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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Kind of felt like I've been half-sleepwalking through the last couple of days. I finally got to have a lay-in this morning and damn it was hard pusing into full consciousness and getting out of bad. So most of the morning was already passed by the time I managed that. Still, onto the rest of the weekend..
  2. I think it's the balanced mixture of having that attitude while working even as a writing peon in the game industry, and not thinking about how that sort of soundbyte could come across when she said it.
  3. Just watched the latest Ask JJB, and they have one of the writers there.. Who makes a point about how you have to write the story that meshes with gameplay. Because everything in the game medium has to be united with the story to actually work. Which makes a nice comparison to that DA2 writer who would prefer gameplay could be skipped...
  4. Pretty much anything by Yuki Kajiura. The .Hack//Sign music can be strangely attractive for listening. Key of Twilight, Fake Wings...
  5. Pretty much anything from the Noir soundtrack is quite good. Kopperia no Hitsugi (This is the opening theme, the others are just goodness) For the more standard Anime opening theme.. Blood+ Theme - Aozora no Namida Viper's Creed Opening & Ending (Although personally I found the ending better then the opneing..)
  6. The joys of housetraining a puppy. That and general trying to ensure good behaviour. While always keeping that tone of "enthusiasm" in the voice.
  7. Fulfilling more of my role as Carer. Which has moments of... Again, I understand the whole wanting to prove levels of independance and all. But still, if she let me just do the whole task it would be done in like..10 minutes. But because it's helping her do it.. it takes around 40. It's moments stacked like that that eat up the day..
  8. Survived an insomnia filled weekend and now onto the week... It's been about an hour since my sister left for work and left the puppy without her company..and so far it's chased the cat a bit and pissed on the rug...
  9. It wasn't too bad.. But it wasn't that great. The filler waves of enemy for no real reason were a little annoying.
  10. Don't tell me Ezio killed Cesare Borgia or I'll write an angry letter to Ubisoft. Well.. he doesn't kill him directly. He pushes him off a building during the fighting in 1507 in the City of Viana, Spain. I'm pretty sure the impact with the ground did kill him tho....
  11. Is it odd that I think that they won't even mention the mother because of the fact that she was probably just a prostitute? Was there ever any mention of Caterina Sfroza had any other kids post 1500?
  12. Hm, I keep losing track of things today. What I'm doing, what I'm planning on doing, where I put things. Then it's those sudden flashes of "oh yes, that's what I was about to do" getting things sorted and then suddenly blanking on other tasks or what I was meaning to plan for...
  13. And the whole "Broken-Hearted" sequence of missions / flashbacks is handled quite well
  14. Bizzare dreams and disturbed sleep made for such an enjoyable night... But the morning moves on and various things get dealt with ...
  15. He was also the House Mate / friend in Alias for about 40-50 episodes... but most people tend to think of the Hangover still..
  16. Limitless - Entertainingly watchable. Doesnt' really push the depth, but it rolls along nicely. The slightly trippy melange towards the middle of the film shifts the pace, but it bounces around a few fun areas before a nicely crowning finish. And yes, Bradley Cooper is working well to shift out from being "that guy from The Hangover".
  17. Just be careful of the links to the Ministry of Silly Walks. Also.. "I have minions who run for me."
  18. "If you see a bomb technician running, follow him."
  19. Raithe


    Although I flipped onto an album of classic songs for background... Wonderful World I Heard it Through the Grapevine Stand By Me When A Man Loves A Woman C'mon Everybody and even more... See, now this stuff was classic old when I was born.. And I can still sound like an old man by going "where's the modern music to match that?"
  20. Raithe


    Have you ever noticed that when people overhear the sound of "Staying Alive" playing nearby..they start to walk with a bit more bounce..or even strut along the pavement?
  21. It's always a touch quirky when you push yourself jogging and notice you're field of view is tightening into tiiiny little tunnels and you suddenly realise that's due to oxygen starvation and you better stop and breathe properly.. It's always the little things..
  22. I've got the soundtrack to that.. used to use it for the old Eberron campaign background music..
  23. That's always possible I suppose.. Although with the amount of prep and tech-wizadry a good stage magician needs I can't see it working too well on the fly.. but it could be funky as an idea for some set-up location.. I guess with the small amount of actual Awakened talents in the SR world it might not matter overmuch.. but it was a random area that struck me. SR make pains to talk about music, trideo, and sports in the world.. I just couldn't recall anything about the slight of hand / stage magic being mentioned as such.. Something to kick around at random times when I'm in the right mood to think about it I guess. Or maybe I've been watching too much of The Cape recently and thinking how a few smoke pellets combined with triggered Invisibility spells could look..
  24. Been one of those mornings where everytime I've tried to sit down to drink my cup of tea... it's been another case of "oh, can you just deal with this" wrap up that task, go to sit down and drink and it's "while your up can you do the other" .. on repeat. I've finally managed to sit down.. and my tea is cold.
  25. Finished AC:Brotherhood over the weekend.. Did feel more like an expansion to AC2 rather then a standalone game.. but entertaining.
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