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Everything posted by Arkan

  1. Undercover Just came out, the "story" is garbage, but it's got an open world element to it that people kinda liked Burnout is always good And if you have a ps3 Motorstorm is FUN! What I liked about Most Wanted (and yes, even Carbon) were the way races could get really intense and the inclusion of the police chases. In fact that's what I felt was missing most from Carbon, the emphasis on police chases. If Undercover has these two elements, I think I might pick it up. No PS3.
  2. Speaking of racing games, I like them to kill some time now and then. My last two were NFS: Most Wanted and NFS: Carbon. I really liked them both, and was looking for a similar experience. I checked out NFS: Pro Street, but the reviews say that it doesn't live up to the previous two titles. Anybody have some recommendations for something similar to what I'm looking for? Edit: Single player, PC, and new racing games, that is
  3. There's a toggle somewhere that has all the characters gather around the selected one. It's maddening, I know.
  4. Now that you mention it, I don't recall laughing out loud at the movie, but it always seemed to me that the purpose of the movie was to be over the top as it was, kind of paying homage to similar movies that came before it. As for funny over the top, Kung Fu Hustle was much better
  5. Awesome.
  6. I guess this isn't a game I'll be picking up. I usually buy Obs games for their narrative and interesting characters and dialog
  7. Huzzah! I finally collected all the bobbleheads (needed help with a couple of them)!! Here is me admiring them in all their glory!
  8. Oh please! Many of the people praising this game are oldschool fans that were brought up on the first two games. Me being one of them. Are there things to complain about in this game? Sure. But that doesn't mean the game isn't a worthy successor. Many people share this opinion.
  9. Just had a really depressing moment On a lighter note: I found the 1-51b Power Armor! The regular BOS power armor always looked "off" somehow, but I couldn't quite place it until I got a look at this beauty. This is MUCH more true in spirit to the original in Fallout. Looks great! Only bad thing is that it doesn't have the same +2 STR as other PAs. Now if we could only get rid of the huge BOX on your back when you wield a minigun.
  10. Something interesting happened when I gave myself Power Armor training at GNR: @KK: For real, haha.
  11. sadly. the subway is as segmented and encapsulated as is the streets o' dc... can't simply follow red line or blue line or white line. am admitting that we were moderate annoyed trying to navigate to rivet city or other dc city locales early in game. HA! Good Fun! Except that you don't need to use any metros to get to RC.
  12. Mirelurks are one of the new additions I do NOT like in FO3 "I saw a mirelurk the other day. Nasty little creatures." "I saw a mudcrab the other day. Nasty little creatures."
  13. As long as they're done well, as they actually are in Fallout 3, I like traps. But what is wrong with the example you gave?
  14. Games that are essentially trial and error in nature. Splinter Cell, for example, always felt like every part of every level was trial and error.
  15. Pick up the Slower Leveling mod on FalloutNexus. It took me a day to go from level 6 to 7.5. As to the "Disney" feel of the game, I just don't agree, especially when there are holotapes scattered across the wastes that record peoples'/friends'/families' last moments....even in one instance you find the skeleton of a child holding a teddy bear and that of a couple in a final embrace with large amounts of drugs on the nightstand. Both poignant and somber at the same time.
  16. Here's a great mod for those who are hitting the level 20 cap too soon Slower Leveling Mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=97
  17. Me too! Huh? I didn't know you could And could someone please tell me where to find a I remember finding one during one of the Wasteland Survival Guide quests. Other than that, I just find them out in the wastes.
  18. Fun with Fallout 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwVDgTxr7fM http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...906130&st=0
  19. Another thing that probably makes the game too easy in the long run is that you get a perk every level, instead of every 3 levels. If you only got 7 perks throughout the game (not counting the ones you get for quests and such), they would be much more valuable. As it, after level 10 or so, you're just waiting until the next tier of perks open up so you can pick something useful for your character. The rest in between are just filler. Some perks are WAY overpowered, depending on how you play. Comprehension being one of them. On extra point doesn't sound like much, but it effectively DOUBLES the benefit you get from reading books, and given that skills only go up to 100, this is a big deal. Which leads me to question why they didn't make skills go to at least 200, like they did in Fallout, and adjust accordingly...carry-over from Oblivion?
  20. I agree that once you reach a certain stage of the game, it feels less like fallout and a bit too much like half-life, but for the most part, it DOES feel like fallout. From the different size settlements, to quirky little "towns" like Andale. From high tech locations to eerie ruins like Dunwich (sp?). It feels dark and gritty, but a little over the top sometimes, like when you wander into a permanent settlement, and there are still skeletons in the beds and bathtubs. The problem with the difficulty is that when you turn it up, it also increases the amount of experience you get, which is the opposite of what it should be. You level up way to quickly, I think, given the size and scope of the wastes. That being said, if you follow the main quest out of the gait, you'd probably end up at level 10 or lower, I'd imagine.
  21. MAKING THE GAME MORE DIFFICULT!? So I've played through the game roughly twice now, and it eventually just becomes too easy. I was thinking of ways to potentially make enemies in the wastes more deadly. The only thing I can really come up with so far are: 1. Only wear apparel that isn't armor. Duster? Merc-wear? Take your pick biggrin.gif 2. A low endurance for low HP. This would immediately make bullets and monster attacks more deadly. 3. Restrict yourself to a weapon of choice, maybe? Of course, I'd have to allow myself a sniper rifle if 1 and 2 are in play. 4. Don't use VATS at all. I even played the game on hard (haven't played on normal, yet), and the only thing that seems to do is make you hit the level cap too soon. Suggestions? Questions, comments, concerns?
  22. OIC! So you can only see a companions health meter if they are wounded? That's good to know. As is that tidbit about Dogmeat. He heals himself. NOICE. I was wondering why I never had to option to use a stimpack on him. Now I don't have to worry about him after every fight. Good dog!
  23. Yao guai and deathclaws are the only things in the waste that give me trouble. Giant radscorpians used to be a pain, too, until I figured out that you can just circle them and they can't touch you. If you're melee-ing/unarm-ing them, each hit knocks them back as well, so you can get a few free shots in. Speaking of unarmed, I just assembled myself a Deathclaw Gauntlet! Only to find out that it does less damage than the Fisto! I've been using most of the game. Unfortunate that the best unarmed weapon can be had within an hour of leaving the Vault. PS: Can you heal Dogmeat? I think sleeping in a bed, does, but I"m not sure.
  24. Hahaha are you being serious? If you get two levels of that Perk, they'll help you. One level and they won't be hostile towards you. A good perk to take if you are wandering away from the city. Those mutated bears can do some serious damage. !@#$ Yao Guoi (or however you spell it) right in their ugly faces. I might just take this perk for that reason alone from now on.
  25. I feel dirty for Oh, and I finally found DOGMEAT!! In Scrapyard. Is their any way to heal him?
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