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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Viagra can make you hard of hearing as well...
  2. Raithe


    Not technically a book... but the collected manga of Ubel Blatt. And the really annoying thing is..that after 11 volumes and a nicely compelling storyline.. it suddenly stops. Apparently it's on "hiatus"
  3. Well I've been poking around to figure out some travel plans..and I have to say the collection of train companies seems quite warped. Also had to do the montly renewal for my mother's pharmacy prescriptions. So poked fun at her for being a junkie with that plethora of pharmacutical items she needs. I know I inherited my slightly warped sense of humour from her side of the family. Case in point: She had a trip to Australia planned a few years ago to visit her sister over there when her sister turned 70. However just before the Christmas that year, we found out one of my cousins out there had several brain tumours. Anyhow, he was quite firm that he was going to stay around just to be there when her plane landed. Mom's response "Yes, but your wife carrying your ashes won't count as meeting me." Cousin's reply ".... How did you guess that??" Proceed to said landing.. My mother getting off the plane with help from the stewardesses shifting her wheelchair and all.. takes the time to get into a Nun's costume..and gets them to push her out.. they move past the family waiting there..not one of them recognising mum and she does the whole "blessing them" as she moves past... She then turns around, rolls up to her sister and tugs on her jacket.. and says "I've blessed you once my sister, I'm not going to do it twice." Which prompts a very large amount of swearing from one old lady to a "nun" in a wheelchair... much to the crowds consternation. Oh, and yes... my cousin's wife was there. Holding a bucket.
  4. No time right now, I'm afraid. Autumn, maybe. How about we all print out pictures of Shryke's avatar to put on a dartboard and throw darts at it whilst growling over his bevy of beauties?
  5. Well good fortune with however it shapes up.. Got a whole stack of chopped up bay tree branches now. Rather then dump them, I'm going to see if one of my friends wants to take them off my hands. He's got a brilliant firepit in his garden that's perfect for an evening blaze, good conversation, cigars and port so it's always good to help keep the stores stocked up. I got hit by one of those rather bizarre out of nowhere feelings that inspire the search for a bottle and the desire for rapid unconsciousness.. But I believe I'll just grab a book and try bury myself in it. Repression, thy name is Englishman..
  6. One of the scandinavian game journalists on the Deus Ex HR forums made some off hand comment about a preivew of DS3 and how it seemed okay but had the typical bad Obsidian camera angles...
  7. If they weren't going to be spread on lettuce, I'd probably say I'm the brains of this partnership but I'm smart enough not to say that.. As it is, I'll just take the hump and see what I can find..
  8. What, I'm a minion now? I didn't realise my labcoat had "Igor" on the back.. Although I can do a good Marty Feldman impression...
  9. If she made that big an impression on you.. it could be luuurv.
  10. I did manage to while away a couple of hours last night with some Civ V... I still feel like something is missing from it compared to Civ IV, but it's still somewhat entertaining.
  11. Rolled out of bed to some general noise of the animals having a mad moment.. But they seem a touch more settled an hour later. The sun is shining, the sky is clear... I'm drinking from my first cup of tea of the day and pondering just what I need to deal with. Hm, and then there's the dentist checkup this afternoon.. And there's that mental nagging feeling that there is something I should remember to sort out but I can't think what it is..
  12. Well, we've had the bionics.. how about the stealth cloaking? Karlsruhe Invisibility Cloak
  13. What, like Morrisey? Eh, more like Jimmy Neutron style Edit: And then out of nowhere while I was in that slightly self-deprecating humour, have one of those moments where something jogged some old memories and totally got hit by that wave of old sadness/grief from nowhere. So take a moment to compartmentalise it, get things sorted in the house so I can take a few moments to have some quiet time in my room and do that quick run of self-analysis and let that mood settle out.. only to find that a rather large piece of vomited up hairball left in the middle of my carpet....
  14. Well had the enjoyment of sufferent through a night of not-so-great sleep, stirred somewhat more awake with a headache that's fading in and out and trying to keep myself somewhat focused as the day progresses. At least the animals aren't being too bad. I've only had to rescue the cat from being eaten once and the dogs just keep swiping chew toys from each other without getting too serious. Hm, and I seem to be developing a natural question-mark-like quiff that resists all forms of brushing out.
  15. Following the Rapture related news.. Something which I think is a mixture of funny and taking the piss..
  16. Actually having a fairly heavy wave of mental and soul tired kick in. So I might just see if I get get things wrapped up and try for the land of sleep somewhat earlier then normal. Having that half musing on just what sort of affect it has on certain people when you wrap yourself up severely in self-control, firm rationality, being understanding and generally "nice" behaviour rather then outrightly show the irrational side that wants to get out and put on a show. How easy is it to convey that you're not being overly emotional or demanding because you have to wrap yourself in that sort of control to not be..a little crazy. And not because you're don't actually feel involved in/care about what it is. And then remember that you made a promise and gave your word. Sometimes I swear life would be a little bit easier if I didn't have such an old-fashioned view on some things. And none of that probably makes much sense to folks, but I just needed to vent a little there. Excuse it as the rambling of a lurking caped-raithe, skulking before the need for said sleep really drives home. Yes, I can lurk. I can skulk. I can swirl a cape around. Before too long I might even start to twirl a moustache and cackle gleefully like the best prepared 20's villain.
  17. I have to say, I had more crashout problems with FO3 then with New Vegas... Just one of those quirky things I guess. But then, I also haven't picked up any of the dlc yet. After pretty much exploring all of the main game in my first playthrough I just haven't got the enthusiasm to return to it just yet. So I'll wait till all the dlc is out and do a fresh start to face them then...
  18. Hm, I was somewhere in Chapter 3/Chapter 4 in the Witcher... I really need to get around to picking up my gaming mojo and start playing again.
  19. You take that back! That's my sister! The Lines.. the Lines! Oh the humanity there! So many possible replies.. so little time...
  20. Virgin Media spent yesterday redoing lines along the road yesterday.. and now it looks like my phoneline is somewhat buggered. Edit: Oh and nearly forgot to do the sympathetic "Ouch" and then congratulations to Hurlshot. Houdini always used to say that the chains of marriage were the only bonds he could never escape from, and that he never wanted to.
  21. .. think of that song from Buffy tVS by the Sundays... but that might go in the music thread instead of this one.. Wild Horses... Ah, the memories. Obession I cast thee out.
  22. From all of the previews and trailers for this.. I have to say, that while I'm impressed by the facial expressions and the animation.. there's something that really looks wrong about their heads in some way. And I can't quite pick out what it is that's bugging me. And yeah, no matter how I look at it, I just can't justify 200 quid to play two games..
  23. Raithe


    That depends.. if you count it as one of the few ways Darwin's theory of evolution still works for humanity.. We've taken so much environmental danger out of the pool..so personal stupidity should have consequences..
  24. Suspected mexican vomiting sloth on the right... Edit: And yes, he's not quite 4 months old yet..
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