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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. Yea I don't like these new models. bleh. For those that loved the original game there is Secret of Monkey Isle ported to the XBox Arcade... it features the original graphics with an updated interface. http://www.lucasarts.com/games/monkeyisland/ The above has a trailer with some interviews as well as the new interface etc... yay!
  2. This. Now to watch and read all this new info!
  3. IIRC it basically some humor from the Russian /b/
  4. I just want to see more Alpha Protocol info. <3
  5. It is Atari's decision to make a Baldur's Gate 3. SO you would have to go bug/ask them.
  6. An Inside Play To Sway Video Gamers A long read but I think you can easily put 2 and 2 together.
  7. Dreamfall was just awful. Just play Longest Journey again. It's way better.
  8. I found Male Shepard's voice kinda sexy. And I though the Default Male Shepard was hawt. Trailer looked cool. I'll probably pick this up once it hit's the Bargain Bin.
  9. Agreed. Though I was hoping the Obsidian Logo was going to look like something more like a Spy Theme Obsidian Logo... oh well. Still looking forward to this game!
  10. That version is the Windows one - I guess- and doesn't play well with DOSBox. Did manage to, uh, find, a DOS version though, so I'm back in business, hurrah. DOSBox was just updated to v.73 yesterday, you might give it a try again? Also is it possible that the game is NOT a DOS game, thus it would not work using DOSBox. Such as Fallout 2 is NOT a DOS based game and requires a windows environment. Also if you happen to have a copy of Windows 95 or 98 there is MS Virtual Machine. I use that to run Grim Fandango and it works wonderfully on it.
  11. Jaesun

    Prop 8

    This. It is really sad. Just imagine if the Civil Right's Bill were put to a vote by the People. That would have went over well.
  12. I agree. Would there be, for example, a cell-phone you carry to remember/re-read everything? Or a notepad? Or even certain pick-ups, like the napkin containing a phone number at the top of the page? Back in my day, we actually wrote down important info from games on Paper. PAPER!
  13. Played Ultima Online when it first came out. Played Asheron's Call for 4 or so years. Loved that game. Played WoW for a few months, then got bored with it. There really has not been any MMOG (to date) that appeals to me, so I currently don't play any.
  14. http://kotaku.com/5262528/secret-of-monkey...on-sails-to-360
  15. dude, E3 is almost started. Then the gates of info shall flow and drown us all. I've never played any of these games. I have only played a handful of FPS's. Are these (older) titles still available... like say Steam or? Unfortunately Fox has apparently locked all their good games into their capacious basement so that no one could enjoy the greatness of AvP or No One Lives Forever. Well frack. Thanks for the info. Actually... I think my brother has the first AvP. Maybe he still has it.
  16. dude, E3 is almost started. Then the gates of info shall flow and drown us all. I've never played any of these games. I have only played a handful of FPS's. Are these (older) titles still available... like say Steam or?
  17. Certain people at the Codex have a Special title under their name.... for a reason.
  18. From the codex: Anthony Davis: Wow! That's an old video. I know this because it has Alexander Brandon in it. So old?
  19. Velvet Assassin
  20. Because that is what I am going through right now. *cries*
  21. Wanamingos aren't aliens, you do know that right?
  22. I hope so as well. If not, there's always Dragon Age. Wait what? I have not been following DA that much.. but did they confirm Male/Male romance possible in DA? 1. There are no romances confirmed at this time. Even after a video showing the PC taking Morrigan from behind, the devs aren't allowed to talk about romances. 2. The developers have said repeatedly that in Thedas, homosexuality is not considered wrong or immoral. 3. After the NYC showing, where posters had dinner with biostaff, several of the attendees said that the developers had spoken of same-sex romances for both genders. This was in Feb, when the game was still supposed to ship in March. Ahh.. I had missed that. Thank you. Interest in DA +1.
  23. Yea... I think people don't understand this concept. There is no "right way". Play how you want to play.
  24. What is ironic, is that I follow one Male (Heterosexual and married) Bioware dev log that is very Gay friendly and has pushed for Gay romances in each game he get's to work on at Bioware. Typically he does get shot down on this idea (For story or character reasons, which is understandable) , but at-least tries to open up this topic when it is discussed. There are possibly some Female Dev's at Bioware that support this as well, I just have not stumbled upon any that were quite vocal about it. I know Obsidian tried this in one of their games, but it was sadly shut down. Hopefully some day they will get a Publisher that wont have a problem with this. ANYWAYS... I really need to stop gaying up this thread. Um... YAY! Mass Effect 2.
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