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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. It wasn't an immigrant enclave, it was mostly poor Swedish people of the lower class living in poor neighbourhoods. Those areas they referred to are now some of the priciest neighbourhoods in Stockholm by the way. Sorry for the Godwin here, but I found it interesting that Goebbels found "Gamla Stan" (Old Town litereally translated) to be a dangerous "no go zone" full of Jews and Poles and other scary people. Edit; Godwin, not Darwin.
  2. "”Man riskerar att bli skjuten om man går dit, eller rånad, av kriminella element. Det är områden dit polisen knappt själva vågar gå och folk som är där är annorlunda.”" "You risk getting shot if you go there, or robbed, by criminals. It's areas where the police themselves hardly dare venture, and people there are different." What the middle and upper class said about some areas in Stockholm and Gothenburg in the 30's. Filled with "jews, gypsies, russians and such suspicious filth"
  3. Truly does, makes me a bit on edge all the time aswell. And it's why I still have'nt sent you those beers So far, I've seen physiotherapists and recieved some exercises to do, but they haven't helped much overall. Edit; On a different note, a couple of months ago I bought a full set of new lightbulbs, energy saving kind, and replaced almost all of my bulbs in the same day. Now, all of them broke within a week of eachother. But my spotlight bulbs still work, despite being seven or eight years old and used more frequently.
  4. The police don't want their statistics to get wrecked even further, that's most likely the reason; Atleast from anecdotal evidence from my police neighbour. The Geneva Convention? Heard of it? You should view Hans Roslings writings and videos on the subject of childbirth. High child mortality and low income are the main reasons for why people get many children, low child mortality and higher wealth links to fewer children. I really like how you describe societal change as something that is to be avoided though, that really puts your views in clear perspective.
  5. The police hasn't been told by the government to cover anything up, hence, the government hasn't done anything wrong here.
  6. I'd have agreed with you if the police were ordered by the government to do this, but they did'nt, it was a local policedepartment that decided this.
  7. If you're taking a page from Hurlshot; Don't forget to bring us pictures! Especially of your fishing. Don't know rightly, my doctors told me to get an appointment to get some x-rays taken, but usually these things should pass by themselves. Problem is that my sickleave is only part time at the moment, and while my doctors has said to me that I should ask for lighter duties, we don't have any. So I have'nt made any real progress lately, and since going up in working hours it's gotten worse. I spend 4 hours a day lifting things from either above my head or from the floor to about waist height, and the management on my workplace leaves alot to be desired. With some luck it'll get better, with bad luck I'll need surgery. They usually don't do any x-rays or similar once you report that you've got lower back pain, they save that for later ( 3-4 months ) if it does'nt improve on it's own. Wich is where I am now.
  8. The police tried to hide that, shameful, but that wasn't done by the government. A) No, that would heinous acts against humanity. Their needs should be determined on their own grounds not what we need. B) Yeah, we do waste some money on "social experiments" as you call it, and some of them are wastes such as that camelpark and horse and goatmilk project. C) ****. No. The fact that we have low childbirth rates is a sign of our wealth and our equality, in your view we should encourage women to be breeding stock wich is as ass backwards as it gets. It's taken us decades of hard work to get to where we are now, they're a result of our hard work with labour and equality that we have done. What you are suggesting is that we take that proverbial axe towards everything we've worked for.
  9. Yes, we put too many immigrants in the same neighbourhoods, that we do. Because people in the richer areas whinge to much about their houseprices dropping if there would be immigrants nearby. I **** you not. And yes, we do need more police officers, but that has been the case for many years. Really interesting garbage article though, citing secret police reports and not linking to any sources. (Too be fair, there could've been but that page crashed 3 different scripts and locked up my browser and forced me to rewrite this) We do have 50-ish different areas in Sweden with higher crimerates than average though, that much is true, but they're not nogo zones. Does it happen that people throw stones at copcars? Yes. Is it common? No. And I can't for the life of me figure out why they linked to the murders in Trollhättan wich was commited by a white supremacist.
  10. I really don't know if you're being serious or not, but there are no such things as no-go zones in Sweden.
  11. I don't have insomnia proper, I just get so much back pain when lying down that I can't fall asleep. They rather prescribe sleeping pills than those hardcore pain meds though, wich I'm sort of thankful for. I'd rather have the sleeping pills, the ones I took before was quite good but had some side effects, but it's weird how a full nights rest can feel so damn good.
