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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Funny how you think being a solider is about aiming. Men and women are not equal, if you find that offensive complain to nature. See the russian sniper corps during WWII.
  2. *still playing DA* Oddly enough, all of those individuals seem to turn out into normal, productive members of society. With sex being a natural part of life, one has to wonder just how much damaging it really is, and how much our own society and teaching/stances are a factor in it. All I can say is that you've obviously not known anyone dear to you who's been raped. There is a difference here, I recall a study that concluded that victims of child abuse that were just isolated incidents had grown to be normal. Children brains have more neuroplasticity than adults, which is why they can bounce back from events such as those better than adults.
  3. I think SR lends itself to those themes because of its zany tone but GTA is more serious even though it sometimes becomes a satire of crime fiction. Although I would actually be more interested in the idea of a male character that had been transformed into a woman against his will, its a trope that I haven't seen much in gaming. It has the potential to deal with the themes of gender identity better than what a post op trans character would, IMO. Although a game with that main character would probably never get the greenlight from the publishers.
  4. One thing has bothered me since the thread started debating GTA, there is a major lack of women's posts (i'm actually being serious) What's the ladies of the forums take on this? Have we offended in any way? If so, sorry.
  5. Monte I'm not sure why you seem to be getting so upset? The reviewer still gave the game 9/10 and its the Editors Choice for September. She is not saying "don't play the game". All she is saying GTA V presents women in one dimensional light and she is probably right I do think the word misogyny is a bit harsh, I would say the game is sexist on certain levels. But not enough where I won't play it. Can we call she an it? I feel that it is somewhere between a man and a woman, which is probably why it felt the need to give its biased opinion (all opinions are biased, btw) instead of just reporting. I get that we need archaeologists to recover the lost manual on how to be a good journalist, but gaming journalism feels more like blogs that comment on games. Also, feminist are approaching the issue of women in gaming entirely wrong. If their stance was that they want more games geared towards a female audience instead of wanting to turn boy's games into women's, they'd probably face less animosity. I'm sorry but I don't agree with what you are saying. Only the last 2 and half paragraphs discuss the perceived misogyny, the rest of the review is glowing. It seems like you guys are very defensive and want to raise an issue where one doesn't exist around this review. This is her opinion, we can take good and bad things from it. And to be honest why can't we have a female protagonist in GTA V? She could be a hardcore gangster in the GTA V world? That its just the problem, it is its opinion and shouldn't bear any relevance on whether the game is good because it is not a game targeted towards women. It is a relevant as complaining that the Expendables should be more woman friendly. If people are defensive is because they perceive a female presence in gaming to be a sign of change in the genres they enjoy, which is proving to be true as there are less games for women and more games for men that try to be woman friendly. The funny thing its that most of the talk seems to be supportive of this instead of creating games that are exclusively for women, its like they are asking for scraps from the table instead of their own seat at it. I cannot bring myself to respect that.
  6. Monte I'm not sure why you seem to be getting so upset? The reviewer still gave the game 9/10 and its the Editors Choice for September. She is not saying "don't play the game". All she is saying GTA V presents women in one dimensional light and she is probably right I do think the word misogyny is a bit harsh, I would say the game is sexist on certain levels. But not enough where I won't play it. Can we call she an it? I feel that it is somewhere between a man and a woman, which is probably why it felt the need to give its biased opinion (all opinions are biased, btw) instead of just reporting. I get that we need archaeologists to recover the lost manual on how to be a good journalist, but gaming journalism feels more like blogs that comment on games. Also, feminist are approaching the issue of women in gaming entirely wrong. If their stance was that they want more games geared towards a female audience instead of wanting to turn boy's games into women's, they'd probably face less animosity.
  7. Can't find any word on the number of attackers.
  8. Looking aside from the fact that it would take an enormous amount of coding to have such an accurate virtual reality, it all depends on what you define as reality. It is the argument of both metaphysics and epistemology, for all we know we actually are in a virtual simulation.
  9. I'm biased towards anyone accusing a game of being misogynistic specially GTA, its kind like saying that water is wet. But feminists (they should really come up with a better term to split the crazy ones from the rest) still believe that if you nag about something for long enough a man will come and fix it. Girrrlll power!
  10. No they would be mentally unbalanced and would be need to be placed in an asylum Or they could go into the army and become heroes.
  11. http://uk.gamespot.com/news/ea-denies-dead-space-series-cancellation-6404823 So I wouldn't go to say anything sure about their sale targets. https://twitter.com/Monkey_Pants/status/308954581465980930 Someone should put EA to rest due to poor sales.
  12. Using DreamScene to have cancer awareness Olivia as my desktop is the best idea I had in while.
  13. Social constructs are irrelevant outside of systems that operate outside those constructs, I think that's unlikely that morality can directly affect reality as far as we know. To anyone operating outside morality they are irrelevant.
