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Everything posted by Arkan

  1. Speaking of which, anybody still have those BISIMGs anywhere?
  2. This is because I posted the "What's been going on" thread, isn't it?
  3. Sup, playaz! I do.
  4. I haven't been gaming that much, but recently got back into Morrowind (finally getting to the expansions, hah!). I wanted something to do after that, so I figured I'd find out what Obsidian was up to! I see the did a Dungeon Siege game? Ummm...how is that? How did Alpha Protocol turn out? It seemed to be a pretty ambitious project for Obsidian. Here's the crazy thing: I. Haven't. Played. Fallout: New Vegas. Yet. What is wrong with me!? That's what I planned to pick up first. What am I in for compared to FO3? Off Topic: Any oldies (posters) still around here?
  5. Haven't been here for a while. Odd story why I'm here now, actually. I was looking for the old Black Isle forum images (Drama!), and came across this bit of news. I checked the forums, but didn't see any mention of this. http://www.joystiq.com/2012/08/22/original-fallout-and-planescape-torment-dev-black-isle-studios/ Interplay (how have they not died?) is bring back Blask Isle Studios! Of course, it's in name, only. Thoughts? Laughs?
  6. I was avoiding those threads due to spoilers, but if it is to be merged, so be it. I think I have my answer.
  7. I didn't want to put this in the ME3 thread, as I've not played it, and want to avoid spoilers. I haven't posted in a while either, so, hey everyone. I've been playing Skyrim recently, and was going to get ME2 and 3 after I was done with it. Then I'm seeing news articles on Yahoo and other website about a fan outcry for the ending of ME3. I'm like WTF? I didn't read any of the articles (again, to avoid spoilers), so I'm not so sure what all the fuss is about. In general, is it THAT bad? Did they just not finish it? More to the point, should a developer really change the ending to their game because people don't like it (from a philisophical standpoint). I can see the point in "alternate" endings. Moreover, if I get the game at a later date, will it have the new ending or the original ending? This whole situation seems weird.
  8. ...Steve Jobs dies
  9. I remember when spending all day online was considered uncool, something losers and nerds do.
  10. Silicon Valley billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands Silicon Valley Billionaire Funding Creation of Artificial Libertarian Island Can anybody else say "Rapture"? I can just picture this: "I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well. "
  11. At first it was because I could talk to people that have/had common insterest with me. Mainly video games, but as that has essentially fallen by the wayside, so too has my posting frequency. Now it's just a ligering habit. How depressing that sounds.
  12. Well, they weren't the first to release a smartphone, so that's not it, either. Yeah I remember Blackberrys and Palm Treos, 2 years before the first iphone And Windows mobile. If anything Apple was the (next to) last in the smart phone game, which could have advantages of its own.
  13. Well, they weren't the first to release a smartphone, so that's not it, either.
  14. Haven't been around much lately, but I thought it'd be interesting to hear the Obs community take on this news: NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life
  15. Hades passing thread. Damn. I remember reading that, but guess I never knew that was Viscy/Hades. Like I said, I don't come here that much, anymore, but this still sucks .
  16. RIP, Kelverin. I haven't been frequenting the forums...what happened to Hades?
  17. The British Navy: If you thought the American Navy was gay....
  18. Yeah, but the rest of the year, WGAS?
  19. Let's not forget all the kid-touching priests.
  20. I'm sure this will make Iran want to really create a nuclear deterrant now.
  21. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/nyregion...sen.html?src=mv
  22. Hi, all. Right now, I'm using my phone as my car audio entertainment of choice. Whether it be MP3s, Slacker, or whatever. I'm currently connecting through the auxiliary input via a cable, which can get in the way at times. My question is this. Is there a simple bluetooth solution to this? I have a bluetooth/FM transmitter, which I used with my older car that had no aux input. The sound quality was good, but there was the usual FM static interference, so that option is out based on overal sound quality alone. I thought bluetooth alone might have better quality, but I've search and cannot find what I'm looking for, which is simply a battery powered (or chargeable) BT device that plugs into the aux jack that I can pair with my phone and voila! I can find these types of devices for home audio, but nothing for car audio. This was the closest thing I could find: http://www.amazon.com/Jensen-WBT310-Univer...6100416-4956740 It's designed for home use, but according to one of the reviewers, he uses it in his car, but suggests not to because I guess he did something special (?). Power issues or something. Any of you know of this, for whatever reason, elusive device?
  23. I had a Facebook once. Then I kicked it to the curb. I have found no reason to miss it or to go back. I remember the days when spending your life on the internet was considered nerdy and made you a social pariah.
  24. I need to move to Cali. Here in WV it's been dryer than....something... THAT IS VERY DRY! I swear I had something for this.
  25. lol at 36 C being "excessive heat" Not everybody lives 20 feet away from the sun, chum!
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