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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I think one of the freakiest one I've had was years ago, when I was around 12 or so. One of those zooming about as if flying, just that first-person viewpoint with no real feel of a body, but going at rapid pace through these dark, claustrophic tunnels where the flaw was hidden by piles of skinned bodies. The bit that's always stuck with me is how well-lit the bodies were while the rest of the tunnels were creepily dark. Never had any clue what was behind that dream.
  2. Getting a wee bit annoyed now. Trying to do some work based on a bunch of stuff that's been written with OpenOffice, and every time I open up OpenOffice I get about 3 minutes to look at and read stuff before it crashes out. Going to redownload OpenOffice and reinstall it, see if that fixes things. And the gorram smell of the fleabomb we let off in one of the upstairs rooms is stinking the whole house out. We thought we'd gotten ontop of it, with the cat and the dogs not showing any..and then a bunch of fleas turned up in one of the traps we'd left to be sure. Not the best way to spend a sunday..
  3. The same old gameplay we've seen before.. Although this time with the Sentinel rather then the Soldier, plus a fair bit of chat with Hudson on various aspects. Also a few comments on how they're working on the script for the ME movie... Gamespot Comic-Con Talk with Casey Hudson
  4. Raithe


    Enjoying a moment of silly madness
  5. Yes, my sympathies go out to her dealer. It's kind of interesting how the split is with her death, people are either pushing to make it a grand tragedy and wail at the loss of such a great human being.. or they're taking the stance of its about time, she was such a bad human being, a bad example to kids etc... There seem to be very few people taking a middle ground stance. Spending a chunk of my time cleaning up my sister's old laptop so my mother can use it. A lot easier for her to perch a laptop on her bed rather then twist to use her pc. On a side-note, I have to say the whole biometric / webcam identify as part of the login on the Alienware laptop is quite funky.
  6. Welcome to the original AC then.. Spent a little of yesterday on the first Penny Arcade adventure. Got up to the big end fight with the Dark God.
  7. Glancing at the ME facebook.. the majority of votes are going for Version 5 there.. and a lot of the comments are with the "5..with red hair" variations...
  8. I quite enjoyed the pc port without too many difficulties. Actually I'd say I had a lot more fun with SR2 then I did with GTAIV. But that could be purely personal preference for that silly fun rather then grim angst that GTAIV had.. But no real clue on the modding community..
  9. Just to go from brain hurt to something a tad silly.. New trailer for the upcoming Saints Row the Third.. SR - Syndication Unsurprisingly they have Daniel Dae Kim back as the voice for Johnny Gat No word yet on whether Eliza Dushku is voicing Shaundi once more, but I wouldn't be too surprised.. And apparently Sasha Grey is voicing one character this time around..
  10. Just to follow on for the SW: The Old Republic line.. Some of the ComicCon TOR Panel..
  11. Not to ignore the bombing incident, but I've had a nice lift for the day. Just got the phone call that told me that that report I did the other month had gone through the external examiners to everyone's satisfaction, and I've now got a job. Well, have a final "interview" of sorts to go through where I get to see how it was graded, find the flaws and figure out exactly what I'll be doing.. but still. Rahr! Now a glass of port to celebrate. Hm, I might even break out a cigar..
  12. Sony developed SWG. That and apparently it was really crappy unless you were dedicated. Plus it was designed from the start so you had to group from what I hear. As in, classes had fatal weaknesses that you needed another class around to balance out. Which killed a lot of solo activities. Although a lot of the dedicated fans apparently left after one update that retconned the galaxy or something... The rumours had it that part of the update was because Lucas' kid played the game and thought they needed to change stuff, so it filtered though... o O (although that might have been rabid conspiracy theorists behind that one..) And while you might say it crashed and burned, it's still actually playing. Although it's to be shut down by the end of the year. So it's had enough people playing it to keep it going....
  13. hm, Double Post error..
  14. Well given his recovery times, and how people are amazed he's back in action so quickly compared to other post-augment surgery types.. That's pretty much a given. That or he's unknowingly a test subject for some of the girlfriends work... That's one of the litte things they've worked into how people react to you, apparently Jensen can soothe ruffled feathers or put peoples backs up from the beginning by how he handles them talking about how quickly he's back and whether he's competent to handle the work... Not sure how much effect it would have later in the game once you've left Detroit, but it's a nice little background thing I would say.
