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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Pushed through the day, but I've got this nagging sensation that there's something I'm supposed to be doing, and I'm totally blanking on it but just have that mental nagging. Hm, and the obs board keeps needing me to relog in everytime even with the "remember me" ticked.
  2. Condolences Nightshape.
  3. On a slightly different rail, some extra details from one of the developers on the Power Trailer for Saints Row the Third.. Saints Row Power Trailer - Developer Commentary
  4. Hm, not quite a hate.. but I first tried reading Bram Stoker's Dracula when I was about 8. Harker's descent into madness scared the bejeesuz out of me and I couldn't finish the book. Took me years before I could get back to trying to read it. On the vampire thing - Laura K Hamilton is a bit odd. She started writing some quite decent character driven murder/urban fantasy stories with the usual vampire/paranormal sexy erotic overtones.. which made an interesting series. But then she seemed to get lost in the whole "sexy vampire/paranormal" thing and produced a couple that were ...well.. sexually driven characters with some slight plot overtones. So maybe not hate again, but a certain level of dissapointment.
  5. Well finally managed to fall asleep around 4am again, then staggered awake around 8ish, managed to loll around for a little before getting up properly, and then had to deal with the puppy being frantic and trying to eat the cat before I could finish my first cup of tea. Trying to gather resources to focus properly and punch through this. Been resisting the urge the last few days to fritter money away on this and that and avoid getting into the retail therapy style.. Although I did end up picking up a copy of The DC Art of Jim Lee for th curiousity.. Fleabombed the house, put the animals on a couple of different anti-flea treatments.. and somehow the cat keeps turning up with fleas. So trying to figure out why and where. (he's a housecat, so definitely not from wandering outside). Our best theory is that somehow the dogs picked them up on a walk, and they jumped ot the cat at home. Family politics are turning such a joy at the moment, and I'm trying to just not get too involved and keep things at some sort of even-keel. And I have the nagging feeling I've forgotten something that I need to take care of.
  6. For the slightly surreal.. I thought I'd put this in here.. But China has now added a bunch of new things to the banned list of what they're willing to show on tv. So they've decided to ban tv and films that contain 'fantasy, time-travel, random compilations of mythical stories, bizarre plots, absurd techniques, even propagating feudal superstitions, fatalism and reincarnation, ambiguous moral lessons, and even a lack of positive thinking CNN - China Bans Time Travel Daily Mail - China Bans Time Travel Cinema
  7. Eh, I'm not sure whether it's related to that bout of man-flu, the general recovery from getting sick like that, or the crappy grey weather the last few days but I am definitely having trouble staying positive at the moment. That and the stretches of time spent in bed feeling crap leaves your mind wandering back and forth poking at things. Why is it some emotional wounds never really seem to heal, just get to the point you can generally ignore them until various things bring them to mind? Eh, well, Pissing it down with rain..and have to re-load the house with anti-fleabombs again because they seem to keep jumping between the animals regardless of what we've done.
  8. Trying to push through the day. Keeping hydrated, having soem food now. Probably going to grab a book and settle in for an early night once everyone is settled.
  9. Kind of interesting in a mesmerizing weird way... How Twitter tracked the fall of Rebekah Brooks
  10. A classic piece of.. musical comedy. To add a further element of amusement to it - after the show, the Queen inquired whether they really were her troops and was told indeed they were. She further asked who choreographed the piece and was told. She paused, and then said "We should see about getting him to drill our changing of the guard..."
  11. A stealth specific vid of both gameplay and designer talk.. How Smarter AI makes for a Smoother Stealth
  12. Eh, it's that generally vague running a temperature, stabbing headaches, aching joints and upset stomach all combined..
  13. Yup, the latter half of that around the upper medical section was shown in something earlier. Still looks good.
  14. Not sure if it's just being in that whole..recovery from the man-flu or whatever it was. But I'm feeling exceptionally unsocial at the moment.
  15. Congratulations. And welcome to debt Spent most of the day in bed, shivvering with a temperature and a stinking headache. Came down to force myself to eat something and satisfy my net addiction by checking mail and forums as kettle boils and food heats up.
  16. I picked up AI Wars Fleet Command and the Penny Arcade adventures last week.. but I'm just not in the right mood to sit down and make an attempt at playing them...
  17. Ugh, my mind is like moving through molasses today. Tried to sit down and catch up an episode of Top Gear..and with various interruptions that needed dealing with it took about 2 hours to watch the show from start to finish. "So you have a tank at home. Is that legal to drive on the road?" "Actually , yeah it is road legal. But you want to know the really good thing about it? You don't have to pay congestion charges..." The look of enthusiasm on Clarkson's face in reaction to that comment was.... frightening.
  18. It wasn't quite reading it... but during the..hm.. early 80's they did a rather brilliant cartoon series.. Ulysses 31 - Basically Odysseus voyage home.. IN SPACE. I liked the initial setup of Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth series.. but that swiftly went off the rails when he started putting the Aryn Rand influences in way too obviously. With the series finale basically being one big hand-wave deus ex machina movement in the space of a single chapter....
  19. I can ensure to pretty much get stoned at any fantasy group because I don't like Lord of the Rings as a read. I'm impressed as hell on a lot of levels with it, on the details, the way the world was crafted, how it all connects, and the impression it made on the fantasy genre in the years since.. But as an actual enjoyable read.. meh. It's never been one that's struck me as good writing. But then, my parents got me started on the likes of Enid Blyton, C.S. Lewis, and J.T. Edson... maybe that affected me as a kid...
  20. Had another mega-crappy nights sleep, and currently trying to fight through to something resembling proper consciousness of intelligent life... On a side-note, my sister's alienware laptop arrived last night and she went into paroxysms of joy over the "shiny lights". Got me to install Mass Effect on it and when it started up I swear she actually let out a giggled squee. Now I have to try to figure out where I saved the Bring Down the Sky cd key... Edit: Due to sleep deprived spelling and grammar.
  21. I like the place.. I'm just not sure about the people inhabiting it...
  22. One of those days where everything is just feeling.. flat. Trying to figure out if I have any motivation for the day.
  23. I have to step back from the Steam sales at the moment.. while the credit card is being replaced I can't pick up anything new.. and so I'm going to avoid getting all "yes I want that in the sale!"
  24. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I need say nothing else.
  25. Transformers - Dark of the Moon. - Not bad, entertaining in its way. They pushed it a bit overlong in my mind. It's not much of a surprise but its another Transformers film where the robots are the background and plot-movement device for the key humans to take center stage. Actually, I was highly amused by Patrick Dempsey's role. I hadn't been paying attention that much to the trailers so didn't realise he was in it. The way they shoehorned in a new girlfriend for the story felt a little flat, but eh, what can you do. The robot-on-robot action was fun and destructive. Leonard Nimoy's voice..and the amount of spockisms they put in in slightly twisted format probably counts as geek nirvana. And Alan Tudyk's "Dutch" was downright brilliant. Shame he didn't get more screen time.
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