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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Did you go full retard? Because you know.. You should never play Full Retard...
  2. Well, nothing could exist without quantum tunnelling Mmmm... quantum mars bar. I hate to disturb your image Wals.. but that resembles something that came out of the puppy today....
  3. Eh, while the Arrival DLC might flesh it out a little more.. I kind of imagine that ME3 will start up with its own intro sequence that tells the story of why Shepherd is facing a trial. In a similar way that ME2 jumped around and showed you how Shep got killed. I guess I'm seeing it more as them taking what would be a "time montage / cinema opening sequence" to ME3, and then breaking it down to a short-form dlc you can actually play if you wanted to get that "insider" feel to it. But they'll still be doing that opening sequence in ME3 that tells the story / brings you up to date with what's been happening in the Universe. At least that's how I'm kind of viewing it. I do think Lair of the Shadowbroker was a much better DLC then Arrival (and it'll be interesting to see how they fold those story elements into ME3).
  4. One slightly divergent thought that's cropped up due to the batch of news on at the moment.. I'm seeing reporters standing outside the Welsh Parliment building..and the Scottish Parliment building.. We (the English) don't get any MP's in those buildings.. and the Houses of Parliment in London has MP's from Wales and Scotland.. so you can't say we've got our "own" Parliment these days. So is it just that they want independent government, but keep acces to the tax base of the entire UK.. Is it just me, or does something feel a little iffy with the way it's all been developing the past decade?
  5. The last combat veteran of The Great War passed away yesterday.. Combat Veteran Claude Choules Died
  6. For more on DE PC Week.. PC Hud
  7. Well the sun is out and shining so there is that.. After a day of settling it looks like the garage door has a small flaw in that all its weight seems to be settling on the lower hinge. So have to redo that. Mom's having one of her bad days where all sorts of things have flared up so there's dealing with that. And the puppy seems to have chronic wind and a bit of diarhea..so paranoid having to keep running it outside every 15 minutes or so when it starts panting and whimpering a little. Although it seems to be settling at the moment. (just to challenge murphy...)
  8. What was that old quote.. "A young man who is not a liberal has no heart. An old man who is not a conservative has no brain."
  9. Of course, the LibDems are already saying they're going to hit back hard at the Tories with serious demands due to the "lack of support" over the AV referendum. So how much in real shift government politics is going to come out of this all... Although it's kind of odd to think that the LibDems and the Tories are the oldest political parties in the country, and then Labour became the young whippersnapper...
  10. It's not overlong, and it's set up for Shep to do solo. Basically breaks into two parts.. the first is the breakout a scientist/covert operative from prison. She's been in Batarian space and discovered something to do with the Reapers, let the Alliance know that.. then got arrested for terrorism. Potentially you're encouraged to do the breakout without getting into mass shootouts (well, they give you an achievement if you manage that). The second part is spoilery to talk about in detail, but is more of the lone Shep doing mass destruction and showing that you can run like a leopard, fight like a krogan but no-ones better then Commander Shepherd. The end result is that you basically have responsibility for a big civilian bodycount, although the Reaper plan was prevented. But you know that at some point in the near future you will have to face a court-martial / trial and show why you had to do it. And ME3 basically starts off with the trial from what's been hinted at.
  11. Although it would be nice to jump along to another major point in history and a new character... I do have to say Constantinople around that time frame could make quite an interesting setting. Although shame of it is it'll be post-crusade sacking.. but still..
  12. I liked the way the LibDems insisted the wording on the Referendum had to be... so that if you wanted to keep the current form of voting you had to select "No". Managed to get myself to the polling station for that and the local elections. Nearly had to push mom's mobility buggy home because the battery in it is going wonky. But they're about
  13. And the UK Government have made a statement that they had nothing to do with the death of Osama Bin Laden. They pointed out that it happened on a Bank Holiday Monday, and that no government official would take out a Bin on a Bank Holiday.
