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Everything posted by Arkan

  1. I don't know. Is there Yackety Sax in the background? So many
  2. Haven't been following Dragon Age like, at all. Why the subtitle Origins?
  3. Arkan


    What's the deal with those Madelbrot Sets? Am I right?
  4. Arkan

    NBC's Kings

  5. Arkan

    NBC's Kings

    They're on Hulu.com right now, I think. Kings is in a terrible timeslot on Sunday at 8pm. They're hurting for ratings, which sucks, because it is/could be such a great show.
  6. Anybody else watching this show? I think it's great so far. Could be my replacement for Battlestar Galactica. Thoughts?
  7. Holy moly what an ending It was as epic as I could have imagined, and then some. Excellent, if bittersweet. I am now depressed that there is no more BSG.
  8. Arkan


    I tried to watch it last night, I really did. Not even Helo could bring me to complete it.
  9. Arkan


    Just like my career as a stand up comic
  10. Arkan


    Exactly. It's all an abstraction used as an aid in understanding the outside world. Why should it trouble us if some of the constructs are more abstract than others? Another example: A googolplex (i.e., 10^(10^100) fits right in with the "real" counting numbers. But it is also a higher number than there likely are atoms in the observable the universe. Doesn't that make it imaginary, too? This is an example of one of my "Getting Lost in a Wiki Wonder Land" type situations where I was really high, then wikied googol, googolplex, etc. Blew my mind to think that it (googolplex) represents a number higher than the amount of atoms in the universe. I wondered how that can be possible, then, seeing as that was too mindboggling, wikied all the numbers used in modern western mathematics (0-9) and read about how they all operate and whatnot, which led me to theorize that how each number behaves individually somehow was connected to the innerworkings of the fabric of space time. Then I ate some nachos and went to sleep.
  11. Arkan


    http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=51783 See if any of the advice in this thread I created is of any help.
  12. According to Olmos, his character makes it to the end...if we are to believe such things.
  13. I was able to get everything off the drive I needed using Safe Mode (admin) to get to my old folder. I have since formatted the drive and reinstalled winders. Everything seems to boot fine, now, and I did a chkdsk to block off any bad sectors on the HD. Hopefully that will work as a temporary solution.
  14. Boot from a Ubuntu Live disco and then find your files, they should be there. Elaborate.
  15. So, I managed to install XP HOME (it was Pro, but what are ya gonna do, eh?) so that I can at least get to the files I need. Only problem is, they are all in the My Documents Folder of the other windows installation. Now I need to find a way to get access to these files! Tells me access is denied! Ugh...
  16. Also: After some quick checking on the internets, it appears HDs are dirt cheap!
  17. What do you mean by do a windows repair, exactly? The only option I have for repair is recovery console, but that just sends me to DOS Prompt (where I did the chkdsk, but couldn't do /f). What am I supposed to do to do a repair of windows? One thing I was considering is just install windows again, without formatting the hard drive, in the hopes that I can at least get everything off the drive I need. Everything after that is secondary.
  18. If you lived closer I'd give you a copy of my xp pro corp edition (does not need to be activated). when you boot off the cd there will be a option to repair... its a crap shoot.. works prob 33 to 50% of the time. if after it does the repair and xp is still hosed then really your only bet is a wipe/reinstall unless you know how to fix the inner guts of the OS manually. Either case the cd will get you in and yes you can run chkdsk c: /f I was able to get into DOS using the recovery console, which let me do a chkdsk. It said their were errors found on the drive, but gave no details, and I could not run a /f, only a /r to try and retrieve data. After a bunch of playing around, I still can't get into windows. Should I let recovery console try and repair itself?
  19. Alright, I strong-armed a friend into letting me borrow their XP disc. Booting up the PC now. I should be able to do a disk check, right? Or at least some kind of repair? I don't want to have to go through the process of getting all my info off the HD because I have no good means of doing so, besides a 2GB thumb drive. That could take a while, and I've got files larger than that I need. Any suggestions?
  20. Thanks, Harlequin and Gorgon. But Gorgon, I have no idea where to find that online, and I searched a number of word combos with no results. Seeing as I'm no longer a student, would I still have access to this? Harlequin, any links to good ones you know of. I just got one, but I have no idea what it will do, really, if anything.
  21. I can't seem to find it. It's probably 6 hours away back home. Is there any way I could create a basic boot disc cd to get me into DOS?
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