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  1. They aren't even really Russian talking points. It's not like Russia is withdrawing after all. US dislike of the WHO is pretty much entirely on, well, the US. Exceptionalism, dislike of certain provisions around price gouging and generics with a big dose of "thou shalt not embarrass Israel!" added on. Elerond's figures are for voluntary contributions, not overall contributions. They all contribute on an assessed basis as well. (While clearly labelled as such you just knew as soon as you saw it that someone would quote them as if they were the overall contribution instead) Hitler wasn't even properly elected, he got ~33% of the vote- down from ~38 in the previous election. And was basically last cab off the rank even so far as arch nationalist Hindenburg was concerned. Should have made Paul von Lettow Vorbeck Chancellor instead.
  2. Clearly Musk is a fan of the art of Jacques-Louis David, progenitor of the 'roman salute' in modern times, and noted French Revolutionary. So far from being a crypto fascist this would, in point of fact, make him a crypto jacobin.
  3. 24 hours was a metaphor. And there will be peace- metaphorically- within 24 hours of Trump taking office anyway.
  4. Grand Strategic is an old tabletop wargaming term. It's definitely the correct technical term for something at the scale of Paradox's historical games, though personally I wouldn't apply it to classic 4x like Civilisation for example as that is one layer too much abstraction.
  5. Just reduce the ludicrous default tesselation settings and you fix AMD performance. (This comment brought to you by the phrase plus ça change)
  6. Not wanting to be swapped is a natural extension of either saying what you think your captor wants or certain other types of self preservation- like claiming to have been 'forced' or 'tricked' into fighting instead of being there voluntarily. So seemingly every Wagner POW was tricked into enlisting or was actually keen on visiting Mali and every Russian POW loves their fellow slavs; and every Ukrainian POW is a draftee who is now saved from being sent into combat again after two days training and was in a non combat role like cook or driver anyway; which means they weren't just shooting at you and aren't responsible for your friends getting killed and injured. Can't really take any of it at face value any more than you could take someone thanking Saddam Hussein for how well they were being treated at face value or exhorting the US to stop bombing Hanoi.
  7. Hiro was one of those people who permanently had issues due to time travel being ridiculously over powered, if he could control it properly. So for most of the time he couldn't. Ando (his non powered sidekick) got super powers at some point with some sort of shenanigans like time travel [during season 3 according to their wiki, like a +1 buff to others rather than a 'proper' power though]. I'd well and truly stopped paying proper attention by then though.
  8. Sounds like not quite a full on anthology. I'd be pretty confident that Sylar (especially) and Peter were not meant to be full time characters but were kept around because of the audience/ network. Probably Claire too. Here I'd say that power creep was a symptom. The ultimate problem was network demands to keep Sylar around. That necessitated two things that were critical problems- yes, you had to depower him regularly but you also had to come up with reasons why he didn't get killed off by the good guys and a way for him to interact with them and not be randomly off doing his own thing. Those requirements got increasingly implausible the more they were used and often made the protagonists look like idiots. Sometimes you just have to kill off the bad guy, no matter how good he is at being the bad guy. And to be fair, Quinto's Sylar was an extremely effective villain in S1. But, well, would anyone think having Gus Fring or Trinity survive in Breaking Bad or Dexter would improve either show despite Esposito and Lithgow's great performances? That would be a pretty categorical no.
  9. People who should know say that they're speaking Korean with a genuine NK accent and I haven't seen a single nay sayer about that. There are ways to 'fake' it- like ship in a couple of defectors who have been in ROK a while- but there isn't any evidence of that. It's enough to shift the burden of evidence. 2 POWs out of 3000 supposed casualties is certainly an 'interesting' ratio though. If you had that ratio at, say, Mariupol it means the Ukrainians would have suffered more than 5 million casualties. Ukraine admits to 8000 captured, at the same ratio that would mean 12 million casualties for them over the course of the war. If you used the same ratio Ukraine claims for its troops for NK though NK casualties would be about 120 which seems far more plausible. See, now this is a perfectly crafted Bruce post. Claim a poster said something they didn't, put in an obvious falsehood (deployed to Ukraine, since, unless you're Liz Truss, Kursk is part of Russia) to provoke a reply and frame it all as questions.
  10. Dredge is definitively not an RNG survival game. There isn't much random about it at all, and if you die it isn't because of a bad die roll.
  11. Further evidence? It's the first evidence which isn't just an assertion repeated multiple times in the hope it becomes proof. Whether that evidence outweighs the requirement not to expose POWs to (note: direct quote from GCIII) "public curiosity" is... an open question. One suspects that protection, as always, only applies to people we like and not those we don't. Kind of knew that the 'wants to stay in Ukraine' thing was going to get repeated as soon as I saw it. The pow is pretty clearly saying what he thinks the interrogator wants him to. Which is of course the inherent problem with interviewing POWs.
  12. That BBC article has the actual crash at 9.03, the crash is when you'd expect the data to cut out so it is 5 minutes. They've certainly worded it somewhat confusingly though. The Indie has a less confusingly written timeline confirming the 5 minute gap. (There was certainly something odd going on, but it could have been something as simple as both engines getting hit in the same strike- like the plane that ended up landing on the Hudson in New York. Without hydraulics/ power flaps will retract 'naturally' since the aerodynamic forces will always try to push them back flush with the wing. Similarly, while gravity will try to push landing gear and its bay doors down aerodynamics will push them back up. I'd say that a reverser working and the flaps not might be unusual but while I know landing on one reverser is safe I'd imagine landing with only one wing's flaps deployed would be extremely dangerous if possible at all due to the asymmetric lift it would supply)
  13. "Flight data and ****pit voice recorders from the South Korean passenger plane that crashed last month stopped recording four minutes before the disaster," is not surprising or suspicious so long as that isn't before the reported bird strike. Which it wasn't, supposedly the bird strike was 5 minutes before the crash. (the plane certainly seemed to be landing in an uncontrolled state- way too fast (?looked like no flaps deployed so no hydraulics?), too steep, too far along the runway plus most obviously no landing gear deployed, which suggests a very significant adverse event that could well cut off power to the tail section- iirc where both the cоckpit and data recorders are located. Seems almost certain the hydraulics were out, and if my memory of Mayday/ Air Crash Investigation is correct that system has a lot of redundancy built in to it. If i had to speculate, blown turbine disc. That's basically a big bunch of shrapnel flying off at high speed)
  14. Don't know how either, a variation on the theme of "they're all dead" always seemed far and away the most likely end game. The 'weakness' of that particular sub genre is that people project a lot more onto it than is there, though that's also its strength since the theorising is what often attracts people and keeps them around. That does lead to disappointment when they find out the mystery box isn't as much of a mystery as they'd like though. Response wise I've always found it an interesting comparison to another controversial ending from a similar era show in a different genre; thirty second fade to black while "Don't Stop Believing" plays on the jukebox. Which was also always the most likely ending if not exactly, uh, executed as might be expected.
  15. Panama should petition to join NATO to protect itself from its expansionist near neighbour. So should Denmark and Canada for that matter. It'd be hilarious, if Trump wasn't soon to be the most powerful man in the world. The Democrats managing to put up candidates that lost to Trump, twice, should be recognised as the monumental achievement it is.
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