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Everything posted by Arkan

  1. That's the first I've heard of such problems, but then, I don't do half the things you do, it seems. So far Windows 7 works like a dream for me. It's fast, stable, and pretty (hurr!).
  2. This won't have any ill effects since it was the default set by Dell? I just don't want to brick my mother's computer. After I do this, is it possible to repartition the original C:\ into the D:\?
  3. Vista itself never crashed for me, either. It was other programs that had problems. Thankfully, I only had it for about a week until I got the greatness that is 7.
  4. After a quick google, seems like they're just going to explain that he didn't die or came back to life, somehow. Not surprising really. Comic book heroes don't usually stay dead for long.
  5. nah, he was shot four times in the stomach by his girlfriend who was carrying his kid at the time under mind control So they ditched the Civil War stuff?
  6. Uhhh.......huh?
  7. 88 replies and nobody has an answer?
  8. As I stated earlier in this thread, on a 1GB netbook with 1.6 GHz Atom processor, Windows 7 works fine with all the bells and whistles enabled (Aero, peak, etc). The memory/processor gauge gadgets showed it was using about 60% of memory while idle. This was a clean install. On my older laptop (Inspiron 1520 bought in Nov 07) had XP on it, so I wiped the drive and installed 7 on it. Everything is very responsive and snappy. Of course, it's a clean sytem, so it really should. But as a gamer and casual user of XP, I'm glad I made the switch.
  9. I have an odd question. On my desktop and my mother's netbook, I was able to pin Windows Media Center to the taskbar/superbar. However, on my laptop, when I rightclick on the WMC icon (in the taskbar while it's open), I don't get the option to 'pin to taskbar'. Am I just missing something, or what? It's really odd. It's not a huge deal as I have WMC on my desktop, but I just like having a clean desktop with as few icons as possible.
  10. So my gift for my mother this year is a Dell Inspiron Mini10 netbook. I had it shipped with Windows 7 Starter (as the other option was XP, and well...I love 7 so far). After ordering it, I realized my error and did some research and realized my error. Win 7 Starter is a majorly gimped verion of 7, when the basic configuration of the Netbooks can run Home Premium perfectly! So I created another partition on the drive, installed 7 Home Premium and got everything set up. What's the best way to go about getting rid of the original 7 Starter partition (C: )? I'd like to have it reclaimed with the new OS partion for ease of use. Can I safely remove it without borking up the boot up process of entire system? PS: I had to install this way because the Netbook has no DVD drive and I have no external DVD drive to use.
  11. I hear you! I prefer everything in thumbnails (large icons in 7), and I often get detailed view. Everything else, as you said, is smooth like butter.
  12. Not sure about invisible, but you can grab the top bar of the active window and "shake" it to make all other open windows minimize (Aero Shake). The only hide thing I know of at the moment is hiding icons in the notification area of the taskbar. Doh! After a little research, what I was thinking about was "peeking". In the taskbar, if you hover over one of the open windows, it will turn all the other windows into "glass" so you can see the window preview you're hovering over. Here's the link to what I'm talking about, halfway down the page: http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2008...t-windows-7.ars It's pretty swank. Now I just have a problem with my usb wireless router not working after I come back from standby. I have to unplug it and plug it back in every time.
  13. So I finally got Windows 7 installed, and it is sleek, but I have a question. Wasn't 7 supposed to hide or 'make invisible' inactive windows? Mine seem normal, and it's not that I'd find it a particularly useful feature, but I'd like to see it in action.
  14. I figured as such. I already looked into such converters and they don't seem to be expensive...$15-$20. I'll give them a shot.
  15. Since my last PC died on me, and I got my new DELL pc, I wanted to install the 250GB drive from my old pc to my new one for extra storage. Well, the old one seems to be ATA, and the new setup seems to be SATA (I think?)...at least, the new cables are all small wires and power cables, whereas, of course, the old one has the wide flat cables and such. Is there any way to get the old HDD installed into the new PC? Or do I essentially have a 250GB brick on my hands? Edit: Or am I looking for an IDE to SATA type of thing?
  16. I was just about to come here and comment on that aspect of the game. How many times can you experience dying as a part of the narrative? Hah!
  17. Seems neat. I think I can drop the $2. I have to get all these bought, install Win7, then download them all!
  18. Sweet find. I'm looking at Dragon Age Batman GRID FarCry 2
  19. Never was a fan of Diablo, so I'll take ESV. I'd like to see them redo Morrowind (or wherever the setting was) because the game and location(s) were so much more interesting overall.
  20. I just finished the game myself, and it was pretty crazy. The trenches and whatnot at the whitehouse seemed weird - it would take longer than that to get like that, right? - but it was also really spooky fighting on ground near where I lived for a year, hehe. As someone else put it, it was a rollercoaster ride, and it was a fun game. I'm looking forward to MW3. I hope Soap lives! I wish the Americans had more to do. You finish on top of the whitehouse narrowly avoiding destruction of the whole area, but I wanted to continue on with that platoon or whatever after than scene.
  21. Like a scrotum here it is in a nutshell: People fear what they do not understand. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering, etc, etc.
  22. Ditto.
  23. Texas' gay marriage ban may have banned all marriages
  24. As we know it, probably. But it's really only being replaced by DLC. You could consider Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, and Broken Steel from FO3 (which I haven't gotten yet!) to be small expansion packs. In that sense, no, they aren't. But truly expansive expansion packs that retail individually in stores? Yeah, they're probably dodo'd.
  25. Really? Bioware topped it that much? I can't wait to play, but I have to take an RPG break and have some FPS fun with Crysis and Mirror's Edge for a while.
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