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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. Hopefully Obsidian can finally include a Gay Male romance in this Game. <3 yes pls.
  2. Just read that on the codex. Man funcroc is fast. Anyways, glad to see that Obsidian has yet another title under their belt. mmm speculation! I assume also this is the "fantasy" game. Any hints devs?
  3. Ha! Now I am an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction!
  4. You should be playing with the Restoration Mod. They restore a quest that resolves those %$#@# stealing kids... peacefully. Though it does have a minor consequence, for a certain NPC. That or well entering combat and sneaking buy them works too. But that is TOTALLY cheating. *cough* I Highly recommend this mod. It is excellent.
  5. Man the forum site is running slow today. Must be all those n00bs that suddenly joined yesterday/today. *shakes fist*
  6. I at first wondered WHY he was playing Fallout 3 as well. And well, now we know. ME TREES!
  7. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3163/279401...3ebb2b8.jpg?v=0 OK THAT makes sense now. heh
  8. So how the hell was "Me Trees" = Fallout: New Vegas???? :boggle: I wonder if Zeit's is working on this as well *:hope:
  9. Well, my personal boycott of Bethesda/Zenimax may have to finally be broken. I might actually purchase one of their products now. I just hope I don't have to buy Fallout 3 for this. I still refuse to play/buy that game.
  10. Well uh.... this is certainly interesting. So was this the game they were sekretly working on?
  11. This. After you finish it, there is really NO reason to replay it. None.
  12. Being exceptionally greedy in Ultima V, and running and getting the Magic Carpet.... and then heading downstairs, then heading back up.... only to find the door to Lord British's bedroom suddenly re-materialized and magically locked, making you stuck there FOREVER.... priceless. TAKE THAT modern day RPG's!
  13. Well, it can't be NWN3, since Neverwinter doesn't exist in 4e. So I'm sure they'll call it something else. But it'll be intended to fill that market, I think as well. I do hope I'm wrong, I really have no intention of supporting 4e in any way, shape, or form. Neverwinter while indeed "destroyed" in 4th ED does not mean that it could not be rebuilt. If I remember correctly, in NWN1, wasn't in a state of repair after Luskan attacked it? Personally I'd rather they abandon the "Neverwinter" name and start with Waterdeep Nights". Though my feeling on what game it is... I'm almost certain Atari has approached both CDProjekt and Obsidian for D&D games. As for what game each dev was approached for, remains a mystary.
  14. Yes I did that. As you can see... I didn't try that hard to make it look more authentic. It was mainly just for lulz.
  15. http://alpha-protocol.mybrute.com/cellule
  16. <fights the urge to type SHADOWRUN in big bold letters> ... dammit M$ owns the property now. And well... I don't think we will see a M$ Published game by Obsidian. But maybe someday. That WOULD be awesome if it was a Shadowrun Game. <3 <3
  17. I was mildly interested in this, but with that kind of DRM, interest is now 0.
  18. [quote name='H
  19. As long as I will be able to bake bread I am SO there!
  20. Lol, Ive never seen a weapon being taken before. Is it gone for good from your weapon inventory? No, just for the fight. THANK GAWD!
  21. Well we tried building codexia.... but we all agreed it was LAME. Back to my brute!
  22. kinda lame... you cant do anything?
  23. Hell yes! Alpha Protocol now has a shield AND an Axe! Now I can kick some codex butt!
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