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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Revolvers are extremely practical and dead reliable. AP's firearms are a little on the "fantastical" side of realism, but video games in general tend to be pretty forgiving about how ammunition is loaded into weapons. You pick up endless magazines of ammunition and it magically gets sorted into full mags by the time you need to reload. Yippie! Yeah, right. But a real Agent would look silly when engaged into close combat, say within a house. I mean you get one shot with your revolver while your opponent can pour 7-8 shots with his Glock 19 into your direction in the same amount of time. Ever heard of a double action revolver? Ever heard of a pump action revolver? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolver#Double_action
  2. Back in the day, they said Thief 1 is impossible to beat with frontal assaults. I killed 3 guards simultaneously. When I was 12. So yeah..
  3. ATMOSPHERE, with capital letters man. And my only grudge with it is because of my impatience, which can be fixed with a good old blackjack and/or bow. (And no, I don't consider blackjacking to be proper sneaking.)
  4. After ~1 year I could force myself to reinstall Thief: Deadly Shadows, and managed to get through the tutorial. Maybe in 5 years I'll actually finish it. Gaaaawwwd, there's no emote that can convey how much I hate sneaking. Still, a great game is a great game. NOT looking forward to the Cradle. Last time I spent 10 minutes in a room spinning around checking for zombies before picking a lock. And it still managed to hit me from behind, the patient bastard.
  5. Overlord 2
  6. Yep. Except WoD incorporates mages, werewolves, changelings, fairies, wraiths, hunters, demons (yes, as a playable race), mummies, asian vampires, and last but not least, fan made mad scientists.
  7. Duh, it's a desert.
  8. Heh, a certain scene from Clerks comes to mind.
  9. No. Discipline is about enforcing a code of conduct and ensuring the fighting ability of the force. If a rule cannot be reasonably ascribed to either it's arbitrary and, consequently, an abuse of power. Keeping your soldiers from destroying their health is arbitrary and an abuse of power?
  10. Yes, in the beginning of G3 you arrive with the guys you picked up in previous Gothics, like Gorn & Diego. And 5 minutes later they all disappear. Thanks a ****ing bunch guys.
  11. Passive smoking is the way to go! (literally, if you want) Or not.
  12. By that rationale, the military shouldn't even bother with training the soldiers, as they're going to be sent to their deaths anyway. No, because training has a significant impact on mortality rate, where as smoking won't. You have to take things into context. I think most of us wouldn't bear the pressure of having to stand guard all day long in some foreign country where any random by passer may be walking bomb without cigarettes.
  13. Right, everyone smokes 'cause it's cool, not because it feels good and relieves stress.
  14. Explain. It's a first person bungie-jumping-without-rope-and-living-target-practice-simulator. I mean, an fps based on parkour, where you have to run from cops while trying to find out who framed your sister for murder.
  15. Wait for the new Mechwarrior. No, really.
  16. /facepalm
  17. You can choose 3 specializations which can be increased up to level 15 instead of 10.
  18. I thought it would be fun to play a super-vampire who was good at everything. So I used a glitch and did.
  19. [quote name='H
  20. *Maniacal and condescending laughter for 10 minutes*
  21. It could be a nickname for...uh... Siegmund...Siegfried... ... Yeah, can't remember any female names right now.
  22. Reminds me of a: the Dante avatar I used before this b: El Mariachi c: a really bad Drizzt parody but yeah, I like it too.
  23. You get to wait in line for hours, and witness a (harry potter spoiler) incident firsthand.
  24. Because they're genre savvy and want to lower the redshirt mortality rate?
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