You could give us a short overview of the awesomest parts...
-The world will be open but controlled (ie you are encouraged to investigate points of interests as you travel, but you'll always know where you need to go and what to do, also choices to make)
-"We want the world to be extremely varied and unique, the story was pushed to it's boundaries to accommodate this"
-Map can be explored regardless of where you are in the story
-Reputation (earned with races, killing infamous people and how you treat NPCs) changes NPC reaction, items you can acquire and job offers
-PC will be like Kane in Quake 4: some backstory, 0 personality
-"The bast way to describe it [the story/game] would be: experiencing an interactive action movie where you decide what happens every minute"
-Lot of work spent on dialogue, voice acting and animations to make NPCs memorable
-There will be economy ("you decide to buy weapons or guard robots" -not really an explanation imo)
-May contain exploding rc cars \o/
-You can get blueprints (car, guard robots, rc car bombs, etc) and then...what you saw in FO 3, except toolkit(may or may not be upgradeable) instead of workbench
-Story will be awesomeness made manifest etc
-Leet engineering skillz, sneakyness and crossbows
-Graphically varied locations
That's roughly it.