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Everything posted by Arkan

  1. It's been like 90F here for two weeks straight, with added high humidity levels. It's been terrible.
  2. Great find.
  3. Full blown laptops? Sure. Laptops/netbooks with the same or more functionality than an Ipad? Not really.
  4. True, but we shouldn't focus on Korea as a whole and more on Kim Jong. Take out the head and ensure that the proper succession follows. Yeah, we're really good at that.
  5. Yarp. The galaxies interact gravitationally, but stars/planets are unlikely to collide due to the vast distance between them.
  6. Arkan, that adapter will work fine for desktop IDE drives. I've used adapters like that one for a few years. For the laptop drive however, you will need to add this adapter in addition to the one that you have... http://cgi.ebay.com/Laptop-PC-Hard-Drive-I...=item3a5b023e12 This will give you the ability to power the laptop drive that the other adapter does not allow. There are other simple adapters for SATA drives as well and all of them are cheap. **Edit** I see that the adapter you picked does adapt to SATA as well. It might also power a laptop drive as well. Certainly won't be a waste of money to try it. The worst you will have to do is buy the adapter that I listed. Yup. I got it, it hooks up to lappy drives, and it works like a charm!
  7. Add another to the Community bandwagon. I also like Modern Family and Parks and Recreation. I can't wait until It's Always Sunny starts back up in September!
  8. In my experience, internal cards seem to have better reliability overall, but that micro USB one looks swank.
  9. Seriously, I ****ing do. I have no problems with Windows 7, so I don't think it's a bit of a *****. If you disable everything that makes 7 different from XP, then WHY get 7 in the first place?
  10. Specifically, I have an old laptop HD, and two old regular HDs. I want to be able to access them and use them as storage for DVRing on my current PC. This is what I've found online. Will this do the trick with little hassle? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Se...&CatId=3770 Any other suggestions?
  11. 7 64 bit has run flawlessly on my computer. 32 bit, too, on two other computers.
  12. I can tell by unfocusing my eyes. The color of the squares A and B appear the same. Not sure why that is.
  13. For me it's either "Do You Realize" or "Racing for the Prize." Great band.
  14. This.
  15. You can run faster with a knife.
  16. Forget Spellforce 1, is Spellforce 2 really any good? I've had a copy of it lying around for a while now....
  17. A Chuck Nocracy. Not to be confused with a Chuck Rockracy.
  18. Wouldn't complete lack of socalism be like Rapture from Bioshock? Every man for himself?
  19. What kind of file system does it have?
  20. If you don't see the difference between using a teleprompter for speeches and needing crib notes written on a hand to help you through pre-selected questions then that's just sad. Obama did just fine a couple Saturdays ago when he did a Q&A with Republicans with no teleprompter. And FWIW, Obama didn't use the teleprompter with the 6th grade students.
  21. http://www.electronista.com/articles/10/02...step.backwards/ Windows Phone 7 to drop multitasking? So their idea to compete with Apple is to offer FEWER features than are already available with Windows Mobile 6? For Me, multitasking and an open-ended file system is a must. This is why I've defended MS (phone-wise) ever since I started using PDA's years ago. What option will I have when this de-evolution takes place? Simply stay with my current Touch Pro 2?
  22. Uh...is there a story to these or what?
  23. Arkan

    Apple iPad

    This seems like a ridiculous device...but I'm sure Apple will be laughing all the way to the bank with it. No camera, usb, true multitasking, and you have to have addons that you purchase seperately just to get it as functional as any device currently on the market. What DOES it do? Has a big screen? Whoopie...
  24. We'll see if they handle it better than they did with BG1 to BG2, or BG2 to NWN (hah!). I mean...they have to, right?....RIGHT?
  25. I just saw it yesterday in 3D. It was pretty awesome, overall. Yes, the "message" was pretty obvious, but it didn't really interfere with my enjoyment of the movie. My question: What's up with the floating mountains? Gravity effect from the planet (I assume Pandora is actually a moon)?
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