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Everything posted by Chaospread

  1. Yep, I misunderstand your intentions Try to post here so: https://forums.obsidian.net/forum/131-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-modding-spoiler-warning/
  2. And for Nalpazca this is fundamental. We can remove all effects after combat BUT drugs and unguents, yes, you can little cheese something, but not breaking game effects like blade cascade, BBD and so on... You can prolong indefinitely drugs and unguents, but they last long time and, if anything, you'd spare some consumable you can take before combat... or am I missing anything?
  3. Check here: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/477 and here: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/291
  4. My assumption given by the fact that it says "+10% beneficial effects duration": I intend it as all effects, also the current ones. Anyway, if you "clean" all effects after a combat, the problem doesn't arise
  5. Nooo. It's easy as concept) I don't think we can mod such behaviour. At the very least it would require patchwork changes But Obsidian devs could probably take this into account.. for their next games But intended beahavior shuold be extend current effects also... but for an anti cheese patch we can change the intended behavior indeed
  6. The actual behavior should be: wear SoF, add 10% duration on current effects, put a tag on effects which are extended, unwear SoF, re-wear: if a effect has the tag then NO extension time, WHEN the tagged effect ends then remove the tag. But i suppose it is hardly implementable.
  7. Oh it is a fascinating quest because you have two main endings for the quest itself but then there are FOUR possible new Principi leader Sadly, you can't be one of the new leaders https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Honor_Among_Thieves
  8. Last time I have tries Chilling Grave didn't trigger but maybe I killed skellies from Many Lives Pass By, Each Leaving Footprints and not from Ancient Brittle Bones, or maybe Dorudugan killed my skellies before me However witha Berserker the process is less tedious Perhaps I need to double check that, with weaker foes . I agree 100%. This one I think is a great "fix" Indeed, as a programmer I believe the best solutions are the simpler solutions
  9. Hi, yes, also attack action is interruptible Resolve should be very high for the main tank, also MAX, but it depends also by the tank's class, the formation etc... anyway having high RES is always good. Other talents I can advice are: Penetrating Shot and those related to focus: Biting Whip, Draining Whip and (less) Greater Focus. I agree, maybe the best class for/in a party, the powerful (perhaps a little bit below Wiz) in SOLO, thinking about later game (imho).
  10. Well, this was added because of the Addition of Potion of Enlightenment in BPM. This Potion allow to get 1 ressource per 30s of combat, strenghtening the party vs Megabosses. Other Megabosses have infinite uses of their abilities, but not Auranic. That's the reason why I buffed her to compensate. But wait, doesn't Auranic have "Endless Assault," which grants her Brilliant permanently? Apart from this I think Potion of Enlightenment is a good think particularly in SOLO for those classes that can't have Brilliant "easily".
  11. It does I have created a Belower and Berserker Ok, it doesn't work with me because I'm using a beckoner/ghost heart Thanks. Maybe I don't understand correctly, but in my opinion no spell, abilities, consumables, items/weapons/armor enchantments which have a duration should keep running at the end of combat. They should be reset to ZERO when the fight is over. If it were not so, you can extend any effect with SoT (and maybe the other armor/weapon with a similar effect) and I think it is not intended. If you mean something other, please let me know My idea: no cast outside of combat OR limit one cast (or anyhow a limit stack) out of combat OR limit one cast (or anyhow a limit stack) out of combat only for 9th ( or 8th and 9th ) level priest spells (if implementable).
  12. Typo. You mean: Mohorā Tanga: it's status effect (Red Flag Flying) will not be able to crit anymore (reason: same as above) (credit goes to Elric Galad) Does it work yet? I tried some days ago and I'm not able to trigger it killing my own skellies... but maybe it is still working on chill fog killing friendly skellies... I agree. And also fix SoF as it is intended to behave: why nerf all items/status effect when you can make SoF sto working out of combat? The rule: at the end of combat all non-permament/transient effects vanish, i.e. their clock is put to 0 sec. I like also this one
  13. I'm not a monk pundit, but you can see some suggestion here and here. Anyway single class monk is a powerful class, helwalker is a good choice as subclass and the build for a monk is not very hard to build, it has so many great actives, but for a sensible choice wait for an expert
  14. Hi, I think the best choose that fits your wishes are a Sage (Monk/Wizard). Here you can find 4 builds for such MC, and many others which can give you some ideas. I think also a Battlemage (wiz/fighter) focused on selfbuff and melee damage can be funny for you, in the previous link there is also such a build. Fighter can provide you also self healing, if you are worried about that. You can replace wiz part of MC with priest, but I prefer a wiz, druid can heal very well but I think it is not suited for single target damage, cipher can be great but he is more focused on charm, debuff and so on rather than nuke etc. As martial monk is the best, fighter can be good too, arcane knight is also good with a bit of healing, rogue as others said is nice (and Trickster would be a less squishy character), ranger as Arcane Archer can behave as a great ranged single enemy killer. Barbs are for more enemies in a one. I exclude Chanter because is repetitive with your previous runs. About healing, you can beat the game in PotD in SOLO with classes that don't have any healing abilities, so if you have one charcater as healer (best I think is a Druid Lifegiver) you can be relaxed about that.
