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Everything posted by Nepenthe

  1. That's too bad, I've fallen into a pretty nice pattern where I alternate between leveling a new guy and my main, though I really need to find a new guild, the hardcore raiding one is absolutely useless to me.
  2. And I'm afraid that that's what everybody in Bioware thinks. Ultimately, I greatly preferred DA2 over ME3, since the first was a (simple) stand-alone adventure with minimal links to any greater arc, while ME3 managed to essentially destroy a really great trilogy: In spite of really good episodes in the story, it does come have more *facepalm* moments than any Bioware story I've partaken in, and don't get me started on the endings. Even after the tweaking, they all leave a bad taste in your mouth, you're either forced to sacrifice somebody else due to a contrived plot mechanic to survive, or become a fascist overlord controlling the future of everybody (essentially in the other two endings). I'm sure you've dismissed among others the Tali-effigy building loonies, but people in general do become attached to characters in stories - the main character in an (RP)game being a special case, since it's essentially a player avatar. The psychological impact of what the ending is and was seems to have been completely overlooked, and later misunderstood. Look at me, becoming another one of the broken records...
  3. That fight is the only thing I have any recollections about.
  4. 'cept it seems broken, and also appears to have broken the character equivalent. I keep dropping back to non-unified colors and my headslot keeps coming back. In dialogues, NPC headslots flash on and off... it's obvious this patch was rushed out half-finished due to the "before the end of September" commitment they made. With the FP lag apparently coming from the server unifications and all the (admittedly nice) new features not working properly... not too impressed right now. And for bonus, gtn is not working and many people, including me, is having some major fps issues after the patch. It's been like that from the beginning, Every time new patch comes you have to hope it will fix more than it breaks. It's getting veeery tiresome. The GTN has been fixed, but still falls under the category of amazing bugs.
  5. Hm, interesting. I took it as a generally light hearted thing. I didn't see anything s&m related to it... I guess eye of the beholder and all that. Looks like someone's never had a girl go weak in the knees, so to speak. Read it the same way you did, in other words.
  6. 'cept it seems broken, and also appears to have broken the character equivalent. I keep dropping back to non-unified colors and my headslot keeps coming back. In dialogues, NPC headslots flash on and off... it's obvious this patch was rushed out half-finished due to the "before the end of September" commitment they made. With the FP lag apparently coming from the server unifications and all the (admittedly nice) new features not working properly... not too impressed right now.
  7. Hence, it's repetitive. There's so many people frothing in the mouth about the unethical cashgrabness of da2 (which is, imo, total bs - it's like you've never encountered either a cash-grab or something actually unethical before) that it's like you're coming off a single assembly line somewhere.
  8. Why I like to get my phone, browser and search engine from different companies.
  9. It gets even more repetitive there. To the point where I no longer visit the place.
  10. With that consideration, maybe remove his email in case there's a spambot that didn't pick it up already...
  11. 31 I can't really name a favourite game, but when asked about it, the first thing that comes to mind is Baldur's Gate 2, followed quickly by Deus Ex. So for the purposes of this questionnaire, I'm sure that'll also do as the answer: Baldur's Gate 2, followed quickly by Deus Ex. To not go fully into the grognard territory, where I don't belong, I'm also going to pick out ME2 and DXHR as standouts from the last couple of years, possibly as top5, definitely top10 games.
  12. Wasteland 2 30 $, Make Leisure Suit Larry Come Again ( ) 115 $, Project Eternity 280 $. It really grates me I can't do more for PE right now, but I just had to negotiate a raise to my credit limit as is. Mebbe Obsidian will have one of those "Backers can up their pledge" stores like Wasteland seems to have, then I'll be a shoo-in for the 500 $ level down the road.
  13. DA3, I guess. Watch Dogs, maybe? All the other games on my list (dishonored and hitman) are coming out this year. Seems like there's fewer and fewer games in the "could buy" list every year. Or, well, I used to buy 2-3 games a year for a long time, guess I'm falling back into that pattern after some years of much greater activity.
  14. While I don't fully disagree with you, I think that ME2 has better pacing and rhythm in the story (or the game itself, maybe) than 1 and some pretty good characters (not all), that unfortunately got showed aside in ME3. In that sense, I find that ME1 and 2 are about even in "story", with 2 having much more enjoyable gameplay.
  15. I said that when 1 came out and was ripped into shreds. Just throwin' that out there. p.s. still don't get it.
  16. Shame the instances were story "lite" for the most part, after the hook of Black Talon I felt all the other ones were pretty poor. I suppose this has changed though, since I played at release. Imperial Agent's been pretty good in that way. There are, or at least it looks that way, a lot of areas that really encourage you to stealth through, and the dialogues are really nice. The chapter 1 story is so far pretty cookie cutter, but I have this nagging feeling there's going to be a particular Plot Twist at the end of it. Slow: I see you were talking about the flashpoints, I was just thinking about the leveling instances. Yes, unfortunately nothing has changed on that front. Of course, in pick-up groups most people insist you fast forward all dialogue, so you wouldn't really get to enjoy it in high-level content unless you're playing with actual nice people instead of random internet tough guys.
  17. The minister of culture post is traditionally one of the filler posts in nordic cabinets, either used to appease some minor party head honcho into supporting the government (Finland right now), or handed off to a woman/minority/somebody from some place as far off from the capital to "promote equality". Looks like they were looking at somebody to will the second role and really hit the jackpot with her. Personally consider both cases to be total bull****, as am a fervent believer in meritocracies - and yes, I know that as a white heterosexual male from the capital region, I will personally suffer from all kinds of affirmative action where less competent people will be chosen above me due to their personal characteristics. I'm sure that the irony will escape most.
  18. I was about to write "Lol what" ending but then I remembered Kai Leng. KAI LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENG. Right, I keep forgetting him. Just shows that no matter what happens during the road, it's only the ending that matters.
  19. Well, I chipped in my 280 today, being around the 45,500th person to do so. I wish I could've given more, but unfortunately I have to organise and fund a white tie ball within the next four weeks, among other expenses.
  20. Couldn't agree more. Well, the "lol what" ending and the "wtf were they thinking" journal.
  21. Yeah, I was hoping 515, but I'm having a really tough couple of months due to the whole doctor stuff and all the expenses related to that, so even 265 might be pushing it right now.
  22. Yep. I found a guy on Hoth with whom we wound up running all from there to Voss together. Didn't really need anyone else along, as we were suitably overleveled for even the H4s. Practically all of my good experiences and "stories" from the game are from that period. I'm now catching up to a friend's secondary on the empire side, so hoping we get to pull stuff together soon...
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