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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I will play it as a side scrolling shoot'em up. This. Dual SMG and side strafe only? that seems dificult to complete a third person shooter as a side scroller game. Pah, faltering at the slightest sign of a challenge, and you call yourself a spy? Get outta my sight "M1lfluv3r"!
  2. I will play it as a side scrolling shoot'em up. This. Dual SMG and side strafe only?
  3. But all of ours are official... officially better than the original ones that is. So should I expect an armor DLC based on these avatars? Mike Tronton, save the world from da conspiracy!
  4. You do realize that only the avatars Mr. Rorie and Mrs. Newland posted are "official"? Side note: Rorie is grammatically correct, but Newland isn't? Interesting.
  5. Sloppy engineer work. MY spaceships would be made of WIN and be fueled by AWESOME. And shoot shurikens and lightning.
  6. It's nice that Scientology only wants your money without asking for your faith, it makes things easier.
  7. You could only enable it for the "super experienced master game completer mode". If there is one thing that has seen no progress at all in games development, it's the AI. Left4Dead had a progress in AI. And before that, UT games. But then EPIC forgot how it's done.
  8. Yeah, those damn marketing people, master torturers of the information age! Can you blame me for wanting to play this game? Not at all. That's why PR people are torturers, hyping their games months before release, just so after the agonizing wait ends, we finish it in 2-3 days.
  9. I wasn't recommending it because of the jokes.
  10. Made my day.
  11. The Achievement is called 'Chris Avellone loves you..but not that way'.
  12. What's the difference between pre- and post-?
  13. That's 4chan you're talking about. If they have fun while doing it, they won't care if AT&T is responsible or not. Or even who it is they're messing with.
  14. So being an "plausibly denied" agent of US imperialism is better than being a unaccountable murderer and enemy of the people? Oh... wait... they're the same thing. Did I say one is better than the other? No, I didn't. Did I say someone knows what Mike's doing? Yes, I did.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plausible_deniability Just because the president isn't told you exist doesn't mean you're unaccounted.
  16. For info, I'd recommend encyclopedia dramatica, it's a condensed-4chan wiki.
  17. If the internet had a hell, 4chan would be satan's throne room, decorated by a drug addict feng shui master. Or to put it another way. They have funny demotivational posters though.
  18. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...st&p=956543
  19. Games I'm looking forward to: Alpha Protocol Br
  20. No language should have words with different genders. It's a damn tragedy of linguistic proportions. Amen
  21. Yes my master. Truthfully, I've been watching Super RTL and RTL2 since I was 9, but I don't count that as studying. And let's not talk about classes. Though I'm still horrible at using articles. :c
  22. What do you mean 'almost'? I have devoted a hard 10 hours of my life studying the bloody language.
  23. Danke. I fange an diesen Spiel zu m
  24. By the way, when will you guys show us the Bond-like gadgets? I was surprised when I noticed that no one talked about them yet. Or there won't be any?
  25. It's called "population control" Isn't population control that thing that comes out of a flamethrower?
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