  14. Trying to stir up enthusiasm for the day. Not sure why but I really had to force myself out of bed this morning and just seem to have that downer attitude. Pondering on the fine lines of what strikes as obsession.. Controlling how much your emotions show, fairly easy. Controlling how much you act on emotions, a touch easier. Controlling which emotions you feel and deal with.. frikkin impossible. Even when you know better. Of course, when moments of self-analysis and personal reflection turn into slightly juvenile, melodramatic metaphor.. you might consider that a sign of problems.
  15. Although I did see the comment "Osama Dead. It's amazing what the Americans are capable of when they don't have the playstation network to distract them."
  16. On the one hand, burying him at sea was a swift burial and removed the option of having his "grave site" turn into some form of memorial for other extremists, or place of vandalism for extremists from the other side. Technically it wasn't strictly legit according to firm muslim law (I mean, I know cruise liners aren't allowed to offer burials at sea to muslim passangers that croak on holiday). On the other hand.. Osama and his associates weren't exactly bothered by bodies that got pulverised in 9/11 and if they could be given proper christian / jewish / islamic burials. And those were all innocent civilians. So eh, it might not be "nice" but I'm not that bothered by him getting buried at sea.
  17. Riiight. So the battlefield is the entire globe and the target can be anyone, as hit lists are only subject to Presidential review. Um, am I the only one seeing someting wrong with that? Hm, yes, I can see how Osama having claimed to be the mastermind behind the casual killing of several thousand people can be classed as "any common citizen of the world." My point is more that a known terrorist is a valid target for special operations forces. Sure, we want oversight on what makes someone a "known terrorist", but for someone of Osama's standing, was there much doubt that he was one?
  18. The question then becomes, in a running "war on terror" where terrorists can and have struck in every zone possible, can you identify an area that isn't a combat zone? Or that there's some sort of peacetime occurence between terrorist groups and the nations they attack?
  19. For the PC DEHR... Official System Specs PC Screenshots Edit: DEHR The Nixxes Connection
  20. Now.. I might be a little off the wall here, but aren't Terrorists classed as "Enemy Combatants" not just civilians who might be breaking the odd law..? Most acts of terrorism class under War Crimes due to the haphazard infliction of civilian casualties... Now if you know the location of a person or persons involved in acts of terrorism, who are known to have killed mass amounts of civil population, and are highly likely to be involved in further acts of terrorism.. is it more moral or ethical to wait until they are actually in the process of killing more people before you can stop them.. or just to stop them before that happens? If it's okay for armed services to be sent into zones to take out opposing armed forces, to use snipers on the battlefield to take out opposing officers and such like.. there's that fine line of sending some form of special forces after terrorist persons/groups. State-Sanctioned Assassination would be in the lines of sending a trained agent after a politician, or a banker... But sending an armed force after a known terrorist falls under different rules of engagement. Heh, for the slightly random side of it.. one of the most mis-quoted things is from the ten commandments. Apparently it translates not as "thou shalt not kill" but rather "thou shalt not commit murder." A small distinction, but rather vital.
  21. Got home from the dog training. Was told I have to stop sounding "armyish" and "regimental" and more "enthusiastic and fun" to really get the dogs paying attention. Found out my sister had swiped the korma I was planning on.. so decided to say to hell with it and picked up a clog-your-arteries-right-now SuperBurger from the local kebab joint. 3/4 pounds of unhealthy burger meat slathered with assorted sauces and with the sprinkling of salad and such amidst the buns. Possibly all food groups in one quick meal..
  22. At some point I need to pick up Dead Money... but I just haven't sparked on the FO lately. Not that there's anything coming out immediately that is catching my attention game wise. I mean, I'm skipping the fuss of LA Noire since I don't have a console... curse them for ignoring the pc market these days.
  23. I tried replaying BG a couple of months back.. well, probably closer to half a year back now. I kept doing it in short doses rather then being able to sit down and play large chunks... then I actually arrived in the City got interupted by real life so had to save and exit.. and just.. eh, I'm not sure. I just didn't have the excitement to get back to it.
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