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Everything posted by Oner

  1. He was writing background lore, not the actual game.
  2. There, fixed it for you.
  3. In other news, Video Game High School is Awesome.
  4. Okay, thanks guys!
  5. Tsk tsk, now I need a tie breaker vote. :D
  6. Berliiiiiin.
  7. After Sovereign's "You're too stupid to understand our motives" speech, I did. And if you search long enough on this forum, you may even find the post I stated this too.
  8. Help me out here guys, which game should I get first? Soul Reaver, Thief 2, Quests for Glory, Darklands or Populous 3?
  9. He looks rather badass on that poster at least.
  10. If you want footage for a brand new game, check out sites like ustream.tv and justin.tv instead of YT.
  11. Not sure if serious. The cover is really more of a play on words because he is the first American President to come out in support of gay marriage. ...That's not much of a play, just blatant misinformation. Only for someone that is completely misinformed to begin with. The cover isn't coming out of nowhere, it is clearly a response to his recent stance on gay marriage. God forbid I may be looking to glean information from a news magazine!
  12. Not sure if serious. The cover is really more of a play on words because he is the first American President to come out in support of gay marriage. ...That's not much of a play, just blatant misinformation.
  13. Doesn't he have a wife? Wouldn't that make him a bisexual?
  14. Cool.
  15. I only tried the Steam demo, but yes. "Do not attempt to play Binary Domain without a controller. If you don
  16. So do I. Also, my previous post above was my first guest, the second-guessing has yet to happen.
  17. http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/image/750
  18. Ask Deus Ex. Or even better, Oucast.
  19. Went to the teather today, saw Finito. Great stuff, great acting. Too bad the ending was meh.
  20. MWO Mech Class and MechLab dev breakdowns can be viewed on their new channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/mechwarrioronline
  21. Don't think the audible bone cracking every time Bats finished a mook off made me feel any more comfortable. It's pretty much a Hong Kong action movie with lots of Yakuza, so that much is a given.
  22. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gameplay-highlight-sleeping-dogs/730027 Sleeping Dogs combat trailer
  23. Hong Kong did have a pretty awesome sourcebook. The tribal stuff mentioned in the short description isn't too much to my liking.
  24. Aw crap, not Hong Kong. ._.
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