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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. A selection of important RPG rules for any campaign...
  2. Saints Row the Third - Developer Walkthrough Just a bit of the developers showing off the new world and some of the tweaks they've added..
  3. I woke from weird alien conspiracy and being hunted dreams. That started my paranoia off fine this morning.. Now I'm trying to mellow the day along after yesterdays anger.
  4. I returned to Lair of the Shadowbroker on ME2... That's still a very nicely developed dlc, with some nice soundtrack, good visuals and amusing lines. The Shadowbroker is a bit of a bastard on insane I'll say that. And then the frigging thing crashes on the loading screen before returning me to the Normandy.. And I can't find a bloody thing explaining why I get that. Maybe I'll have to try reinstalling it all.
  5. What, you're forgetting Georgian? (the country, not the state...)
  6. Between lying company reps trying to take advantage of the disabled parent, and crappy banks that have one teller open who carries on chatty conversations that last 15 minutes with the person paying in money while the queue grows bigger and more impatient... This has not been the most happy-making of days.
  7. I'm still keeping my eye out for the garbage powered nuclear reactor sized to fit to the buggy..
  8. After much pondering, I considered the balance of what Fox and many others say..and thought I'd stick this in the funny things thread.. New Study Says Games are to Blame for the Decrease in US Crime Edit: And on a seperate note .. It could happen.. The I-Evolution
  9. Having that general pissiness over companies that try to take advantage of the elderly and disabled. The new batteries for my mother's mobility buggy arrived and were the wrong sort..after we'd queried, double-checked and told them not to deliver if they were lead-acid. So they outright lied by email and phone, then delivered them, lied again when we complained, told us gel-based batteries were no longer in production after having told us they were sending gel-based to us..then lied some more... Spent half an hour trying to get us to accept them.. Only when we pointed out just where they were lying did they finally accept that we weren't happy and agree to collect the batteries back and refund us. Of course, now it's the wait and see to check if they actually do that before having to kick up more fuss
  10. Green Lantern. Not too bad actually. The effects were nice, although I think Asgard looked a lot more impressive then Ooa so they lost out on that cgi battle... Reynolds pulled his part of with aplomb. Interesting the way they slid Sinestro's character in and kept the "good" lantern side of him active. They're definitely doing the spadework for the sequels. They didn't really put out the stops for what the ring can do..but the stuff they did was well-done.
  11. Eh, where there's a valid point to it, or a purpose that would be one thing. Even if I disagree with someone about their choices, if they honestly believe them there can be some sort of respect. But when it turns out to be some teens or twentysomethings doing it just "cuz" it's the thing to do... I don't really see the romanticism behind those beliefs. "I did it because they're 'The MAN!' No other reason, I don't actually have anything against them or a viewpoint about it.. but They Are the Establishment! So I can screw with them and it's a good thing! Because it shows I have MAD SKILLZ!" If there had been something like "governmant law being passed which makes them more big brotherish and so I'm going to show them how independent we are by screwing with them" .. That would have been more understandable. But with a lot of these most recent hacks.... They just seem very fuzzy beyond "Woo, Look at me! Under this Pseudonym! Causing Trouble!"
  12. Was it 200 million? Ah, that does sound more likely, although it is still an insane number. It is going to be difficult to break even with that type of budget, I'd imagine. At the price of cinema tickets today? Especially for 3d films? Hm, that pre-summer Big Comic-Adaption Action film.. eh, I don't think it'll take too much to get them out of the red.. Edit: Hm, cinema ticket for 3d film was about
  13. Eh, stores actually having a selection of physical pc games to buy has been limited for years over here. Even before steam kicked into high gear, pc gamers were lucky to find a couple of shelves with games on compared to the hordes of console related material. Hell, I think it's been about 8 years since I picked up a game via a real brick and mortar store - mostly because it's simpler and usually cheaper to buy via Amazon or the like. (And Amazon actually class as a retail store, even if they sell via the interweb). Although what I find interesting about the quote from 1C.. is that "if a game is sold by a retail store for
  14. Trying to figure out just what's brought on the feeling of having some hard drink before noon... Although possibly the overcast sky and heavy rain isn't helping that along..
  15. Note for the day.. When you're about to shut off the pc and head to bed.. That is not the time to quickly check something up on tvtropes..
  16. Raithe


    Yeah, that was kind of my feeling as well. There were some amusing things on tvtropes as well about it when I looked deeper..
  17. And for another.. The Tobuscus trailer.. has achieved more views on YouTube then the "real" AC Brotherhood trailer..
  18. Raithe


    I stumbled upon this and read it.. which gave a wth moment.. Since it's related to books and authors I thought I'd share it here.. (and yes, it relates to the SW Expanded Universe) The Mandalorian Mistake What strikes me most about it is that an author would take part in writing books for a known universe, and that they had never read any of the other books written and disaproved strongly of the principle character groups. The other, is that Lucasarts, known for their strict control over the Star Wars EU.. actually let it get written where the story trashed around so much canon and let the author put in so much personal bias...
  19. A little bit amusing.. but strangely "aww" at the same time.. Lost penguin ends up on New Zealand beach..
  20. How Eidos Made the World of 2027 Today A behind the scenes video, with some new footage, and assorted people from the development team speaking. (Most notably Mary DeMarie) Nothing too new and groundbreaking, but it's there for those needing their DE fix before August rolls around..
  21. Wals.. I hate to break it to you, but it was about a lot of other things that they called you MAAAAAAD!
  22. It's even funnier if you've worked with IT support in any form..
  23. Key note to self : Avoid using Gilbert & Sullivan pop-culture references. The songs will loop in your mind and not let go.
  24. Raithe


    For the totally random.. quirk of the UK or worldwide.. In bars, you tip.. in Pubs, you dont...
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