  12. Took some sleeping pills yesterday, and I had the most ****ed up weird as hell "nightmare"/delusion I've ever had. There was a tangle of straight lines that I had to unhook from people and things and then untangle, problem was that they were straight lines so they could'nt be untangled and then the lines would'nt stick to the things I had taken them from. People started to get very cross with me. Thankfully that's all I have a clear memory from... Still did'nt get any proper sleep though, it took me more than two hours to fall asleep and I woke up at about 3-4 AM, been lying in bed since then, tossing and turning and try to get a couple of hours in atleast.
  13. I don't know if this has been posted before, but I stumbled upon this now. https://www.gamereactor.eu/grtv/?id=301883 I'm really interested in how it turns out, though I hated playing the PnP game, I blame that on the GM at the time who was far too fond of his Mary Sue NPCs.
  14. Sometimes against their will even. Or don't you agree Finns? =P
  15. Well, more and more women are having darker haired children, but this has nothing to do with globalization or genetics, no. It's surströmming. It helps strengthen the genes for blonde hair, and as the consumption of surströmming the past decades has gone down so has the number of blonde people.
  16. No! Anything but that! Not relaxed and sociable people!
  17. Ruin our Swedish culture? Hell, 95% of it is already imported stuff. The three things that could be called Swedish culture that we do is dance around an erected **** on midsummers eve, have a "crayfish premiere" in august and watch "From all of us to all of you" at 15:00 on Christmas, the rest are imported from christianity, germany and the US. The one thing that has been "destroyed" is All saint's day celebration in favor for Halloween wich is an American import, and not something I can see how they can blame on immigration. >_>
  18. Yes and no, there was some debate about police being hesitant to talk about refugees and crime publicly a couple of years ago, but it's not their job to do so anyway. There was no cover ups though. I have'nt seen anything about that in the news lately, that I recall. After looking around, the only articles about him are from the local newspapers around Örebro. Personally, yes, I'm all for it, so are most people I know. My father and some other Swedish Democrat voters are against them. The most vocal people against immigrants at work are a couple of Somalians and Tchad that immigrated here, and the poles, they think they're a disaster. XD
  19. Shakira has a great voice, I agree, but the music is unbelievably bland to me. And I love the antics he gets up to in his videos I did'nt know it was a FIFA theme. I love stuff like this;
  20. I know you do However having many of those people deciding their votes on where the money is at, is not democracy. Edit; ****, I double posted, now I have to wear a punishment buttplug vibrator for the rest of the day.
  21. Well, it's not Sweden that has initiated the camel park project, it's a private persons, he's getting a grant from the municipality. I was just trying to clarify as much as possible, since you both mixed articles and projects together.
  22. I'd like to point out to Elerond and Chill that you're mixing two different projects aswell, the camel park and the goats and horse mower projects are two different entities. Also, locals that has immigrated to Sweden are the ones most vocal against it, not just activists. Géza Nagy that want's to build the camel centre also took a trip together with an official to Kazakhstan, while the municipal employee was still recieving pay from municipality. Shortly after that trip Geza was granted another 10000€. The critizism has been mainly focused on the mismanagement of funds and that he has'nt produced anything except fenced off some land and went on "research trips" and bought camel milk for the money. Also they made healthclaims about camel milk, claiming it could help against cancer and autism, wich is very illegal here. Dan Melander want's to build a ecofriendly greencentre thing, with goats and mushrooms and horsemowers/using horses as "tractors". Local residents have complained about this, such as Florence you quoted. His motivations for this centre is an criticized mistranslated poll that he'd done. Motivating it with an increase in tourism, wich people very much doubt there is an interest in. The funding plans are also criticized because alot of the 3.2M € are aimed at municipality officials and "communicators". So, yeah, leftist immigrant advocates are'nt the ones that are slamming these projects, it's mainly the immigrants themselves. And they did'nt call Geza a racist, they called the idea behind the centre racist and they called the green centre racist. Also it's the ultra-right wing condemning the right-centre-left policies that help start these projects. I work in Gothenburg and half if not more of my coworkers are from Angered, and they are pretty pissed about this, they want the money to go to education, apartments and youthcentres, things wich are actually needed there.
  23. You mean the same congress that tries to disprove global warming by bringing a snowball to the floor? Those people that are sponsored by various oil, gas and drilling companies? Yeah, that is going to end well for you.
  24. "This list is not to stop you from reading these classics." Jus' saying.
  25. Why would you do that to yourself? =P Those too, but atleast you don't actually need them in the same way one would have need of a dentist. That sounds like something I'd like to see, atleast once in my lifetime. Maybe in 4-8 years.
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