  15. And yup. the Sarif Industries website is now "Hacked" with assorted graffiti and political slogans, plus a new set of files to find in the hacking minigame.
  16. Yup . There's hordes of people on the TOR forums who have pre-ordered the CE of the game.. and about an equal number of Australians complaining that they can't order the CE. I just don't understand the need for it when it's that sort of price. I mean, I can sort of understand the price getting nearly doubled to include flashy metal cases rather then plastic dvd cases, a soundtrack, an artbook, and a few other physical things as well as a couple of in-game knick-knacks.. But an extra hundred bucks for it? .. All because of a simple figurine? And really, what are you going to do with a figurine like that?
  17. Well they've always said they wanted to give access to the game for people who view it more as Kotor3 rather then an mmo. So they've pushed elements of players being able to do most of the class storyline on their own / with npc companions rather then need to form groups. Although chunks of world missions and key flashpoints will require multiple players to even start.... Throw in the whole "200 hours" to do a single classes storyline.. I guess they're thinking that some people will be happy to buy the game, and spend that first month playing then potentially leaving the game... relying on the completionist nature of a lot of gamers to be hooked into spending another month or three to finish that class' storyline..
  18. Let me put it this way. most games over here are in the ?24-35 , so when a collectors edition comes out that happens to be ?130 I really wonder what the hell is going on. Even Fallout 3 was only about ?60 and that had the whole.. metal lunchbox + bobblehead and wotnot. Edit: Hm, and weirdness, every time I put in a pound sign, it shows up as a pound sign until I post..and then it turns into a question mark...
  19. Yeah, i agree on that. I'm happy to shell out the money for the standard version and see what that first month is like.. but that much money for whats basically a figurine , a map, and a metal box.. (okay, and a few in-game tweaky items) seems rather on the silly side. Hm, it's kinda interesting how shuttle-run type running takes it out of you a lot quicker then running the same distance straight..
  20. It's well known in game, and has been something floating around for the fans to hear for awhile. It's basically suped up version of anti-rejection meds similar to organ transplants today... -- Edit: And as I recall, the scientist ex-gf has some breaththrough in regards to the need for that med and is all set to make an announcement right before the attack happens.. So I do expect a chunk of conspiracy storyline to be about that.... ---- However, it seems they're pushing the advertising in a logical manner. First they showed the "in-world" advertisements and suchlike from the pro-aug viewpoints.. now they're starting to do it from the anti-aug, conspiracy viewpoint.. And didn't that trailer have some mention that they'll be hacking the Sarif website? So I'm half-expecting something to show up there in the near future...
  21. So Bioware have announced that if you pre-order Star Wars The Old Republic.. a limited number will gain early access to the game. Also that they have a Collectors Edition of the game. Which retails in the ?125 / $175 range. Now that's getting a little bit silly to my mind. I mean, let's see, you get a galaxy map, game discs in a metal case, the soundtrack, the "diary" of Master Ghost-Dural, a Darth Malgus figurine...about half a dozen in-game items (such as a holographic dancer, and an in-game holocam to record events), and an exclusive in-game vendor...
  22. Hm, I've just realised that if you don't count emails.. I haven't actually spoken to anyone outside of the family in about 3 weeks. And I know I've forgotten something. Which is bugging the crap out of me.
  23. I've got that stack of games to get into and/or finish. AI War Fleet Command, Secrets of Monkey Island, Fear 2, Just Cause 2, a few others... But I just can't seem to get into the mood to do more then spend 10 minutes gaming before quitting to deal with other stuff.
  24. In a lot of ways ME2 was fun in that.. space opera sense. The main flaw I found was that the moment you put in the higher difficulties which gave all enemies shields.. it nerfed any biotics. By the time you took down the shields with gunfire, you just might as well finish killing them with gunfire rather then waste time using biotics... That's what made the combat a lil tiresome..even if it kind of looked slick. Edit: So that's actually one of the things that I'll be interested to see in ME3, just how they've handled that aspect of the game...
  25. Hm, actually it might.. if the 13% played as default DudeShep, and 83% created custom characters.. could that leave 4% who played default FemShep? Or was the 13% default Dude & Fem Shep?
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