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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Yes, I know what it is. I've had a few people suggest I've got minor cases of it. And yes, I'm sure it's quite possible the kid potentially has it. But it just amuses me that the mother didn't care about this until he was arrested and then it was "oh quick, check my poor boy out for this..."
  2. The other interesting thing is.. the mother of that arrested one..is now trying to get him diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome.. Gee, wasn't that used the last time the Americans wanted to extradite a hacker?
  3. Woke from what must have been some bizarely awkward way of sleeping..with one serious crick in my neck that's still aching even now. Got an actual physical letter arrive from a friend in the states.. it's surprising how that feels different from a quickly jotted email. And hm, hopefully not talking too soon, but the weather isn't being quite as heavy and oppressive as it has been... I'm hoping this means the worst has broken..
  4. At least it wasn't tvtropes.. then you'd be stuck on another hour or two..
  5. Don't forget the Effigies. Burning the Effigies is a big part of it.
  6. Figuring out that Emmet was the present was a pain in the ass.
  7. Yeah, but just like tweens don't really get why Citizen Kane is a great movie because they are dumbfounded by Michael Bay new "VSFXathon" they don't really get why DX is a good game. You know its a scary realisation to hit the point where the cool, original things are no longer being understood as cool or original by the younger generation..because they're the younger generation.. It's hard to decide whether to blame them, the michael bays of the world..or the fact that you're finally turning just that damned old...
  8. The weather has turned obnoxiously heavy and oppressive. Which isn't helping the rather exhausted feeling. Tried sitting down to work through some logic problems and it took me about twice as long as normal.. and I keep starting to doze off.. .. And that does add a certain element to the whole "mail-order" concept for brides mkreku...
  9. If Pixar made The Rocketeer Not out and out giggle-worthy, but I figured it fit in here better then anywhere else..
  10. I managed to finish off the last Back to the Future episode - Outatime. There was that amusing voice cameo of Michael J Fox to keep an eye out for..
  11. Romeo Must Die.. - To my mind, a woefully underrated film. It's entertaining, it's got some outrightly chuckleworthy lines/scenes, some snazzy outfits, some amusing martial arts sequences, and one stunningly hot lady (which always hits the slightly mournful that Aaliyah had that unfortunate plane crash..)
  12. Well it used to be that the government provided Student Grants that covered the basics of tuition fees depending on how much money your parents made.... You still had to actually get the qualifications that the University wanted and get accepted before that.. but it meant you only had to worry about living expenses and the cost of books and the like. Of course, that disapeared a few years back.. I think it was during the early run of Blair's labour government that they got scrapped out. I'm not sure exactly how it's handled these days..
  13. Well I managed to get ME2 and all dlc to run properly and finished off a run through.. Hm, I really should get around to finishing off the Fear2 game I've had lurking for the last 4 months or so.. but just haven't been in the right mood to hit it.
  14. Felt fairly cruddy through most of yesterday. Skipped a bonfire and drinks session with friends since I wasn't feeling so brilliant. Actually ended up in bed about 5 or 6 hours earlier then I normally am. Still woke up this morning feeling fairly shattered but that seems to be passing. Broke out the old technical drawing board, I suddenly had the urge to solidify a few sketches and doodles I'd had circling around.. so I started working up some starship deckplans for the geeky fantasy aspect. Of course, hunched over a drawing board tends to make the shoulders ache, and I realised just how I was sat had deadened one leg.. so I've just spent 10 minutes half hopping around to get feeling back in it...
  15. I think Wals point lays in the idea that if it proliferates that you have an inalienable right to education up to x point, regardless of the effort you're willing to put into it... then that starts to get into certain dodgy grounds. What would be the point of people bothering to push themselves to achieve scholarships or aim to produce actual abilities.. if you know you can get access regardless? If you know everyone is getting in regardless of what you do, how many people really start flexing themselves? Maybe I'm just cynical about human nature, but self-motivated and disciplined people (especially teenagers) aren't exactly common on the ground..
  16. As in.. "it's speak like a pirate day!" "but i don't know any somalian..."
  17. I'm damned if I'm writing this script. That's why I thought I'd kick it across to the forum! That's what I mean, if you can't get someone to write a full script, do you know any budding sketch/comic type artists who might be capable of storybording it? If you've got a series of storyboards of the general flow, helps you explain key points of it, and convey some of the image of the whole thing....
  18. Hm, and Peter Falk's obituary is out.. the aging actor passed away on Thursday..
  19. It also reaches that point of holding people back to make room for people who don't have the abilities... How long before we're hearing "it's not fair because my child doesn't have the same opportunities just because he's stupid/lazy/feckless!" and then we're all in a world of hurt.... Part of the issue is laying out what constitutes a proper "basic" education...
  20. Hm, and out of the blue Lucasarts and Sony have announced that they'll be ending Star Wars Galaxies this December.. I hadn't even realised that was still running...
  21. Human Rights is a nice fuzzy area to throw potentially related things in.. Plus it means that if the HM Government win, the people making the complaint can then run to Belgium and the EU, make the "Human Rights Abuses" complaint, and get the EU trying to force the fairly broke UK government into spending even more money it doesn't have to "level the playing field"...
  22. I guess we need to send them a copy of that BBC documentary, the study that shows that video games have actually decreased crime levels in the U.S.
  23. The thing was.. I recognised several of these as relevant to house rules/traditions we evolved.. Makes me wonder just how many people had the same.
  24. You're getting a lot of strange load crashes (you had them with DA2, too, right?). Anything strange with your hardware? Hm, no didn't have anything odd with DA2. I haven't changed any hardware in awhile, and I've run through ME2 and all of the dlc before without having this happen.. Although this was the first time I started from the beginning with all the dlc added in. So I'm half wondering if it's some freakish bug because I'm trying to do it before finishing off the main storyline. But it's literally.. kill the shadowbroker, have that cutscene and the conversation.. get the ME2 loading screen (the normandy diagram) and then right when it should be opening up with you on the Normandy post mission it just crashes to windows. If I reload a save from before running Shadowbroker, I can go off and carry on with the main storyline, do sidequests..and no problems. At the moment it appears to be that single point.
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