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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Oner

    Axis in WWII

    At least Germany learned it's lesson and changed for the better, for a time anyway. Certain people could really start cutting them some slack. :/
  2. Oner

    Axis in WWII

    I think everyone agrees on that.
  3. Trabants are .Hungarian culture lacks hungarian cars, as far as I know.
  4. I think I heard that, not sure though. Somehow glad it changed. You mean those 30-40 year old ambulance cars that looked like (badly) handmade TMNT cosplay cars?
  5. The similarities are in the grammar as far as I know. Both languages are agglutinative for example. If there are words we borrowed/shared, then I can't recall them. Besides, what about your l337 google translator skillz?
  6. That's almost correct. Okay, try this: Mi a rossebet hadov
  7. I'm arguing that money does have a say in the score a game gets. And in the post before that opinions aren't as simple as like-not like, but I trust that was clear for everyone.
  8. Oner


  9. Hey! Atleast I got something to comb! I guess you are so rich that even your hair is leather Actually, my barber loves my rich hair. Though I don't know where you got the idea that I'm critisizing (how the hell do you write this stupid word?) your fur.
  10. Did I say the reviewer (Gerstmann) was getting paid? Nope. BUT, Eidos was paying GameStop/CNET money to advertise K&L, and giving the game a bad review score won't up it's sales. I don't know if Eidos itself had a hand in it, or it was GameStop's idea entirely, but fact is, Gerstmann was fired after he uploaded the review, after which the video also got removed.
  11. Anachronox is possibly one of the best games I have never played. Too bad I really don't like the jrpg style fighting. It's your loss my hairy friend.
  12. Oner


    Other MMOs aren't spinoff/sequels for other titles. And by sequel I mean degrading the heroes into once-per-week treasure chests who sit on their ass all day long waiting to get killed by retards, idiots, or some people who aren't retards or idiots yet.
  13. Saudi Arabia already has that covered, but I don't know why any one country should be the Icon of Terrorism. Other locations will be Tai Pei, Moscow, Rome and an end game location (or several). And for some reason my Gamer Senses tell me the end game will be someplace more personal than 'IRL terrorist country #11'.
  14. As far as we know, no. Personally I doubt it will.
  15. A replay may be in order.
  16. Oner


  17. So wrong in fact, that Gamestop never fired any of their reviewers for dissing Kane&Lynch. And some publisher never threatened to sue some gaming sites for unfavorable reviews for it's new top game with the excuse that they revealed those reviews days before the allowed date. Even though they made them public 2-3 days after it. (This may have been The Witcher, but I can't recall.) Acknowledging flaws but saying they don't have a negative effect on gameplay/experience is opinion. Deliberately overlooking them (bribery or not) isn't. That aside, hype, how picky you are and the games you know can affect the review you write. Regarding hype read this. Picky-ness: Of course you won't give more than 6/10 if the AI doesn't use cover. Unfortunately, other reviewers may not be so strict. Games you know: If best game you ever played was Doom 1, it's only natural that Gears of War's cover seeking AI will seem brilliant. Yes, that last one was a pretty extreme example, but you get the idea. Gosh, look at what you've done. I wanted to keep away from this discussion.
  18. Iron Man knock offs slow mo'ing through buses and explosions, and the lack of Yo Joe shouts didn't make it obvious enough for you?
  19. I believe it is the second. And now I go sip some english tea and look reeaaally intellectual.
  20. Not the worst list I've ever seen.
  21. Yeah those damn DC comic people just took stuff straight from Lovecraft, bastards. And Arkham was a town, damn it! Was there ever a Batman vs Chtulu crossover comic?
  22. Oner


    A part of me want's to be cross at them for not making a Starcraft MMO. My magic mirror sees Jimmy raided by a group of lvl 60 14 year old kids every week while telling fart jokes on vent (the kids, not Jim, duh), and my soul screams for a mercy kill.
  23. I'm watching Beast Wars and Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles right now. <3
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