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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. And so Sky News has acquired audio tapes... Apparently there are "worse allegations to come" according to Rebekah.... Rebekah Brooks speaks to News of the Word Staff
  2. It is a brilliant film. Although somewhat spoiled by the amount of cgi manipulation that happened to have that shot of Jessica Alba in the shower. She was basically wearing lycra exercise pants and sports bra style clothing for it... Is it me or is there something slightly weird about having a "i won't do even partial nudity, but I have no objection to them putting a cgi partial nude based on me in the film for everyone to stare at". I have no problem on her stance of not being nude (well, not beyond any heterosexual guy who appreciates Jessica Alba..), but it seems a little twisted to reach the stage of still playing a character that ends up with a partial nude on film.. As long as its artificial..
  3. Just to slip it in here.. The final launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis today.. the last mission. And part of Obama's statement regarding it.. I'd feel rather better about it if he hadn't been cutting their budget over the last year or so..
  4. I just find this amusing.. Swiss party makes dislike of PowerPoint a political issue
  5. Woke from a dream, having serious discussions with the ex and sorting out various issues..and it just felt so damn satisfying..and then I woke up..and I have no idea what actually got said in the dream or why it felt so damn satisfying.. (and yes, it was conversation, not some sex dream. Perverts. I know how your gutter minds work...) The puppy kept pulling up the rug so he could gnaw/bite/claw at the platform base of the cat's climbing frame.... So I've ended up standing the hoover on the corner of the rug (which makes the puppy nervous) and he's leaving it all alone for now.. Cancelled my credit card. Which practically guarantees I'll stumble over it today at some point. Just have to remember not to make any steam purchases until the new one arrives... And tis being a fairly wet and grey day in the background, so we'll have to see how things develop. I think time calls for a fresh cuppa.
  6. So now they've announced the new DCL for DA2.. Legacy.
  7. Heh, I'm not complaining about that move. More it just startles me that they say gun costomization is rpg. Although I guess that threatens to derail into a "what is rp" in a game.
  8. I think its more the "gun customization = automatic rpg'ness!" that makes me blink.
  9. The next behind the world vid.. Behind 2027 - Combat Approach
  10. I'm just not sure how to take all their "we've increased the rpg'ness.. we've put in gun costomisation again"....
  11. Gee.. I never knew Murdoch could do such a great impression of Pontius Pilate...
  12. Still cant find that credit card.. I swear, the only way it's going to turn up will be when I phone up and cancel it. Then the moment I turn round it'll show up somewhere...
  13. It actually worked a lot like the trains here.. Although trying to make sure it's not looking back with rose-tinted specs and all.. They seemed to run a lot more efficiently when they were Nationalised. Which is bloody strange by anything run by the government... But the things get privatised.. and they seem to have both gone to hell.
  14. Raithe


    Heh, I kind of had to put up with the reverse of that. A whole batch of Northeners who'd ended up at my university down south..and they spent a lot of time hassling the non-northeners about being effete slackers and class douchebags regardless of whether the people they hasled were from a good or bad background. I never could figure out why they all ended up down here if they hated the people so much, since there are some quite decent Universities up north. Cultural wars do seem to go back and forth a lot without much reason behind them...
  15. Technically... The Protheans didn't build the Citadel. They found it , just like the Asari and all the rest did... But that's getting a little nit-picky.
  16. Hm, having that rather annoying situation where I pulled out the credit card the other day for Steam.. and now I can't find the bloody thing anywhere..
  17. And did you realise that actually was Boxleitner's real life wife? But no matter what happens, or how space opera it gets.. there's so many good lines and snappy dialogue coming out of various characters..
  18. Raithe


    While the North spends way too much time following Big Brother and Katie Price... I'll have you know I ignore as much celebrity news as I can.. Although if you exchange office politics for family politics you might be closer....
  19. Finished the first act of Secret of Monkey Island.. I can see the amusement of it..but it's not pulling me in like Fate of Atlantis did.. I'll keep going tomorrow maybe and see how it goes. Picked up AI War Fleet Command bundle in the sale.. have to figure out a time to have a poke at that.
  20. Raithe


    The trouble is.. are you talking Beer, Ale or Lager?
  21. I realised I'd never actually gotten around to playing the Monkey Island games.. so thought I'd pick them up in the sale..
  22. Yeah , politics and such within groups can be a pain. The guy who tended to enjoy being a DM for my old group basically refused to look at anything that wasn't traditional western fantasy. So trying to get him to experiment with other systems or settings was always a bit of a drag. That and he loved "low-level" type of stuff, so no matter how long you played in his campaigns, he'd keep treating the characters as if they were zero-level dweebs and when you started reaching the point where it was natural for characters to have influence in the world.. he'd get tired and want to start another campaign. The other guy who would DM from that group tended to get a bit whimsical at times..and his sister was one of the players. So we'd tend to find she'd corner him for some one-on-one rpg time for her characters when no-one else was around.. which can get a little annoying. Especially when you have evil campaigns where everyones ready to backstab each other.. But yes, I think I still stand with Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition as one of the more fun and flexible systems that I've played around with.
  23. Guiness Record - Red, White and Dead Zombie Walk
  24. It always amuses me the way history twists.. The French King provided money for weapons to the Americans.. mostly as a way to aggravate the English. But the very success of the American Independence... helped inspire the revolution in France. Edit: And they originally based Mel Gibsons character on a real guy..until they realised the rapes and brutality to slaves that the historical one committed might be classed as "not-quite-heroic" so they decided to go the fictional route..
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