  15. I'm thinking wether a form can have a kind of distracting attack instead of some else abilities, maybe cat or wolf?
  16. I think a faster recovery rate is fine, as it is only for melee, and it would be the same as vanilla. You're suggesting to replace that with a modal like Rapid Shot, with a penalty to accuracy? Ideally, I would like to keep at least 1 passive featur, and 1 weapon modal for each form - and Bleeding Cut is a modal. It also comes with a penalty to recovery speed, which kind of offsets Cat's passive faster recovery rate, so it shouldn't be too much? Ok, you are right, but I think that "faster recovery rate, Bleeding Cut"is the best "combo" among all your spiritshifts abilties, something like "unbalanced". Maybe the reverse, rapid shot and plain passive DoT damage? Or something else to balance cat with others. Ok and thanks for Bear and Boar explanations, for Boar yes, indeed, it must have a prone/knockdown or something like that, that's what I meant.
  17. I like the "passive" bonus enhancement for spiritshifts. Here's my ideas in italic. Bear - +2 AR, +1 (or +2) Engagement, Rending Smash. --> I 'd like a block modal as medium shields, maybe +1 engagement and block or something similar, with +2 AR and no Rending Smash. Boar - +2 AR, Interfering Strikes, Savage Attacker (we give it two modals). --> Overbearing shot instead of Savage Attack, savage attack is thought for a 2 hand weapons, Overbearing shot also but I think it simulate a boar charge (which is its main feature in the real world). The rest is ok. Wolf - bonus accuracy when attacking same enemy as an ally, Windmill Slash. --> ok Cat - faster recovery rate, Bleeding Cut. --> I think this could become the strongest form with these 2 passives. Maybe instead a full faster recovery rate, a modal like Rapid Shot, more speed with a ACC penalty. Bleeding Cut ok. Stag - Carnage, +1 Engagement, Deflective Strike (or Carnage, bonus deflection, Interfering Strikes). --> You mean Defensive Strike. I'd say Carnage, +1 Engagement and Defensive Strike.
  18. Ok, you can raise the value to 40 or 50%, or better, leave the armor recovery as it is now (or just 20%, or like 35% armor) and put 40%/50% speed penalty when you are not using your animal attack or abilities (thus spellcasting and/or character abilities of human shape, watcher abilities and so on...).
  19. Impressive. Anyway, a druid with spiritshift can beat any (in the right order) in act 1 from level 1 with less equipment. The same some other martial classes (unless rogue and ranger). A wizard need to be level 3 (or more) to start working. But I admit wiz can outclass a priest.
  20. The priest you pick only matters because of the weapon bonuses. Often Skaen is considered better because of baby sneak attack.
  21. I know there are other examples of inconsistency in the vanilla game, but there's a physic reasons why crossbows or arbalesest can't throw two arrows the same time...
  22. Well, any class level easily if you can die how many times you want That's why I said druid is easier: they can manage cave bear more easily due to Charm Beast and Hold Beasts, Cipher and Priest can come close with some charm and block, but Druids are the best in that and until Caed Nua XP are restricted also in SOLO, so cave bear XP can make the difference. I don't know if something has changed, but a Wizard PotD SOLO TCS has to go stealth many times till Caed Nua. Yes you can gather XP points quicly that way, but I've never seen a wizard doing all fights before he reached level 5 or similar. Yes I like playing that way too. Three or foru runs, then it begins to be boring You know, it's TCS, if you die you have to restart form the begin... it's normal they play that way Yes, house rules, you can use them. But depending on the class and the fight, you need consumable spamming. A last level wizard or priest (maybe also Cipher) can manage almost any encounter without consumables, but I don't think a rogue or fighter can beat Brynlod or Llengrath without extensive use of scrolls...
  23. Hi, good catch. I'd improve spiritshifts for all subclass and plain druids Spellcast allowed but whit -3 or -5 power level penalty. Or speed and/or recovery penalty (20%?) I think it is too much. I'd prefer long duration but you can choose one form, which you prefer among all, for one encounter. I believe all animals/forms should have one passive and one active abilities, also overlapping, all balanced with each other. For all spiritshifts, all druids, all subclass either multi or not. They should be spiritshifts "features", not dependent by class or other questions.
  24. I agree 100%. Late game with Citzal's Martial Power wizard becomes a war machine, you can also all low levels buff (Merciless Gaze, DaoM) and defensive buffs (Wizard's Double etc.) as master spelles, and why not also Arcane Veil and you start stomping foes. A ranged version with Caedebald's Blackbow is also very powerful.
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