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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Well there's a lot of reports about the various youth gangs taking part and the looting going on.. and the fact that they're using things like Facebook and Blackberries to text /instant message each other to coordinate and avoid police and start off riots as distractions.... Which makes me wonder how well it'll be to get those records and access to prove "conspiracy to commit" charges which are notoriously hard to prove...
  2. Hm, I seem to recall stumbling on some news report yesterday that made mention that a lot of the "heavy riot gear" isn't actually kept in the UK, it's most in Ireland, so they'd have to take the time to ship some of it back to London before it would be available for use... Some of the big water cannon type stuff for dispersing rioters and the like...
  3. I was just trying to decide if he was attempting to be humourous or see if he could frenzy the optimistic fans..
  4. So the latest "facebook unlock" on the DEHR site is a behind the scenes look at how the pre-beta game testing goes. And the new Behind 2027 - Audio
  5. That was the first deus ex! Yup, and I'm sure I heard a line from David Sarif on the "I know you didn't like shanghai but you've got to go back and deal with.." in one of the many trailers/behind the scenes /gameplay shows...
  6. Wasn't there something about the storyline will actually have you returning to cities/hubs you'd visited earlier in the game, so you'd be able to see how some of your choices had affected things... I vaguely recall hearing something about that. And then of course there's that great big circular sea-base thing you catch a glimpse of at the end of one of the cg trailers. So I'm thinking it's some hidden research area in the middle of the atlantic rather then a mcguffin buried in ice at the poles..
  7. Had a rough night with little sleep, and then woke up with the joys of a headache stabbing and grinding away... Although at least there's no stress of the dogs this week, they're off with my sister so a certain sense of peace. But then going to have to keep an eye on mom, she's got a brief hospital visit and surgery this week. Some bones removed from her hand, hopefully reduce at least some part of her pain levels and maybe provide a bit more mobility again for her... Although it's going to be in a cast for 6 weeks or so after...
  8. Thought I'd give Vampire Bloodlines a quick twirl again, updating with the latest "unofficial" patch and all..
  9. Certainly. The romantic in me leans into the sweet gestures of life.. The cynic in me contemplates on the manipulations behind them.. Depending on the mood, one can rate higher then the other. Besides, it's almost impossible to be a cynic if you didn't have some streak of romanticism to start with... One that usually ends up crushed before the cynicism really flows..
  10. You mistake me Hurlshot, I'm not being negative there. It's always nice to see a relationship that's really, deeply in love grow strong. As opposed to just a "nice, friends with attraction and feel compatible and with a dose of lust" that so many seem to go with. But part of that is when it can go wrong, it's a fair piece of hell to recover from. Even with the way it can still hurt even now, if I got the freaky, sci-fi chance to go back and stop it from happening I wouldn't. The good times, and the feelings together were bloody good and worth the pain afterwards. It's just.. really, really not fun having it linger on years after and occasionally slice into the consciousness when something causes it to flare up. That and the emotional scarring makes it really hard to move on with new people and let the same thing (potentially) happen again. I'm a cynic. I'm a romantic. I'm a tad jaded. And I'm just a touch soul-burnt over it all. But I'd still rather have people I know enjoy the fruits of honest love if they meet the person that actually kindles it.
  11. I had that happen once. It was great, right up until the point it all went horribly, horribly wrong. And now I am emotionally scarred and my soul will be bleeding for the rest of my life... Saviour the moments you have together, build good memories, and may it actually last and grow.
  12. Vaguely referring I assumed it was something in that vein and pulling that from my memory.. but you never know if there'd been more then one statement along those lines. But yeah, Hudson really was quite emphatic about it... so I'd lay odds the rumourmill is picking up something ME Universe-related but not ME3 itself... Unless something really bizarre has happened.
  13. Someone's watching a string of Johnny Cash documentaries.. and I don't know if its catching some of that music in the background, but I've slid into a really depressive feeling as the afternoon has worn on... I'm trying to cheer myself up by thinking it's only about 16 days before Deus Ex is released. But then I'm bouncing back on my graphics card dying bit.. and I'm trying to limp on a little more with it before having to spend money on the replacement. It's the whole "I can kind of deal with crash outs and a few display glitches.. so until it really , truly dies....." Of course, it looks like that's going to happen any day now..but I'm nursing it along...
  14. Yes, wasn't it Casey Hudson who gave that answer? The whole.. "No we aren't having multiplayer in ME3, because it's the wrap up to the trilogy, we wanted to concentrate on the important things rather then waste resources. But we might do multiplayer in other games set in the ME universe" type of thing as I recall..
  15. Raithe


    Been getting in some reading while the collected soundtracks to Guild Wars played in the background... Jeremy Soule does some nice music.
  16. Hmm. Steam has the assorted FO:NV dlc with a few quid off each.. I'm being tempted to pick the three up in one fell swoop... Been resisting the urge until the whole lot had been released but I'm feeling an urge for some gaming.. Oh the agonies...
  17. Just to pre-empt the games proper release.. but this tunes been out awhile now and is rather stonkingly moody..
  18. Doing the mild snoopy happy dance for wrapping up a gathering of research. Well, at least this stage. That and pondering whether to wake the puppy up to get him running around the garden while I take a break. Important quotes to go with that.. If violence wasn?t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth. Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence. That which does not kill you has made a tactical error. There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload.'
  19. You could always dig around on the thread... I'm pretty sure a couple of people here tried the leaked "press demo" version and gave some comments on that first 10 hours. I stayed on the moral high horse and didn't try it. That and I didn't want to spoil any of the anticipation...
  20. It's amusing science.. Swede arrested for attempting to build a nuclear reactor in his kitchen
  21. Been swearing at word for the auto-formatting it keeps trying to do regardless of what I want. I know there's got to be a switch somewhere to turn all of that off... Urf , either way I'm getting that annoying knuckle/finger ache from too much typing. Hm, and the weather is turning a tad clammy again...
  22. Being a little spacey/dizzy today for some reason but struggling onwards. Bout to grab some cheese on toast for lunch nibbles. Heh, just digging out stuff from the freezer..and found some smoked salmon that apparently was put there in '92... Now I'm going to have to de-thaw it just to see what condition its in...
  23. Was woken up this morning by the door banging open as the alsatian surged through it..then leapt through the air to land on my bed. Not the best start of the day to my mind. The rain turned on last night and has kept up through the morning, it's looking fairly grim and grey out.. while staying somewhat muggy rather then clearing the air. I'm actually only just finishing off my first cup of tea of the day and trying to push myself into getting back to the paperwork...
  24. .. And my mother managed to stab herself in the foot when she dropped a steak knife. The joys of going from dinner to dealing first aid and cleaning up blood.
  25. Is this meant to flow along the lines of "I would never join a club that was willing to accept me as a member"?
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