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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Raithe


    To further derail the thread, I imagine it's a cultural thing. To the Americans, guns are an issue. They don't often see knives as one.. Especially in heavy urban areas with gang issues.
  2. Raithe


    I have to admit, I have a weakness for the blades from Cold Steel I used to have a luvverly 4 inch ti-lite that was damn useful. Heh, funny story, I had it with my when I was in America for a friends wedding. Bachelor party hit a stripclub, and the guy at the counter was all "right, no weapons or cameras allowed" so I did a. "oh, does my pocket knife count?" The guy asked to see it, then bulged his eyes and went "thats a pocket knife?!" All the brits in the party looked at each other and were "um..yeah..." He still insisted it got left at the counter with a ticket stub... I will say this.. night clubs in San Diego will pat you down for guns as you enter, but they totally ignore the blades. Especially if you have an English passport..
  3. When you stumble onto him storing his porn on it?
  4. Having one of those annoying mornings where I can't seem to figure out what I actually need to do... or the focus to actually do it if I could figure it out in the first place.. That and I can't seem to shake the tired. But at least I stopped the puppy from trying to eat the cat.
  5. Hm, reading a few of the things that cropped up about the new Hitman game at E3.. They want to make it simpler for the "average" gamer to feel like a suped up killer, rather then only a select few who are really good at the game.. Methinks I might worry somewhat. I mean, I know they have to balance it out against all those AC fans who haven't really encountered Hitman in the.. wow..5 years since the last game. But still... part of the fun was figuring out some of those really obscure ways to kill targets and complete the missions. If they start holding hands and putting big neon signs for how to do those sneaky kills...
  6. hm, two articles that might be of some interest.. U.S. military sharing secret cyber threat info with defense contractors and Cyber war sabers rattle The former is about what it sounds like, the latter concerns how a formal Pentagon strategy is looking at defining specific types of digital sabotage as acts of war that could demand military retaliation.
  7. When your antivirus has been doing a full scan for a bit over 6 hours..and has hit the 2.5 million items scanned mark and is still going strong.. Yeah, it makes you start thinking you might want to start deleting things... Heh, and yes, my sister did order herself an Alienware laptop...and now she keeps glaring at me as she awaits its delivery. I've found myself looking at the various SW:TOR stuff that was shown at E3.. that has me pondering on playing it when it's released.
  8. Heh, perusing some reports and stumbled on this Microsoft Rings Alarm Bell on Fake Windows Support Calls Which amuses me, because I've had about 20 of these calls over the last year. It's always funny to listen to the opening spiel of "I'm calling concerning a Windows problem on your computer" and then reply to them something along the lines of "Really? Which one, there are 4 pc's in this house and I work in IT security".. The sudden "um, sorry, wrong number" you get from them before the abrupt hangup..
  9. With the Great JF as he is known to mere mortals... DE:HR Q&A
  10. Raithe


    The other key dividing line in England is half an hour north of the Watford Gap....
  11. Raithe


    It's kind of surprising the sheer amount of Love/Hate that goes on within Europe..
  12. There's always the point of saying "yes, I can live a long and healthy life..but I won't be doing any of the things I enjoy doing while living that long" There's that need to find the balance point...
  13. I have however set a new background to my pc. A rather funky picture of the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcano eruption.. with mass lightning flashes around the ash plume... Although I am now pondering whether it might be a touch too red to comfortably enjoy for long periods of time no matter how groovy the multiple lightning streaks around the volcano's eruption is...
  14. You can't still be dreaming. You're late for your exams. But I didn't study!
  15. I got caught in one of those really odd circular dream sequences.. I'd get up out of bed, brush my hair, get dressed , all that malarkey, get to the door of my room and realise I was still sleeping..and it would happen all over again.. and again.. and again... I'm hoping I'm still not actually dreaming...
  16. Well tis a cold and grey sunday, I still feel as if I haven't fully woken up... Had a moment pondering on how people can perceive you.. I mean, I've had people tell me I'm all sorts of different things : I've been told by some I act a couple of decades older then I am, I've had others tell me I'm juvenile and need to grow up.. I've had various people comment about me being mild and quite laid-back, whilst from a few people I hear that I'm angrily repressed.. I have a couple of friends who are into the whole D/S lifestyle who in the middle of a conversation told me that I carried myself and spoke like a natural Dom. I've had one girl call me a cold-hearted sociopath and others tell me that I'm a charming gentleman.. I find it curious that just being myself seems to be perceived in so many different ways by different people...
  17. Raithe


    One of the big reasons why we've been kicking and screaming to keep the Pound and not get fully dragged into the EU... And the politicians from all parties seem to keep trying to get us in through the backdoor while the public resists..
  18. Mutants and Masterminds works quite well. 2nd Edition was rather brilliant for being able to adapt to pretty much any type of setting you wanted with a little thought. It might be geared around the "Superhero" concepts, but it flips to sci-fi / fantasy / modern spy or whatever pretty darn easily once you get your mind around the system. They have released a 3rd edition recently, but I haven't really had much of a look at that. On a sidenote, DnD 3.5 did tidy up a few of the flaws in straight 3.0.
  19. Raithe


    Hm I vaguely remember some documentary on linguistics talking about the fact that English is one of the few languages that will out-n-out invent new words from whole cloth. The majority of languages will combine current words or re-use old phrases to mean new things. Apparently that's one of the chief reasons there are so many English words in modern Japanese... There was more to it then that.. but dang it.. I should remember not to make a comment if I can only half-remember the subject source..
  20. Indeed... Scientists Ponder Zombie Attack...
  21. And the end quote from the organizing zombie : "A few of us are in the pub now - it's been a really good day."
  22. On a sunny English day.. following the news that the civic council were unprepared for a zombie invasion.. Zombie's invade unprepared Leicester
  23. Raithe


    Al Green - How Can You Mend a Broken Heart Sorting some things out and caught this on in the background ... Which can be a really depressing song.
  24. DE:HR - How it was Made One of the latest interview type things..
  25. Having a quiet evening in.. got a bbc show on looking at The Kennedys and the whole furor it raised in the US about historical inaccuracies, weighing in how accurate it was, whether it was reverential or just a character hackjob.. and how much was made up or not. One key point was the big "sign a petition" that cropped up to prevent the show from being shown. Call me weird..but do you think they'd react the same way if I started up similar petitions about the many hollywood induced pseudo history thats hacked up English related events? *cough* braveheart *cough* U-571 *cough* I mean , seriously, I've met people who have taken the basics from films like that and thought they were historically accurate. I've actually had someone tell me that we should be grateful that the Americans were able to get hold of an Enigma machine and let us have it...
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