  14. You can judge morality by intent, actions, or ideology. Any of those only matter if you think it matters because morality is a social construct, what matters in the story of Satan is his intent because angels have no apparent free will.
  15. Paedophilia, by definition, is not consensual. Using your analogy - which is nonetheless interesting - a gay rapist is still just a rapist. By legal definition even if it is consensual it is not recognized by the court, children are not able to make informed decisions since their concept of sexuality is still a work in progress. But statutory rape is a different matter since teenagers do have a concept of what sex is and have practiced, they're even allowed with the consent of their caretaker to marry. I'm kind of inclined to split hairs here and make sure we distinguish hebephilia from pedophilia. As far as it being a sexual inclination, I believe it to be so in the same way that bestiality and biastophilia are sexual inclinations that disregard consent and are therefore immoral and illegal. @Rosbjerg: One way that I rationalized some of the behavior that comes out from abuse is that its a self fulling prophecy on the part of the abuser. But often times the cognitive model in a mind damaged from either biological or environmental factors (excluding abuse) rationalizes in ways that are so far removed from what the norm is that to act on them would be considered evil.
  16. Just start reading the post if you brain goes WTF then its Volo
  17. I actually consider Demon's Souls to be harder than Dark Souls because of the way the levels were structured. Although you could always spam heal with grass on Demon's Souls which I didn't like.
  18. Thanks for clarifying. On a related note I now have a craving for wasabi plugged rabbit.
  19. Specifically for the idea that people fill in the assumptions that they don't know with a narrative that they believe is true, and have a tendency to do so with great conviction because, well, if it wasn't the correct conclusion then I would have concluded something else. I find it interesting that the comedian felt the same way regarding rape jokes, although upon looking at it from a different perspective (the assumptions that people make about his profession which are so obviously true), he had a minor bout with some cognitive dissonance and realized that because he fills in those blanks and assumes them to be true, perhaps he is mistaken. So let me see if I get your point, you're talking about a self fulling prophecy that because some fans feel that DA2 was bad and ME3 was bad then DA:I will be bad?
  20. Yeah I liked it. I actually stumbled upon it today kind of by random chance. I'm certainly someone that has done what he pointed out, and it's kind of an interesting reflection on how our experiences shape different perspectives as well as responses. Not that I didn't enjoy it, because I did and comedy is one of my interests. But how is it related to DA, or are you prepping us for Patton Oswald being the VA of a romanceable dwarf? Cause i'd buy that.
  21. This one made me laugh: "Peace Prize: Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus, for making it illegal to applaud in public, and to the Belarus State Police, for arresting a one-armed man for applauding."
  22. There are two major theories regarding paraphilias (biastophilia being one of them) one which advocates that environmental factors are the major cause and the other which focuses on a courtship model which categorizes paraphilias regarding a deficiency on one of the stages of courtship. Not really related to my point but just felt like it might be relevant. I think that attempting to find an absolute reason for anything that its highly subjective is ultimately a meaningless pursuit, so the effort should not be focused on finding and categorizing the different causes but rather a common element. In the case of rape the only one I can think of is the sexual element, regarding motives I can defer to any of the theories I previously mentioned to point out psychological issues that would lead to violent behavior. I believe that the motives for rape can be divided into either being purely sexual or because violence; but that rape as an act of violence requires a certain degree of sexual inclination. I then choose to see rape as a sexual act because it requires some degree of attraction. Though I'm aware that it can be performed with objects as well, I attribute that more to a repressed personality trait on the part of the rapist. It is better to be clear, specially when talking about something that could be misconstrued as being supportive of negative behavior. My particular concern is closer to it being a hate crime (a concept that I dislike) so what would be relevant in your example would not be the whether the perpetrator wanted to rape the victim but rather why did they target the victim in the first place. I don't think that the motivation changes the crime ultimately it sets a bad precedent as well being too subjective to base a verdict on.
  23. Intent can and does play a significant role in how crimes are prosecuted, and the best example is being charged with attempted murder. That's carries a considerable longer sentence than aggravated battery. In the case of attempted murder it is the intent of the individual that is paramount. The same distinction applies after a fashion with the difference between premeditated murder and a murder committed as an act of passion. Intent does matter. The selection of the means to achieve a goal are secondary to the goal itself. Again, with attempted murder it does not matter which weapon the perpetrator chose. But in the case of rape the goal is not the crime but the act itself its the crime, or to follow with your analogy it would be as you were being prosecuted because of your choice of weapon. I'm not saying that rapists shouldn't be prosecuted for their intent aside from their crime, but that intent and the crime are separate entities and should be treated as such. Good post btw.
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