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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Maybe "Bond" Babes in the top left corner, professional looking sniper Thorton in the right, and something Bauer-ish bottom middle?
  2. Oner


    Look at the bright side: maybe the collector's edition of the game will ship with a "we're sorry for that marketing thing" apology cake.
  3. Then I must be hallucinating, since I'm pretty sure you responded to, and even quoted, a post that talked about an e-mail typ.. ah, forget it.
  4. Oner


    :D Told ya all, marketing people=master torturers. Don't want to open a new topic for it, so I post it here: Interview with FO devs about Dogmeat
  5. I was wondering where the hell my nemesis went.
  6. Yes, and I also HAVE heard about something called 'reading'. Scorch and Nepenthe were talking about typos (their instead of there, Eschelon instead of Echelon), not SC jokes. I don't how you figured they think the joke is supposed to be a mistake.
  7. Nah. That's a deliberate dissing. (THIRD Echelon is what Sam 'Splinter Cell' Fisher used to be part of) What? It's a typo, and Echelon wasn't invented by SC.
  8. Thanks for the explanation. But can you have sex with a hot half-plant chick in Divinity 2? While using the blood of your fallen enemies as lubricant and censor signs.
  9. Yeah, those damn marketing people, master torturers of the information age!
  10. What does that do again?
  11. You may have benn less forgetful than me this time, but our battle shall continue!
  12. I actually find that sort of customization more of a chore than actual fun, as it ends up with me wasting time finding a combination of features that isn't hideous for something that has zero effect on gameplay. Choosing between premade heads a la KotOR is good enough for me, but even if that's not present, I won't miss it. *Nods in agreement*
  13. I'd call KotOR non-linear instead of open I guess. Granted, I could just as well call Fallout non-linear, but I don't feel that it would do it justice.
  14. I'm glad we agree.
  15. And you aren't restricted to a predetermined set of maps in Fallout? How so? Because you can quit in the middle of the Military Base, go to Hub to buy some ammo, then take a detour to V13 to chat with your girlfriend?
  16. They were. Open world is (afaik) when you're not restricted to a predetermined set of maps, a la Doom and Co.
  17. Must not imagine, must not imagine, must not imagine.
  18. They didn't always use hubs? I haven't played any Bioware or Obsidian (when they were Black Isle or whatever) games prior to Kotor so I don't know of any other way one of their games could be. The earliest hub game I remember playing is Secret of Monkey Island 2 so maybe they picked it up from LucasArts through Kotor. I can't imagine that they hadn't used it before though. Well Fallouts were open world, but otherwise, I don't think they did, no*. Like in Torment, 1/3rd of the game took place in Sigil, which had several maps but it wasn't a hub. The maps weren't areas with different subplots that furthered the main plot a little bit. In NwN you had Neverwinter with 3-4 areas each with a spell component and a reason for local disorder. *Thinking about it, every Bio that comes to my mind was hub based, except the open world BGs. To be on topic: will there be small sub areas, like the Museum or the Mansions in VtM: Bloodlines? For instance, Mike gets some info in Moscow, and decides to do a quick break in into the Pentagon?
  19. Out of curiosity: How did this hub centric gameplay get so popular with Obs (and Bioware) instead of the more linear ones?
  20. Thing is, since my MK II got busted, I piloted a Fafnir which came as salvage from the last mission, put the dual Heavy Gausses and 3 ER Large Lasers on it. If the enemy Longbows wouldn't have rocket spammed me all the time, I would've felt sorry for them. For tactics, I found telling 7 lancemates with ~40 damage/Alpha Strike each to shoot the same guy was very effective. Thanks for the advice though. Campaign finished with Davions, last mission was kinda anticlimactic (and effin' hard when I was unlucky).
  21. Human Noble Trailer Spoilarz obviously. There's a Dwarven Commoner Trailer in the related links too. In regards to the videos, I like what I see.
  22. You want to defeat your enemies with your face?
  23. On the Edit Sig page is a painting icon, 2nd row, 4th from the right - or write alternatively- click on it, and it'll ask for a link to the picture you want to add.
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