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Everything posted by Arkan

  1. RE: Sidequest: I felt the same, but the completionist in me had to do them all (though I couldn't finish one because I visited the location prior to receiving the quest), with the exception of the collections. I think I got them all but the element collections either way. RE: Ashley and Kaiden: Same here. It was a really heartwrenching moment, and very well done. At least the moment and emotional impact because of that. I started my first run playing with Wrex and Garrus, and it would have been a big "meh" moment had I gone that route. I liked that there were numerous occasions in the game where the choices you made were morally ambiguous, including one such moment in the DLC Bring Down the Sky which was very well done. I had almost full Paragon and Renagade guages, hehe.
  2. No. I just feel differently about the game than you do, apparently. What I didn't like was the Mako aspect. And the same decryption method for electronics, unlocking, surveying, and retrieving artifacts was odd, but it didn't bother me too much. It also seemed like only one quadrant of the galaxy was really used, and having the Citadel be so far away from all the other clusters/systems was odd.
  3. So I just finished Mass Effect, and all I have to say is WOW what a game! Here's what I posted over at the BIO forums: I then found the PC Fan Review thread, and Jeff Nichols' review pretty much sums up how I feel about the gam word for word...does a much better job of getting it across, though, haha! http://meforums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html...7&forum=125
  4. Maybe he doesn't want to build it himself? Gfted, that looks strikingly similar to the Dell I just bought. I have the GTX260 and it runs Crysis with everything maxed out at 1280x1024 (monitor's native resolution) like a hot knife through butter. I only have 4gigs of RAM, though.
  5. Haha, maybe. But, yep, it was Mass Effect that was causing the problem. I played a bit then launched Mirror's Edge and I got the slowdown again. I'll just have to finish Mass Effect first, I guess. I dont' want to keep reinstalling PhysX to play Mirror's Edge after playing Mass Effect every time. I'll finish Mass Effect then do a clean install of Windows 7. Maybe that will get rid of the Vista stigma.
  6. This seems to have been the culprit. I reinstalled the latest PhysX drivers. Restarted the computer and played Mirror's Edge perfectly. Now to load up Mass Effect then Mirror's Edge to see if I can recreat the scenario.
  7. the problems I've read about associated with SecuROM are that the character slows down to a walk, not so much that the game drops to about 5 fps.
  8. Hmm...I found something interesting about this issue, here: http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/mirrors...d-solution.html seems it is PhysX related, but Mass Effect is causing a craptastic experience with Mirror's Edge. Both EA games, both have initials of ME...coincidence? Or conspiracy? I'll try the solution on that page later. If it works, and there is no permanent fix for it, I'll just finish ME and then play ME afterward....
  9. (please move to Skeeter's if necessary) Just got Mirror's Edge today through EADM. Installed and started up just fine. I ran through the training/first level just fine and found the game to be very interesting. So I make it to the second level, and after the cutscene with the sister and SWAT enters, my game slows to a crawl, making it impossible to play. What could be causing this? Here is my setup: Dell XPS 9000 Vista x64 Home Premium, SP2 Core i7 920 2.66 GHz GeForce GTX 260 1.75GB (with latest drivers installed) Onboard 7.1 audio. I've tried disabling Physx and lowering the settings (which shouldn't be necessary...I can run Crysis maxed out perfectly!) PLEASE HELP! Edit: I am running the latest patch (1.01 PhysX) according to EADM
  10. Never have I been playing so many "new" games at once. Mass Effect (Halfway through maybe? BIO is definitely good at cinematic) Crysis (now that I have a PC that can run it on max settings) Mirror's Edge (Just started, seems pretty awesome so far) Street Fighter 4 (Ok, I've been playing this one for a while now, but it rawks).
  11. It's still so hard to picute NPH as a gay.
  12. ...but what happened to the Alien game?
  13. This doesn't bother me, as long as it's fun. When those shooter games like Area 51 came out where you just clear a "screen" and then you "travel" to the next point, just to shoot up some more aliens, it was fun. I dumped many quarters into that game. I don't expect Fallout 3 openness or Half Life 2 narrative when playing CoD games.
  14. Games have a writers, designers, composers, artists involved to become a game. - Writing a story is an art. - Designing sculpture(characters) is an art. - Composing music is an art. - Art-design is an art. ... .. . Games aren't an art? (So far, IIRC, only Gromnir have delivered an answer interesting enough) You could say games are a 'work' of arts!
  15. The only laws regarding hiring and firing deal with discrimination.
  16. I downloaded a fix for that.
  17. I edited the gameengine.cfg to force a maximum of 16 Antistropic Filtering and changed the value of Trilinear to "TRUE". I also changed the antialiasing override in the Nvidia control panel from 16XQ to 16X and now the game looks gorgeous.
  18. Go figure. Now, whenever I change the texture size to anything other than low, the change doesn't stick! I'm stuck with low texture sizes but max everything else? INCONCEIVABLE!
  19. Discussion of what constitutes art notwithstanding, I managed to get Mass Effect to finally install on my machine. Ironically enough, I had to do it through means that would be frowned upon in this community. Hey, I purchased a game that didn't work...my back was against the wall. I'D DO IT AGAIN!
  20. I wasn't taught music or poetry in art class either.
  21. I'm having problems with Vista 64...maybe it's a 64 bit problem?
  22. I don't suppose there's a way to download it through Steam if I already downloaded it through EA, huh?
  23. The official tech support forum is all but dead.
  24. Back to Mass Effect. I just got my new PC yesterday, but when I downloaded ME through EA's download manager, at the very end of the install process it tells me it could not copy the file saferun.exe and saferun.dll (or something along those lines), and the installation finishes unsuccessfully. I've tried the manual install trick at the Bio forums, but that just got me to an odd Unreal Engine screen that I had never seen before and just hung there. Any help? This is really driving me nuts. System: Windows Vista x64 Home Premium Intel Core i7 920 (2.66 Ghz) 4GB DDR3 RAM Geforce GTX260 (with latest drivers installed) Onboard 7.1 sound. DirectX 10.
  25. Haha. I was talking about obsolescence, not physical life.
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