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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Yuup At the release hour all the cards were listed as 50+ And inet customers don't like, ever, buy AMDs stuff
  2. Yeah, as for the MSRP the place I typically buy from announced that only the first batch of 9070s would be MSRP, and all their inventory except the 9070 XT Hellhound all went in about 30 minutes. Same with the MSRP 9070s.
  3. Their XT cards needed to be 500$. They're probably going to sit at that price, people aren't going to see any value in them at 600, which I doubt will be the actual store price ofcourse. Edit; being a bit conspiratorial here, but I reckon that nvidia has been artificially limiting supply aswell, so they might be able to turn the tap on to increase supply now that the competition has showed up.
  4. I mean, it doesn't really matter what AMD pulls out, or prices it. People don't consider AMD, and even if the 50 series is cack, people will buy it like it's crack. I think that AMD is likely going to undercut nvidia by 50-100 bucks, like last time. AMD fans will buy their stuff, the rest will continue to buy nvidia
  5. Viktor Antonov that worked on HL2 and Dishonoured has passed away https://www.eurogamer.net/half-life-2-and-dishonored-art-lead-viktor-antonov-dies-aged-just-52
  6. From what people say though, the 50-series isn't getting that problem fixed soon, since they've designed the power connection badly
  7. Oh, they're getting paid alright, but they are only taking money from the "good billionaires" according to the new DNC chair
  8. And the Democrat party are, frankly, quite dickless. They think playing nice and cordial is going to help them in some way.
  9. It's not just that they're overengineered, they were often made out of cast iron instead of aluminium, and since production tech wasn't as good they had greater tolerances. Add in that lubricants has become much better during their lifetime ontop of that and you're there. My engine is at 470k kms and was built in 1998, and has been well taken care of, and the bores are pretty much immaculate in that thing, and it's a B230 designed in 1974 with an improvement made in 1985 for better lubrication.
  10. They're also lying about the tier of cards, the 5080 really is what used to be a xx70 series card, and the 5070 a xx60 class if you look at how cut down they are.
  11. He's doing his best at ****ing over trans people, I'm pretty sure he'll get to working his way through the rest of the LGBTQI+ soon.
  12. I know you know I know what you mean, but do they know that they don't know what they mean? Because as you point out they be big dumdum, and this doesn't actually solve anything and creates more problems. Man... if only they had some expert in I dunno, maybe gender studies to help them out?
  13. I want to congratulate all you American forum members of joining the fairer sex!
  14. ****ing insanity, and it's only just beginning.
  15. The scale is pretty different though
  16. Lol. LMAO even.
  17. Tru facts ☝
  18. Remember back when a new graphics card was about getting better quality graphics? Pepperidge farm remembers So goddamn tired of the upscaling bull****. It's smeary, it artifacts and quite frankly should be considered false advertising. I didn't get a better display to run **** in upscaled 1080p The VRAM on the news cards coming is probably going to shorten the lifespan on those cards aswell. I should've bought a goddamn 7900xtx...
  19. If it only were scummy influencers and not legit content creators aswell getting cought up in **** like this
  20. The difference is that the Uighurs have no recourse, indiginous people in the west do, because we are democratic nations and we are (at times) trying to better ourselves and right our past mistakes. Even the US have been fixing some things the past years, surprisingly, such as bail reforms. Movements such as Black Lives Matters would have been all incarcerated in China and killed. Atleast if things would've rolled that way, nvidias prices would've made some sense. I wasn't only refering to sending out spies, I'm talking about spying on the general population and invasion of privacy.
  21. From what I can tell from Swedish court hearings, it's not only based on their chips, but also on the fact that China is a hostile nation. Having them build up even parts of a 5G network when there is a good chance that they would be literal enemies would be a security concern per definition, and would be a disruption of services that no nation would want to have. Huawei is subject to CCPs intelligence services laws. As for wether or not China is hostile? I don't know what goes on in your guys countries, but almost every year here in Sweden we've had Chinese spies been arrested for spying against Swedish companies. That our western governments are spying on us is indisputable, but atleast we can use democratic processes in the EU and for a few more weeks the US, to curtail or even stop those things. The Uighur situation is pretty well known, I'm surprised it has flown past you completely. The mistreatment of indiginous people in western countries historically and today, doesn't mean we can't **** on the CCP for doing those things actively in the present. Me and others have continually criticized governments and companies for decades for doing this kind of business, it's not a new thing. China isn't the leader in computer sciences, and while computing would've been more expensive I don't think it would have been much less fast at this stage. And that the economic gaps we have today beeing smaller is a huge thing, it is not a good thing anywhere or at any time.
  22. Effectively they can do business asmuch as Huawei can. Please tell me that you don't consider what China is doing to the Uighur population (With aid from Huawei btw) fair or in line with modern values? Slavery, forced sterilization? As for the validity, I'm not basing this on only US security actions, but also from what others like my own government and independent journalists has said, there are more countries than the US that stopped them from doing business. While I know that the western designed electronics are just as bad with their spyware, but for now most of our governments arent the CCP. Just to be clear, I do think that the west should have stamped down hard on companies moving stuff to china ages ago, even more so since they ramped up their militarism and dictatorial leanings. Not only for cars and tech but also clothing and such. **** child labour.
  23. They literally can't do business because their IP has been stolen and is being used by Chinese companies. One is preventing doing business over valid security concerns, the other is stealing and blackmail to stop them from doing business for profit. No, mr Sarex, I expect them to die.
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