enemy (vessel or crush sensitive foe) and if we have to kill a boss or big monster. Figurines it's no so important with druid, but they can help for sure, above all in the first part of the game. ===================================================================================================================================================== RPG and various tactic thoughts about this build I took the idea to create a PG based on fire, aside some monk or barbarian builds still there, a kind of "Human Torch" like a Fire Godlike PG plenty of fire damage spells and fire attacks. I'm not a fan of the Human Torch hero, but he inspire me a bit (for quick traits above all) Wizard or Priest of Magran could fit that idea, but I like druids since the dawn of time, druids have good fire damage spells from the beginning and with scrool and equipmente they can provide for wizard spells like fireball, ray of fire, rolling flame, fan of flames, wall of flame and so on. Furthemore, druids have Wildstrike Burn talent in spiritshift, so the choose was easy for me. I wanted a quick and fast PG, so I maxed DEX and take some talents in that way (es. Quick Switch). If i wanna do a more powerful PG I'd max Mig and Int and raise Per instead. I don't like PG with min values, so Con and Res are not at minimum. I like average Con for good/high Fortitude value also. So I take Deadfire Archipelago as Culture for Dex attribute bonus and because Godlike can born almost anywhere, a Fire godlike in DeadFIRE Arcipelago seems good to me and in that region godlike are appreciated, so it's ok also for PRG point of view. Explorer is good for point in survival and lore and because I imagine this PG born alone with the desire to spread along the world and leave behind him a slipstream of... FIRE, obviously. Maybe he is a descendant of a noble family, abandoned new born because he is a Godlike, maybe he kwnows that and want revenge, maybe he changed his name dropping the first part keeping the last (-ric) and we can suppose who can be is brother with the same name suffix... who knows I choose Stag spiritshift beacause i am tired of all cat and boar out there, and because Druid have the spell "Fire Stag", so it fits well. Moreover, +7 all defenses it's not so bad, after all. This PG can kill the enemy with casts (spell, weapons/equipment abilities and quick slot items) AND spiritshift damage. I just tell that alternative weapons besides spiritshift don't work well for druid, see above. The tatticts middle and end game is usually: Relentless storm --> Fireball (other nukes) --> Spiritshift with some custom variant (Sunbeam as opening), confuse or paralyse before nuke. With spells, items ability and scrolls, with built can beat encounters in various different ways. Abydon's Hammer is a great second slot weapon for its +4 might, when you wanna land your fire spells, you can achieve another additional +12% damage bonus In the beginning you can go stealth, but as a Druid you can beat the Cave Bear at third with Charm Beasts and Hold Beasts and in Caed Nua spirits can easily sent to die with our fire arsenal, for example. Druids, with Charm Beasts and Hold Beasts, are also great Dragon Slayer Infact Adra Dragon is quite easy, Cail can be achieved easily at 10th level besides high burn resistance, also Llengrath was not so hard, the worst encounters are Eyeless (burn IMMUNITY and very sturdy), Alpine Dragon (stun and paralysis immunity) and Brynlod if you don't pull or kite, I tried to deal with every encounter with as few kite/pull as I could. Pay attention that Maelstrom is a very cool scroll, but it often struck out in my run (bug with Relentless Storm?) so you can provide for it with fireball or other scrolls if there is burn immunity (i.e Scroll of Missile Barrage for Eyeless who are sensitive at slash damage ). Necklace of Fireballs can be recharged if you sell him before the last charge and then rebuy it (after a respawn of shop items), but PAY ATTENTION! If you sell 2 necklage, they wil become one (it happened to me :(). You can arrive at Thaos with all possibile endurance and rest bonus (i.e. Salty Mast prostitutes boons) with this built, simple as craft paralysis scrolls, fireball scrolls, cast paralyse then nuke nuke nuke, 3 hits of fireball and some bonus spells destroy every encounter below Burial isle (I used also necklage of fireball and some poor figurines as shield for this thing). Not very low Con is a good thing for Flame Shield of the Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer and fire shield of Battle-Forged, they seems to stack and with some Con, Consecrated Ground of Shod-in-Faith (or Lost Periapt of the Winding Path) I have sometimes seen my enemies melt down while I was stunned Ah, it is a pity that Curoc's Brand and Durance have pierce/burn and crush/burn damage, elsewhere they could be good melee and range weapon for this build! For not SOLO runs, a full offense fire damage items and talents choice makes this build a good nuker in the party. If someone wants, I can discuss about spells effectiveness and usage, i.e. 3rd level spell Purge of Toxins is always overlooked, but with it you can go through spider infested areas (like Caed Nua or Dyrford Crossing Cave) easily at low levels. ===================================================================================================================================================== MEDIA The image with The Golden Scales, The Flames of Fair Rhîan and Aila Braccia are at the beginning of the post, now an alternative look with Taluntain's Staff and Durance's Robe: VIDEOS I was inspired by him (@baldurs_gate_2) for some of those. Alpine Dragon Adra Dragon Concelhaut Llengrath Thaos
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